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  1. i just installed Imgburn yesterday after accidentally deleting DVD Decrypter as my burning software,so i have a couple of issues. 1) do i need to verify after every burn? i'm so used to burning then it's done. if verifying is optional and if it's ok to uncheck it,let me know. 2) both times since i got Imgburn i tried creating a .iso using imgburn but i must not be doing it right. I am now using DVD Fab Decrypter (now included with the HD Fab Decrypter) to copy the original files to the hard drive so i point it from Fulldisc>mymovie>Video_TS and i create the name of the .iso and oress the calculator,but i get an error saying it'll stop working with dual disc or something like that and it won't divide or something. i guess i'm confused on how to do it,and i followed the step by step photo examples and i'm still lost. Anyone have any ideas on what i'm doing wrong? Thanks for your time.
  2. hi, im new to the imageburining and uploading it to a pc thing.. so herezz the deal.. i have an extern hard disk of about 500 GB with no partitions and i want to create an image of a desktop and a laptop; both are IBM there are no CDzz of anykind with the computers as the software iz already installed on a saperate and hidden parition on the HD.. how do i take an image and how do i upload it on a brandnew PC that i havent switched on?
  3. ISOREAD mode will create an ISO image of your disc, thus, /DEST should point to where you want the save the ISO image plus its name. Try: "C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe" /MODE ISOREAD /SRC D: /DEST "C:\TEST.ISO" /START /CLOSE
  4. Hi Guys, This is my first post, but i am kinda clued up to the whole world of dvd's and software and such. I am trying to write a batch file in notepad, that will allow me to rip data from muliple dvds. I have a pc with 4 dvd drives, and i want to try and create a batch file that i can run that will rip each dvd one after the other. This is what i have so far "c:\program files\imgburn\imgburn.exe" /MODE ISOREAD /SRC d: /DEST "C:\RIPPED\DVD1\" /START "c:\program files\imgburn\imgburn.exe" /MODE ISOREAD /SRC d: /DEST "C:\RIPPED\DVD2\" /START The problem i have is that if i add the \close or \closesuccess to this line, it wont close the application as that line only relates to ISOWRITE. Basically what i want is, that once the iso has been read and after it finishes it brings a popup that says " Operation Completed Successfully " then it asks to click " OK " i want it to click ok, and then close the app, so that the next line in my batch file can start and rip the 2nd dvd and so on. Bit i cant see a way of doing this with the command lines i cant find!! Is there anyway to confirm the successful read ( basically click OK ) and then close imgburm automatically so that the next line in the batch file can start? Sorry for the long post. Any help would be really great. Thanks Guys, Bandsareme
  5. Hi Guys, This is my first post, but i am kinda clued up to the whole world of dvd's and software and such. I am trying to write a batch file in notepad, that will allow me to rip data from muliple dvds. I have a pc with 4 dvd drives, and i want to try and create a batch file that i can run that will rip each dvd one after the other. This is what i have so far "c:\program files\imgburn\imgburn.exe" /MODE ISOREAD /SRC d: /DEST "C:\RIPPED\DVD1\" /START "c:\program files\imgburn\imgburn.exe" /MODE ISOREAD /SRC d: /DEST "C:\RIPPED\DVD2\" /START The problem i have is that if i add the \close or \closesuccess to this line, it wont close the application as that line only relates to ISOWRITE. Basically what i want is, that once the iso has been read and after it finishes it brings a popup that says " Operation Completed Successfully " then it asks to click " OK " i want it to click ok, and then close the app, so that the next line in my batch file can start and rip the 2nd dvd and so on. But i cant see a way of doing this with the command lines i can find!! Is there anyway to confirm the successful read ( basically click OK ) and then close imgburm automatically so that the next line in the batch file can start? Sorry for the long post. Any help would be really great. Thanks Guys, Bandsareme
  6. I am using Pro-Show Gold to create DVD's, I was able to burn several copies yesterday. But when I checked DVD, the show titles were mixed up ???? So, I tried creating new shows and using Pro-Show to convert to a ISO file. Now I recieve a error message stating "Device not ready (Medium not ready)"! I have a Dell ES20 with Two Phillips DVD +- DVD 8881's and I am using Sony DVD +R 's , I have downloaded imgburn a second time just as a precaution. Should I be using -R's DVD's? If not what is my next step? I should mention that I am newbie ...............Thanks, Tom
  7. I've just starting using ImgBurn and was wondering how do you use it to create bootup CD's. I have a Windows XP service pack 2 cd and I wanted to make a backup one and I'm hoping that I could get some help on all that I need and what I need to do to do it using ImgBurn. Thanks for your time.
  8. Over the past few weeks I have been forced to leave behind my ICopyDVDs2 and DVDXcopy, which have worked great for 2-3 years. Now neither will burn a copy of DVD movies. I realize encrypting has changed, apparently outdating the above software. In reading the various comments on focus groups, I become quite confused on how to now copy DVD movies. The various terms of build, write, encode, ISO etc have me in circles. I am after a simple guide to follow in order to take a commercial purchased DVD movie, and create a backup copy. Is there such a basic guide? Can anyone list the general steps to follow? I have IMG, Nero, DVDFab Decrypt, 1Click DVD, dvdshrink, and probably some others. I generally have followed this procedure (with little in results): 1. DVDFab decrypt, which creates a group of files on my hd. 2. DVDShrink, since that hd file is always larger that the 4.7 blank dvd disc. The burn using NERO is not working. Then if I don't choose to burn with NERO, I really dont even know where the file goes. Then I have been unable to go much further with positive results. Help!
  9. scan for viruses scan for malware/spyware etc scan your hard drives for errors, re create page file
  10. Considering how on this page of one of the Imgburn guides http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1778 it shows how to create an ISO file from a directory called "Star_Wars_IV," you guys are pretty funny.
  11. It's functioning in the only way it can. As a per user tool, it doesn't know about other users on the pc or care what settings they're using. If you install via 'Run As' whilst logged on as your normal user, does it still not put the registry stuff in the key for the currently logged on user? In any case, even as a security aware user, you were given perfectly decent explainations at the start of this thread as to why it does what it does. There was no reason at all to then say it 'smells like spyware'. Saying stuff like that just makes you come across as a bit of a twat - and I've no time for twats. EDIT: Oh and it's not ignoring what the admin user said, it doesn't know what they said! A user is just a user. Be it an admin one or anyone else. It works both ways. I could default to 'Never' for update checking and the 'Admin' user could say 'Yes, I want to check for updates' - which then makes it check weekly. Other users on the system would still use the program default of 'Never' and then I'd have them moaning. The only way I could change it is to rename the 'Create shortcuts for all users' to 'Install for all users' and then create an ImgBurn key under HKLM\Software which then contains an overriding setting for the update checking which 'new' people will use rather than the default program value.
  12. Well stinman, ImgBurn can (in build mode) create an ISO or burn directly from a VIDEO_TS folder. You asked the question about AnyDVD - LUK! answered it in posts 2 and 6 Regards
  13. The exact same thing happened to my family, but we were a little smarter I suppose. We had poof the cell phone was stolen because we called the police as soon as it happened. Soon after, TMobile tried to slam us with a $5,600 phone bill because some dude made phone calls to Iran using our cell phone. Since it was stolen, my father (he's scary) threatened to sue TMobile and collect money because of causing anger, frustration, and temporary insanity (I'm not kidding lol), and they knuckled under, and said "Ok, Ok, we won't charge you." That --- was awesome. This happened about half a year ago and now we use Sprint. Hopefully the same issues will not occur if this unfortunate event happened again. We keep very close tabs on our things in my family, and now even closer with our cell phones. We created a special password to even use our cell phone, so no one can get it. My dad home brewed the program to create the password. Don't you just love computer science?
  14. Well without AnyDVD(which I have found to be the best one of it's kind)you could not back up or create an iso image file on your harddrive.Not todays movies anyway,unless you know something I don't know,without getting into the pirateing disscussion.Right?
  15. Well, just as topic title says, the "Optimise Duplicate Files" option got broken somewhere between version and (I do not have version, so I can not say exactly when it got broken). The bug itself manifests the following way: When the optimise duplicate files option is on, the contents of duplicate files are replaced with the contents of the ISO file being created. File sizes are not changed at all, just their content. for example, create two folders, lets say 01 and 02, with identical files in those folders (I have used files which vary in size form ~ 18 K to approx. 1.8 MB) Files which reside in folder 01 will be allocated normally, and their content will be exactly as it is on the hard drive. Content of the files which reside in folder 02 will be replaced by content of the ISO file that is being created, as if the ISO file is being created first, and then duplicate files get overwritten by copying content from the iso file up to duplicate file's size. I must note that images created by the two different versions of the program differ in size. I hope that this bug report was helpful.
  16. I am new to this so it should be a simple problem. I want to burn my 1.3 GB shortfilm in double layer since I have heard it has better image quality than single layer (?), but when I press the write button no create layer break position box appears. Instead I get this: This image doesn?t need to go on a double layer disc, it will fit on a DVD+-R/RW just fine. Would you like to continue anyway? When I choose Tools -> ISO -> IFO layer break position, an open file box appears.. ? Do I have to create an ISO first on the hard drive? I only have a Audio, Video TS folder with the burning information.
  17. Hey, thanks! I never expected a Vista answer at all! I admit, I don't search Microsoft often for answers to my Microsoft questions. Past results have NOT been encouraging. If anyone still knows what Registry key might control Hibernate, the question is still open on that. I could in theory create a .REG file to make it easier to turn off with just a double click.
  18. What made the MDS file and yet gave you an image created by Nero? There's nothing to say the LB in that image is correct. Go back to the raw files (IFO, BUP, VOB etc) and have ImgBurn create it's own layer break position and then ISO file by using Build mode. Of course you'll need to be using Verbatims for it to be a fair test.
  19. Kinda newbie question, but what is: padding ? , % ? , LU? , V/C ID, and SPLIP ? It appears in the titles of the "Create Layer Break Position" Just wanted to know what each one was, and what is the best option. Sometimes all the options appear with a silver star/avg rating for layer break. So just wanted to know how to tell what will be better. -Thanx
  20. I am burning a movie and used DVD Shrink to get onto the hard drive. How do I get it into ImgBurn to burn it?? I get an error when I try and burn it. The error says: ISO Write mode is for burning disc images, not VIDEO_TS files. Switch to ISO Build mode, add your VIDEO_TS folder to the list and then create an image. If you don't know what you're doing, read some guides. If you don't, you'll end up creating coasters! Thank you for your help.
  21. Hey Lighting...how about adding the ability for users to create there own plugins for imgburn would certain cut down on the feature requests. look at firefox...by its self its pretty boring...but add some nice plugins/extensions and u open up a whole world of whoop-ass also if I could find the specifications on the MDF file format used by alcohol 120 do you think u could impliment burning the images...properly (raw dao 96) so annoying having to install alcohol 120 for those kinds of cd images
  22. That sucks. It would be a great feature of imgburn. Anyone know of another way of doing this? SizeMe and Burn to the Brim don't actually burn the discs, but they merely calculate number of discs needed and/or create ISOs. I want something that will not only calculate how many discs you need (keeping directories and subdirectories intact), but will actually (and most importantly automatically) burn files/folders to disc and eject disc after burning, and propt for next blank to be inserted
  23. And "again". the answer will be no , until LUK decides to go down this road again, LUK has seen all the arguments in favour of audio cd burning, but until he decides to implement it we will have to wait Bit baffled as to why you find "burrrn" crap , or you dont like it ?. its so simple and easy to use, and does a good job of creating an audio cd, even WMP is usable by most people for simple audio burning yes its wanted by a few people, BUT, does LUK "want" to create it ?? does it fit in with his idea of what he wants ImgBurn to be ? It would appear not at this moment in time No one will flame you , as long as you read and respect the replies you get to the question
  24. Hi Everyone, Just joined the forum, so first post for me. I'm a relative newcomer to all this and have worked my way through a lot, but am stuck with a layer change problem I think I have. I've successfully copied to single layer, but not dual layer. I'm using Traxdata DVD +R DL discs and the first part of the DVD plays fine, but a couple of DVD players I have go loopy at what I believe is the layer change, although I can't be certain. I've used RipIt4Me/DVD Decrypter to create an ISO of the disc I wish to copy and then used Imgburn to burn the ISO. To my mind, this should be an exact replica of the original so the layer change should be identical also. The disc I copied was bought for me as gift from a friend's visit to China/Beijing and is a DVD-9 and plays perfectly. I'm doing something wrong, but don't understand what. I've looked at the guides on this forum and people seem to do things a lot differently in that they don't appear to be creating ISOs. Hope you can help and many thanks in anticipation Best Regards Dumfy
  25. Hello. I am trying to make a back of of a DVD that I own. I have copied the log. I have used both PCG Edit and Dvdfad to create and ISO, but after i create the ISO at the end of the Burn I Get.. Potential 'WaitImmediateIO' Deferred Error - (0/2) - Tracking Servo Failure The drive i am usind is a few weeks old not burned more than 5 single layer disk. I have made 5 DL coasters already. Even after one copy verified sucsessfully it would not play in the ps3 or other stand alone. I have MEmorex DL+R HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-H42L SL00 (ATA) Current Profile: DVD+R DL Disc Information: Status: Complete Erasable: No Sessions: 1 Sectors: 4,142,464 Size: 8,483,766,272 bytes Time: 920:34:64 (MM:SS:FF) Supported Write Speeds: 2.4x, 4x DVD?R DL Boundary Information: L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,071,232 Changeable: No TOC Information: Session 1... -> Track 01 (Mode 1, LBA: 0 - 4142463) -> LeadOut (LBA: 4142464) Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Disc ID: RITEK-D01-01 Book Type: DVD+R DL Part Version: 1 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified Number of Layers: 2 Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP) Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 16,580,607 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 2,267,839 Layer Information: Layer 0 Sectors: 2,071,232 (50%) Layer 1 Sectors: 2,071,232 (50%) I 20:43:37 ImgBurn Version started! I 20:43:37 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 20:43:37 Total Physical Memory: 1,048,048 KB - Available: 640,976 KB I 20:43:37 Initialising SPTI... I 20:43:37 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 20:43:37 Found 1 DVD-ROM/CD-RW and 1 DVD?RW/RAM! W 20:43:37 Failed to focus Panel_ISOWRITE_DestinationDevices I 20:43:38 Operation Started! I 20:43:38 Source File: C:\APOLLO_13.ISO I 20:43:38 Source File Sectors: 4,142,450 (MODE1/2048) I 20:43:38 Source File Size: 8,483,737,600 bytes I 20:43:38 Source File Volume Identifier: APOLLO_13 I 20:43:38 Source File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660/HFS FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR © 1993 E.YOUNGDALE © 1997 J.PEARSON/J.SCHILLING I 20:43:38 Source File Implementation Identifier: mkisofs I 20:43:38 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02) I 20:43:38 Destination Device: [1:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-H42L SL00 (D:) (ATA) I 20:43:38 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-D01-01) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x) I 20:43:38 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824 I 20:43:38 Write Mode: DVD I 20:43:38 Write Type: DAO I 20:43:38 Write Speed: 2.4x I 20:43:38 Link Size: Auto I 20:43:38 Test Mode: No I 20:43:38 BURN-Proof: Enabled I 20:43:38 User Specified L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,071,232 I 20:44:12 Filling Buffer... (40 MB) I 20:44:18 Writing LeadIn... I 20:44:19 Writing Image... (LBA: 0 - 4142449) I 20:44:19 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 2071231) I 21:05:30 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 2071232 - 4142449) I 21:26:45 Synchronising Cache... I 21:26:46 Closing Track... I 21:26:48 Finalising Disc... W 21:27:02 Potential 'WaitImmediateIO' Deferred Error - (0/2) - Tracking Servo Failure I 22:01:22 Image MD5: 4d6f014d70563bb8bc3100e01d688c61 I 22:01:22 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 01:17:44 I 22:01:22 Average Write Rate: 3,255 KB/s (2.4x) - Maximum Write Rate: 3,360 KB/s (2.4x) I 22:01:22 Cycling Tray before Verify... W 22:01:31 Waiting for device to become ready... I 22:01:55 Device Ready! I 22:01:56 Operation Started! I 22:01:56 Source Device: [1:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-H42L SL00 (D:) (ATA) I 22:01:56 Source Media Type: DVD+R DL (Book Type: DVD+R DL) (Disc ID: RITEK-D01-01) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x) I 22:01:56 Image File: C:\APOLLO_13.ISO I 22:01:56 Image File Sectors: 4,142,450 (MODE1/2048) I 22:01:56 Image File Size: 8,483,737,600 bytes I 22:01:56 Image File Volume Identifier: APOLLO_13 I 22:01:56 Image File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660/HFS FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR © 1993 E.YOUNGDALE © 1997 J.PEARSON/J.SCHILLING I 22:01:56 Image File Implementation Identifier: mkisofs I 22:01:56 Image File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02) I 22:01:56 Verifying Sectors... (LBA: 0 - 4142449) I 22:01:56 Verifying Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 2071231) I 22:11:10 Verifying Layer 1... (LBA: 2071232 - 4142449) E 22:11:51 Failed to Read Sector 2071232 - Unrecovered Read Error E 22:11:51 Sector 2071232 maps to File: VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_4.VOB E 22:11:51 Failed to Verify Sectors! E 22:11:51 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:09:54 I 22:11:51 Average Verify Rate: 6,973 KB/s (5.0x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 17,696 KB/s (12.8x) Please help
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