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  1. Technically, it's Mozilla's bug, but, there seems to be a slight brute force way around it. First, check out these sites I found on it: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.ph...f7629466ba190c6 http://www.mozilla.org/support/firefox/tips#beh_taf Apparently, USER.JS can be edited to reflect this. Which one could infer means that it may be possible create some kind of import scheme to fix this manually with just a click. Anyway, from what I could gather, at the following changes should be made: In the Address Bar, enter about:config and press Enter. Near the top of the list, you'll find accessibiltiy.typeaheadfind and a bunch of subfields using the same boolean values. To change a value, right click on it when it's highlights and choose Toggle. accessibiltiy.typeaheadfind With this one, whenever the ' bug shows itself, you can manually turn it off by using the about:config and see if this value has been turned to TRUE. Turn it to FALSE and it should go turn off. (I have not actually had the chance to TEST this yet, though.) accessibility.typeaheadfind.autostart This one should default to False, but, it more often than not is set to True. Set it to False. accessibility.typeaheadfind.linksonly Set this to True. If set to False, ' will allow searches in normal text. This is a really brute force kludge work around. It does not turn off the search but changes it into a search function to search through something you won't normally search through. accessibility.typeaheadfind.timeout Lastly, this one can change the time out value before TypeAheadFind turns itself off automatically. Use Modify to change this value. And, if you never use this function like I do, set it to 1, which means after 1 millisecond, the Search function will stop. IN THEORY. Again, untested.
  2. I just want to create a shortcut that tells ImgBurn to open, erase the CDR if present, and exit. Currently, the menu option to erase is located four levels deep in the menus. (Tools > Drive > Erase Disc > Quick). I've tried the various command line options outlined in the Readme, with no luck. The /ERASE function appears to set the option to erase the CDR, not direct the drive to actually perform the erase. It next expects an image to burn. Is it possible to conveniently use ImgBurn to bulk-erase CDRs?
  3. This will add an option to launch IMGBurn from that 'AutoPlay' menu that pops up when u insert blank media in your drive. heres the .reg file Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\EventHandlers\HandleCDBurningOnArrival] "IMGBurnOnArrival"="" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers\IMGBurnOnArrival] "Action"="IMG Burn!" "DefaultIcon"="\"C:\\Program Files\\ImgBurn\\ImgBurn.exe\",0" "Provider"="ImgBurn" "InvokeProgID"="ImgBurnOpen" "InvokeVerb"="open" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ImgBurnOpen] @="ImgBurn" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ImgBurnOpen\shell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ImgBurnOpen\shell\open] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ImgBurnOpen\shell\open\command] @="\"C:\\Program Files\\ImgBurn\\ImgBurn.exe\"%1" This should be self explanatory, but basically, if you wanna do it manually... You have to navigate to the keys in the '[]'s in regedit, and create them if they don't exist, then add the values beneath it. ...ya, if yr not familliar with regedit that prolly doesnt make sense, but just google around, you'll get it. OR just dl and run the reg file. NOTE: If you have not installed IMGBurn in C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\ then you have to change those paths... obviously. also, not totally sure that last %1 there is necessary, so if anyone wants to chime in on that... also, shouldnt this just be an option on install? lemme kno what people think, is this incorrect? IMGBurn_AutoPlay.reg
  4. Yes, and before you ask, no I won't just create a 3rd radiobutton You should notice that the log and queue options looks the same.... it's all about consistency
  5. Ah ... point taken. I hadn't tried unchecking the checked option as opposed to just checking the other one. Although ...... what does it actually mean to have neither one checked ? "Create a new log with a different name" ?
  6. I can't figure this out on my own... I using RipIt4Me (default cfg.), DVD Decrypter(default cfg.) , DVD Shrink ,(default cfg.) FixVTS (default cfg.) I end up with a directory of approx. 81 files totaling approx. 7.3GB's... I'm reading, that ImgBurn is the vechicle to create my "backup" DVD 1:1, no compression (I like quality video) or even a 9 to 5 compressed DVD anyway, I can not figure out how to make it happen? I have made 14 coasters so far and now I am asking... PLEASE can anyone help me out here, I have enough coasters for small country, I would like to watch a DVD now! My equipment is as follows: Sony DVD RW DRU-830A USB Device (external) a Samsung CDRW/DVD 332B (internal)... running on a 2.8 P4 with 1GB ram and XP pro w/SP2 and every other patch MS comes up with...
  7. I can't figure this out on my own... using RipIt4Me, DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink, FixVTS I end up with a directory of approx. 81 files totaling approx. 7.3GB's... I'm reading that ImgBurn is the vechicle to create my "backup" DVD 1:1, no compression (I like quality video) anyway, I can not figure out how to make it happen? I have made 14 coasters so far and now I am asking... PLEASE can anyone help me out here, I have enough coasters for ever, I would like to watch a DVD now! My equipment is as follows: Sony DVD RW DRU-830A USB Device (external) a Samsung CDRW/DVD 332B (internal)... running on a 2.8 P4 with 1GB ram and XP pro w/SP2 and every other patch MS comes up with...
  8. Hello there, First of all, thanks for this greate program. My suggestions are the following. Build Mode: - Ability to rename files/folder. - Ability to move files/folder. General: - Create ISO from Disk. Thx in advance. PS: If this already is an option consider that suggestion as not suggested .
  9. joker

    Bootble CD

    I tried HD2ISO to build an El Torito CD (XPE that start from CD), but discarded that solution because: 1. the procedure to obtain the CD is very complicated, and quite impossible to batch 2. hd2iso doesn't allow a visible partition (if I'm right) where to put other files (ex documentation) Also from what I understood HD2ISO create a "no emulation" bootable CD. 3. Access to the CD is very slow. 4. My target is to have a little installer/rescue system whithout need of OS, not a working CD itself. Regards.
  10. Another update - Learned a valuable lesson today, *never* assume anything, even if it's likely, without doublechecking and making sure you are right. The file in question originally came as part of a larger (4GB) DVD package that I tried to burn God knows how many times and failed. After removing said file the burn went ok, and that final burn was done on my last available blank DVD. All subsequent tests by me was done on CD-R media as I had a shitload of those lying around. Since one of the other people testing this, explicitly told me he was trying it on a DVD-R, I (wrongly) assumed that it did not matter which media was being used. He has now confessed that it was a CD-R he tried it on. Have now tried it on a few different DVD-R's, and have had no problems so far. Will try to see if I can create a test image that resembles the original to reproduce the problem. That being said, I can re-create the problem 100% of the time if writing in Mode 1 on any CD-R. Sincerely apologize for any confusion caused by my wrong assumptions.
  11. Must be some pretty crappy software you're using there DB. The joiners I've used in the past only join, they don't change the files in any way. You could always try using the command line assuming the individual file headers don't screw something up. eg. Assume you have 3 files to join to create a forth. The command would be something like: copy /b file1.mpg file2.mpg file3.mpg finishedfile.mpg
  12. joker

    Bootble CD

    I succeeded at the end! The image has to be of the whole disk, (to include MBR, stupid of me!). I tried with a virtual disk and with a very small disk and is OK. (I'm not and expert with WinImage, I downloaded it only to try this functionality with ImageBurn #39;( : there is a comand 'create Virtual Hard Disk from phisical drive ...' that does, I failed using 'ReadDisk' with a letter driver selected that copy only the partition ) but this would be great, and much appreciated! (in next release?) Thank you.
  13. Hi All, I have downloaded iso files from Sun. Checksums are verified. I used Imgburn to create the cd and placed it into the Sun Ultra workstation and instructed the system to ok boot cdrom I get a reply : Short disk read The file just loaded does not appear to be executable. I don't think I am creating the cd properly. I know it needs to be bootable and I am not sure how to instruct imgburn to make the cd bootable. I know other burn software out there has options to check if you want to create a bootable cd. How is it done in imgburn. I'm tired of wasting media One more thing. Write Mode: BD. What is that? Regards, Ronnie
  14. Ah hhaaaa! Sussed it! My XPe image works properly now from the partition I copied it to. After running 'etprep -all', using ImgBurn to create a boot image of that partition and finally a bootable ISO, I now have XPe on CD and it boots fine No 3rd party tools involved in the build at all
  15. I've been messing around with bootable hdd emulation stuff for hours now and I've added 'Local Disks' to the drop down box where you can select what you want to make the bootable image from. It'll create a file containing a MBR (with 1 partition, marked 'active') and then the given hard disk partition - so really the image looks like a proper physical disc. This image CAN be used with the normal hdd emulation option in ImgBurn, so it saves you messing around with WinImage etc - which I could never get to work anyway! All you have to do is ensure the partition you're reading is small enough to fit on your destination media. i.e. I made a FAT32 partition of 625MB - as told to do in the xp embedded docs I read. So the ImgBurn bit is now working ok but I can't get xp embedded to boot up! Too much pissing around with whatever the hell EWF is! I just get a BSOD with stop error 0x0000007B Once I can get it working on (copied over to) my 2nd pc I'll go through the El Tortio build steps properly. I just don't want shut this PC down and boot into my test XPe image!
  16. joker

    Bootble CD

    Well, I'm booting a customized XP embedded. I'm afraid I can't upload 90MB! I created the partition in a secondary HardDisc with XP Pro (disk manager), formatted FAT, and then made active; the partition contains few files and a big file.sdi that is loaded in memory by ntldr Sorry, but I don't understand the software/way you tested. I'll try to create a tiny partition with DOS (old good 5.0 ) and then create an image from that ... I'll let you know if works next week.
  17. From : http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/wear/6132140.stm Backside firework prank backfires A man suffered internal burns when he tried to launch a rocket from his bottom on Bonfire Night. Paramedics found the 22-year-old, bleeding and with the firework lodged inside him, after receiving reports of the incident in Sunderland. He was taken to hospital with injuries including a scorched colon caused by the Black Cat Thunderbolt Rocket. A spokesman for the Firework Association described the bizarre prank as "beyond belief". 'Hopefully isolated' He said: "We have spent a long time working with the Government to create laws that make fireworks safer and better for the public. "This incident is very concerning but hopefully an isolated one." It is thought that the man could have been copying a scene from the controversial film Jackass: The Movie. A North East Ambulance Service spokesman said: "We received a call stating there was a male who had a firework in his bottom and it was bleeding. "He was attended to and taken to Sunderland Royal Hospital." Northumbria Police said they were aware of the incident, which happened in the Dame Dorothy Street area of Monkwearmouth, but are understood not to be carrying out further inquiries.
  18. # 1 the bad part of all this is because of legal problems we can't offer you any kind of advice on Decrypter its dead and buried and off limits on how to's ,sorry Since you havent bought and dual layer discs only get Verbatim +R dual layer s they are the ONLY ones that work like they should IMG will burn ISO's and will also create them using the build mode
  19. thanks blutach, Ok I got it. So to back up my double layer dvd movies with blank dvd+r dl disk such as verbatim: 1.use dvd decrypter to create files (Vob, Ifo and Bup files) using the mode "File F" 2.use imgburn to create iso under the mode "build" 3.use imgburn to burn the iso file under the mode "write" Is this correct? Thanks, the reasons I asked and didn't try because I don't have the blank dvd+r dl yet, I order them today. kevin
  20. Hi everyone, I'm new to imgburn and im lost. I used dvd decrypter to backup my dvds that are under 4.7gb before. I want to back up my dvds that are double layer and are larger than 4.7gb. I am confuse with the build and write in imgburn. Can i backup my dvds movie with just imgburn? or do i need to use another program to create Vob, Ifo and Bup files?(if this is the case can i use dvd decrypter in file mode to create these files?) then use imgburn to convert these file to image using build then use write to create the back up. what about the layer break? This is necessary to backup double layer disc right? Please help me out, i'm new to double layer backup i've read the guide but still confuse on what to do, please guide me through from the beginning. thanks, kevin
  21. Hello Lightning. I hope that you arent losing your patience with me yet. So how would I use Shrink and NOT create an ISO. I looked at it and can't see how. Your and the other members expert help is greatly appreciated. Sincerely
  22. Yes, I will agree that Opera does have a way to at least report bugs. But, I've seen many that are still present years later after reporting. Calm down there, dragon dear. Put your TARDIS back in your time vortex. If it counts as canon, there was a female Cyber Controller or something to that effect in Big Finish Production's Reel Time. Plus, the two female to Cyberman conversions from 2006 episodes themselves. I would like to see it HINT HINT! just because I'd love to have complete collections of all things Dalek and Cybermen. Speaking of Torchwood and Cybermen, am I the only one who thinks the marching sound Cybermen make sounds suspiciously and strangely like the phrase "Torchwood?" Anyone remember Captain Power And The Soliders Of The Future? Had the writers had their way and the show producers had had theirs and the 2nd season was made, the character of Morganna II was probably going to have the first cybersex scene in TV history. BTW, I can't help but notice the bit of psychoanalyzing of me going on above there. I'd be interested in it, why, specifically? Just BECAUSE the cyber being in female? You're implying a sort of Sorayama fetish? Granted, I'd love to be able to rid my brain of this house of pain we call the body, but, here's always been the problem of men writing stories about female robots. They always sexualize them in some way... which goes entirely counterintuative to the very concept of robots. For instance, let's start with WHY? Why adopt any kind of sexual connotation to start with? In a war between humans and robots, look at it logically. Two humans get together and through a messy, complicated, and possibly fatal process, it takes 18 years for these 2 to create an effective fighting soldier. Imagine how many of its own kind 2 machines could build in just 18 DAYS. So, no, in the end, such attributes used in such stories are just unfulfilled adolescent fantasies being made real.
  23. What a complete waste of time! Just create a directory and put the VIDEO_TS directory (with the files in it) in that directory and go into Build Mode and then use the Browse For A Folder icon and select that directory. There's a tab on the left where you set the disks label, etc. I've done it zillions of times. There's nothing special about a DVD-Video disk other than the file names and location. Of course, the files that are included have certain specifications themselves.
  24. Soooooooo........ you'll probably be capturing in either AVI or MPEG format, depending on your hardware. I won't go into the details on how this is done as it *is* outside the scope of this forum and this software but once you have your video in a format and size you can use, VSO DivXToDVD will convert it to the VOB, IFO and BUP files you need. It's then just a matter of getting ImgBurn to create an image file (ISO) from your source files or burning directly to disk.
  25. I have searched the forums and FAQ's but don't see anything like this one. I've burned 5 coasters and am at my wit's end. While the menu looks and works perfectly, when I play video I'm getting a double image on each half of the screen (imagine the screen split down the middle and the same video playing on both sides at the same time) and it freezes/halts during playback. Audio is fine while it's playing and it plays fine on my PC. I've burned a lot of DVD's on the batch of single layer Memorex 16X DVD-R's using Nero and only came across two bad disks out of about 30, and none of them failed this way so I don't think it's my media. I've just started using a LOT of new software, so I'm not sure where to begin, so I'm beginning at the end because I'm lazy and I couldn't find anything like this on the DVDStyler forum either. Here's what I've got and what I'm using, any advice will be appreciated: Software: .tivo files are edited in VideoReDo Plus ver and saved as .vob manually changed filetype to .mpg Create menus (VERY basic) in DVDStyler ver 1.5b6 and 'burn' as an .iso (Settings for NTSC 720X480) Create ISO command: mkisofs -V '$VOL_ID' -o '$FILE' -dvd-video '$DIR' Open .iso in ImgBurn and write/verify (both pass) Hardware/media info TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SDR5372V TU15 (ATA) Current Profile: DVD-ROM Disc Information: Status: Complete Erasable: No Sessions: 1 Sectors: 2,047,173 Size: 4,192,610,304 bytes Time: 454:57:48 (MM:SS:FF) Supported Write Speeds: 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x Pre-recorded Information: Manufacturer ID: RITEKF1 Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Disc ID: 0@P-!-00 Book Type: DVD-R Part Version: 5 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: 10.08Mbps Number of Layers: 1 Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP) Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2,243,780 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0
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