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  1. Good enough for me Though (yeah i know this would create a duplicate) an option labelled FORMAT would be nice in the next version or modify the string a little for the full erase (since you can't do a quick erase on a new disc) something like Tools > Drive > Erase/Format > Full Though i'll leave that up to you My question is answered.
  2. The CD doesn't load automatically. It only opens and closes the tray without CD. If I click manually "create an image from CD" the tray opens and autoload works. Here is the log for all these operations: I 15:38:52 ImgBurn Version started! I 15:38:52 Microsoft Windows 8 Professional x64 Edition (6.2, Build 9200) I 15:38:52 Total Physical Memory: 8.294.560 KiB - Available: 1.992.032 KiB I 15:38:52 Initialising BS_Robots... I 15:38:52 BS_SDK Version Build 2013.02.22 I 15:38:52 Initialising SPTI... I 15:38:52 Searching for Auto Loader devices... I 15:39:10 -> Auto Loader 1 - Info: Nimbie NB21 I 15:39:10 Found 1 Auto Loader! I 15:39:10 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 15:39:11 -> Drive 1 - Info: PLDS DVD-ROM DH-16D7S WD11 (D:) (SATA) I 15:39:11 -> Drive 2 - Info: ASUS BW-16D1HT 1.01 (E:) (USB 2.0) I 15:39:11 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 1 BD-RE XL! I 15:40:07 Operation Started! I 15:40:07 Source Device: [0:0:0] ASUS BW-16D1HT 1.01 (E:) (USB) I 15:40:07 Source Media Type: CD-R (Disc ID: 97m27s28f, Princo Corp.) I 15:40:07 Source Media Supported Read Speeds: 4x; 8x; 10x; 16x; 24x; 32x; 40x; 48x I 15:40:07 Source Media Supported Write Speeds: 16x; 24x; 32x; 40x I 15:40:07 Source Media Sectors: 33.328 I 15:40:07 Source Media Size: 68.255.744 bytes I 15:40:07 Source Media Volume Identifier: NDC2005 I 15:40:07 Source Media Application Identifier: EASY CD CREATOR 6.1 (008) COPYRIGHT © 1999-2003 ROXIO, INC. I 15:40:07 Source Media File System(s): ISO9660; Joliet I 15:40:07 Read Speed (Data/Audio): MAX / 40x I 15:40:07 Destination File: C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\Desktop\LOG\NDC2005.ISO I 15:40:07 Destination Free Space: 320.037.179.392 Bytes (312.536.308,00 KiB) (305.211,24 MiB) (298,06 GiB) I 15:40:07 Destination File System: NTFS I 15:40:07 File Splitting: Auto I 15:40:19 Read Speed - Effective: 4x I 15:40:19 Reading Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 33329) I 15:40:19 Reading Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 33329) I 15:42:24 Image MD5: 222bc625f3e1e3b9d5514dcf9a7c1a87 I 15:42:24 Exporting Graph Data... I 15:42:24 Graph Data File: C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\ASUS_BW-16D1HT_1.01_DIENSTAG-21-FEBRUAR-2017_15-40_97m27s28f.ibg I 15:42:24 Export Successfully Completed! I 15:42:25 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:02 I 15:42:25 Average Read Rate: 546 KiB/s (3.2x) - Maximum Read Rate: 640 KiB/s (3.7x) I 15:42:28 Batch Mode Completed! - The Auto Loader's input bin is empty.
  3. It's not normal for programs that attempt to create an accurate cue, no. ImgBurn does, AnyBurn doesn't appear to. I don't think burning each of those would result in identical looking discs (and that's just taking the basic TOC into consideration), so I wouldn't say they're the same.
  4. How do you do! I want to create image from folder of size more than 20 Gb, BD files. Question: in the area “additionally” - “limitations” - “UDF” to put whether are ticks opposite “BD”?
  5. I had the same situation where I never got a warning from AnyDVD about the ISO creation. Because it never COULD warn me. I, too, was using AnyDVD as the decrypting layer and using ImgBurn's read mode to read the disc to image files. I did that because I have splitting set up with my images in case I need to split a DVD-9 image temporarily over 2 DVD-5's. I could have used AnyDVD's ISO read to a single file and ImgBurn's Build mode to create split images. Then, copying those split image files to a new image. Had I tried to use AnyDVD's ISO read mode, it probably would have warned me about the read mode of structurally protected discs. I only learned the hard way when I later tried to burn the read images and discovered that it only worked for some discs if Rip to HD was used instead of reading protected discs to images. It was after my first 2 discs I came across this "limitation" that I learned to always use Rip files to HD.
  6. Another thing that I found after further testing: If I attempt to create a bin/cue or bin/wav file of a regular Audio CD using Imgburn, it works and I do not get any error messages regarding the Subchannel Data or I/O errors. Why would it only fail/hang on Mixed Mode CDs, like Quake 2? There's no way to adjust that time out period either, right?
  7. Yeah, I recommend always using AnyDVD to Rip to HD and then use the VIDEO_TS folder to create the DVD. Of course, you do have to remember to check the root directory of the disc you're copying to make sure there aren't any extra files that might be part of the DVD in the root directory. However, you won't have to worry about the ISO mode copying over the structural protection.
  8. I should have been more clear. This is a DVD of a TV show that I backed up many years ago. I keep ISO backups on a hard drive of all my DVDs just in case. Then yesterday my original DVD got damaged and so I'm looking at my backup now for the first time in years and I find this fake files in the ISO. It's strange because I never saw it before. I used AnyDVD back then, but it was so long ago that I guess AnyDVD didn't handle the protection correctly at that time. So now I have this ISO which I guess is not a 1:1 perfect copy? What I want to accomplish is to somehow get it back to normal? Is it at all possible so fix this so I have a perfect copy? I don't even have a dvd burner anymore with my new computer. I'll have to see if I can get an external one. Should I burn it and then create a new ISO out of the burned copy? Would that fix it? I wonder. If I burn it, will it even be a perfect copy of the original? In the end I just want a perfect copy for backup. Aha! So at least there is a name for it. Structural protection. It's so horrible that they do this. Do they expect the DVD I bought will last forever? We gotta have backups! So I'm hoping for a solution now to get this back to normal. My original disc is damaged and the only time I ever look at my backups is when I need them. And now when I need the backup I find this. I'd appreciate any advice if there is a way to repair it.
  9. Welcome to the world of structural protection which create fake vts files, same type of mechanic as screenpass protection or ssif files. Nothing a proper decryption tool can't fix Sent from my Nexus 6P with Tapatalk.
  10. Ok I am using Multiavchd to create my blu rays. then from there writing them with imgburn there is something going wrong with my mkv dual audio videos though. And m4v is having the same problem I tried converting it with tsMuxER but it made the video a bit blocking in places and totally took off the english audio and subtitle tracks. Am I doing something wrong or what. Side note when trying to add the video to tsMuxER it says it cant load a track as well These videos are in 1080p as well
  11. Hi, I'm having the errors below with a very old CD (10+ years). It has probably gone bad, we had multiple copies of it and all are behaving exactly the same. W 18:19:03 Retry Failed - Reason: L-EC Uncorrectable Error W 18:19:03 Failed to Read Sector 58449 - Reason: L-EC Uncorrectable Error There are really minor scratches on the CD itself and all copies are behaving the same. Please note that all copies were at different people. Anyway, what I'm trying to do here is to try to read all readable sectors as fast as possible (as I don't think that retrying is helping) and fill in unreadable with zeros or simply skip/ignore them. I was able to create an ISO with such a method but it took like 30 hours to get from %15 to %20... Which then I aborted and kept the ISO file. This CD basically contains 2 MPG (video) files inside so the recovered MPG files still play with some some artifacts (which is much better than not playing at all)... So what I'm trying to do here is to complete this ISO creation as fast as possible with minimum retries etc (because I have a long way to go). What do you suggest? How can I increase the speed of this operation? I've already set software retries to 0 (it was 20 before). Thanks!
  12. It's probably due to the filters being used in your directshow graph. Right click one of the problem ones in the 'create cue file' window and have the program display the directshow filter info for it. Copy and paste that in your reply please.
  13. I'm trying to create a CUE to make an audio CD Out of 18 files, which are all MP3 files, two of them cause an error when I load them in. "Potential DirectShow Error! - No data has been received for 10 seconds. Decoding Progress: 0 bytes" The log pretty much says the exact same thing. What's happening here? The files aren't corrupt or anything. I can play them just fine, and I was previously able to write them to an audio CD with Windows Media Player.
  14. Hi there. Hope you can help. The writer is an Asus 06D2X-U with the latest firmware I could find, D501. Manufacture date is January 1, 2016. I bought it a month or two after that. Previous to this problem beginning the other day, all settings used, and media used worked fine. Then quite suddenly, this started to happen. Whenever I do a burn, it writes just a bit and starts off at 200kb/s then rapidly goes to zero, but the write speed displayed never goes above zero, then it all ends with an error. It writes enough just to make a coaster. The media is Daxon-R 4X-000; usually reliable by 90-95% at max speed of 4x. The current problem occurs even when I try lower speeds. Then the last batch became 50%. I figured it was just a bad batch, but now, the coasters are at 100% with the new ones I've gotten and used so far. I stopped burning and went on here. The really bizarre part of this is that when I do a test, it works. It fills up the device buffer. When I do a real write however, it doesn't fill up the device buffer at all. The test mode performs as it usually does, just that it doesn't write. This leads me to believe that it might be solved somehow with software. That device buffer failure to fill is an error I've never had before when drives failed. I've tried resetting to defaults, a bit of light cleaning with no solvent, just microfibre cloth, and not touching the lens. I've used the writer in it's slanted vertical position since I bought it, but laying it flat doesn't help. I've read from ages ago that setting the buffer in IMGBurn above 500MB causes problems, so ever since, I've set it to less than that. It connects to the PC with a Y-cable. In the past, I've connected it reliably with the ends in dual USB3 ports, dual USB2 ports, and a mix of the two. My PC only has 2 USB3 ports and now has a 7-port powered USB3 hub plugged in each. The ends of the Y-cable are plugged into one port in each of the two hubs, and I've interchanged that to same hub for either, and a mix of both to the same effectiveness and now error. Those hubs are a few months old now so I doubt the problem is with them. I've also tried to see if the head moves by doing reads to image, then verify, and it works. I've also tested the images themselves. I suspect that the reading range of the laser's movements is short of the Power Calibration Area which likely can only be accessed when writing. I've tried VSO Inspector, but I can't find anything wrong. I just don't know how to use it, I guess. I've only used BD-R discs and read from BD-R of 25GB capacities. I have no intention of reading or writing to DVD or CD so I didn't bother testing with them. Tho' just a few minutes ago, I needed to get a file from an old backup from 2010 on a dual-layer DVD and it read fine. I decided to do a read to image and verify with it and it worked fine as well. I should also mention that I run two instances of IMGBurn at once. One to create images; one to burn. When this issue started, I used just one instance, but it still happened. I always leave optimal power calibration on. It didn't act up when the problem started, but is now starting to. I suspect that whatever the problem is, it's getting worse. My usual burn rate is 2-3 BD-R's a day. They are all data backups, none of them are BD movies. I should also mention that this my second writer of this model. The one before this lasted about 4 months, and also lost the ability to read. This current one does however seem to retain the ability to read and I don't think it's entirely broken. Before this, I used an internal Lite-on that lasted several years, about 4 or 5, I think. This current writer is external and was bought to be transported, but I never wound up transporting it. It's only used for backing up. I don't install any software with it. Other than burning backups, it's used for reading them. The electricity situation in the country is unreliable. It's often referred to as 'dirty'. So, I have a power strip, and a UPS with built-in AVR for all devices, including The PC, as well as the powered USB3 hubs. I've restarted a few times as well. This is the log of four burns. I had to deadtivate OPC as now it will not let me even test. The results are the same same as the past few days with OPC on. The first one is a test with BD-R Verify activated. It was successful. The second one is a real write with BD-R Verify activated. It failed, but I reinserted the disc and the status in IMGBurn tells me it's EMPTY, not incomplete, but empty. I was monitoring the burn and it did the 200kb/s thing for ten seconds before failing, but I guess nothing got written. The third one is a test with BD-R Verify deactivated. Successful. The fourth one is a real write with BD-R Verify deactivated. It did the 200kb/s thing for nine-ten seconds then failed. This time, it's a coaster. I know it does write since it makes coasters, but that Device Buffer not filling seems to be the key. Not so sure now with the OPC failing consistently now. I 22:27:09 ImgBurn Version started! I 22:27:09 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition (6.1, Build 7601 : Service Pack 1) I 22:27:09 Total Physical Memory: 33,517,376 KiB - Available: 16,983,072 KiB W 22:27:09 Duplex Secure's SPTD driver can have a detrimental effect on drive performance. I 22:27:09 Initialising SPTI... I 22:27:09 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 22:27:09 -> Drive 1 - Info: WLQVYB IZO9Y3S9MN 1.04 (I:) (SCSI) I 22:27:09 -> Drive 2 - Info: ASUS SBW-06D2X-U D501 (H:) (USB 2.0) I 22:27:09 Found 1 BD-ROM and 1 BD-RE XL! I 22:27:20 Operation Started! I 22:27:20 Source File: E:\Projects\Output Folder\Backups 3190.iso I 22:27:20 Source File Sectors: 12,213,568 (MODE1/2048) I 22:27:20 Source File Size: 25,013,387,264 bytes I 22:27:20 Source File Volume Identifier: Backups 3190 I 22:27:20 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4A359C4700BA5CD5 I 22:27:20 Source File Application Identifier: ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 I 22:27:20 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn I 22:27:20 Source File File System(s): UDF (2.60) I 22:27:20 Destination Device: [0:0:0] ASUS SBW-06D2X-U D501 (H:) (USB) I 22:27:20 Destination Media Type: BD-R (Disc ID: Daxon-R4X-000) I 22:27:20 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 2x, 4x I 22:27:20 Destination Media Sectors: 12,219,392 I 22:27:20 Write Mode: BD I 22:27:20 Write Type: DAO I 22:27:20 Write Speed: 4x I 22:27:20 Hardware Defect Management Active: No I 22:27:20 BD-R Verify Not Required: No I 22:27:20 Link Size: Auto I 22:27:20 Lock Volume: Yes I 22:27:20 Test Mode: Yes I 22:27:20 OPC: No I 22:27:20 BURN-Proof: Enabled I 22:27:20 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 17,983 KB/s (4x) I 22:27:23 Filling Buffer... (219 MiB) I 22:27:25 Writing LeadIn... I 22:27:30 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 12213567) I 22:27:30 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 12213567) I 22:53:30 Synchronising Cache... I 22:53:31 Closing Track... I 22:53:32 Finalising Disc... I 22:53:33 Cycling Tray after Test Write... I 22:53:38 Exporting Graph Data... I 22:53:38 Graph Data File: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\ASUS_SBW-06D2X-U_D501_SUNDAY-JANUARY-22-2017_10-27_PM_Daxon-R4X-000_4x.ibg I 22:53:38 Export Successfully Completed! I 22:53:38 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:26:18 I 22:53:38 Average Write Rate: 15,658 KiB/s (3.6x) - Maximum Write Rate: 17,825 KiB/s (4.1x) I 22:54:12 Operation Started! I 22:54:12 Source File: E:\Projects\Output Folder\Backups 3190.iso I 22:54:12 Source File Sectors: 12,213,568 (MODE1/2048) I 22:54:12 Source File Size: 25,013,387,264 bytes I 22:54:12 Source File Volume Identifier: Backups 3190 I 22:54:12 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4A359C4700BA5CD5 I 22:54:12 Source File Application Identifier: ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 I 22:54:12 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn I 22:54:12 Source File File System(s): UDF (2.60) I 22:54:12 Destination Device: [0:0:0] ASUS SBW-06D2X-U D501 (H:) (USB) I 22:54:12 Destination Media Type: BD-R (Disc ID: Daxon-R4X-000) I 22:54:12 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 2x, 4x I 22:54:12 Destination Media Sectors: 12,219,392 I 22:54:12 Write Mode: BD I 22:54:12 Write Type: DAO I 22:54:12 Write Speed: 4x I 22:54:12 Hardware Defect Management Active: No I 22:54:12 BD-R Verify Not Required: No I 22:54:12 Link Size: Auto I 22:54:12 Lock Volume: Yes I 22:54:12 Test Mode: No I 22:54:12 OPC: No I 22:54:12 BURN-Proof: Enabled I 22:54:12 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 17,983 KB/s (4x) I 22:54:12 Filling Buffer... (219 MiB) I 22:54:13 Writing LeadIn... W 22:54:24 Failed to Write Sectors 512 - 543 - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:24 Retrying (1 of 20)... W 22:54:24 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:24 Retrying (2 of 20)... W 22:54:24 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:24 Retrying (3 of 20)... W 22:54:24 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:24 Retrying (4 of 20)... W 22:54:24 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:24 Retrying (5 of 20)... W 22:54:24 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:24 Retrying (6 of 20)... W 22:54:24 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:24 Retrying (7 of 20)... W 22:54:24 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:24 Retrying (8 of 20)... W 22:54:25 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:25 Retrying (9 of 20)... W 22:54:25 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:25 Retrying (10 of 20)... W 22:54:25 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:25 Retrying (11 of 20)... W 22:54:25 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:25 Retrying (12 of 20)... W 22:54:25 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:25 Retrying (13 of 20)... W 22:54:25 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:25 Retrying (14 of 20)... W 22:54:25 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:25 Retrying (15 of 20)... W 22:54:25 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:25 Retrying (16 of 20)... W 22:54:25 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:25 Retrying (17 of 20)... W 22:54:25 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:25 Retrying (18 of 20)... W 22:54:25 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:25 Retrying (19 of 20)... W 22:54:25 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:25 Retrying (20 of 20)... W 22:54:25 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error E 22:54:29 Failed to Write Sectors 512 - 543 - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error I 22:54:29 Synchronising Cache... I 22:54:33 Closing Track... W 22:54:33 Close Track Failed! - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 22:54:36 Close Track Failed! - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error I 22:54:36 Finalising Disc... W 22:54:36 Finalise Disc Failed! - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error E 22:54:37 Finalise Disc Failed! - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error E 22:54:37 Failed to Write Image! E 22:54:41 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:25 I 22:54:41 Average Write Rate: 0 KiB/s (0.0x) - Maximum Write Rate: 0 KiB/s (0.0x) I 22:56:57 Operation Started! I 22:56:58 Source File: E:\Projects\Output Folder\Backups 3190.iso I 22:56:58 Source File Sectors: 12,213,568 (MODE1/2048) I 22:56:58 Source File Size: 25,013,387,264 bytes I 22:56:58 Source File Volume Identifier: Backups 3190 I 22:56:58 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4A359C4700BA5CD5 I 22:56:58 Source File Application Identifier: ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 I 22:56:58 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn I 22:56:58 Source File File System(s): UDF (2.60) I 22:56:58 Destination Device: [0:0:0] ASUS SBW-06D2X-U D501 (H:) (USB) I 22:56:58 Destination Media Type: BD-R (Disc ID: Daxon-R4X-000) I 22:56:58 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 2x, 4x I 22:56:58 Destination Media Sectors: 12,219,392 I 22:56:58 Write Mode: BD I 22:56:58 Write Type: DAO I 22:56:58 Write Speed: 4x I 22:56:58 Hardware Defect Management Active: No I 22:56:58 BD-R Verify Not Required: Yes I 22:56:58 Link Size: Auto I 22:56:58 Lock Volume: Yes I 22:56:58 Test Mode: Yes I 22:56:58 OPC: No I 22:56:58 BURN-Proof: Enabled I 22:56:58 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 17,983 KB/s (4x) I 22:57:01 Filling Buffer... (219 MiB) I 22:57:02 Writing LeadIn... I 22:57:08 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 12213567) I 22:57:08 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 12213567) I 23:23:13 Synchronising Cache... I 23:23:15 Closing Track... I 23:23:16 Finalising Disc... I 23:23:17 Cycling Tray after Test Write... I 23:23:22 Exporting Graph Data... I 23:23:22 Graph Data File: C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\ASUS_SBW-06D2X-U_D501_SUNDAY-JANUARY-22-2017_10-56_PM_Daxon-R4X-000_4x.ibg I 23:23:22 Export Successfully Completed! I 23:23:22 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:26:24 I 23:23:22 Average Write Rate: 15,608 KiB/s (3.6x) - Maximum Write Rate: 17,718 KiB/s (4.0x) I 23:23:47 Operation Started! I 23:23:47 Source File: E:\Projects\Output Folder\Backups 3190.iso I 23:23:47 Source File Sectors: 12,213,568 (MODE1/2048) I 23:23:47 Source File Size: 25,013,387,264 bytes I 23:23:47 Source File Volume Identifier: Backups 3190 I 23:23:47 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4A359C4700BA5CD5 I 23:23:47 Source File Application Identifier: ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 I 23:23:47 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn I 23:23:47 Source File File System(s): UDF (2.60) I 23:23:47 Destination Device: [0:0:0] ASUS SBW-06D2X-U D501 (H:) (USB) I 23:23:47 Destination Media Type: BD-R (Disc ID: Daxon-R4X-000) I 23:23:48 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 2x, 4x I 23:23:48 Destination Media Sectors: 12,219,392 I 23:23:48 Write Mode: BD I 23:23:48 Write Type: DAO I 23:23:48 Write Speed: 4x I 23:23:48 Hardware Defect Management Active: No I 23:23:48 BD-R Verify Not Required: Yes I 23:23:48 Link Size: Auto I 23:23:48 Lock Volume: Yes I 23:23:48 Test Mode: No I 23:23:48 OPC: No I 23:23:48 BURN-Proof: Enabled I 23:23:48 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 17,983 KB/s (4x) I 23:23:48 Filling Buffer... (219 MiB) I 23:23:50 Writing LeadIn... W 23:24:04 Failed to Write Sectors 512 - 543 - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (1 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (2 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (3 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (4 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (5 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (6 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (7 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (8 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (9 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (10 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (11 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (12 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (13 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (14 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (15 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (16 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (17 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (18 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (19 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:04 Retrying (20 of 20)... W 23:24:04 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error E 23:24:06 Failed to Write Sectors 512 - 543 - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error I 23:24:06 Synchronising Cache... I 23:24:10 Closing Track... W 23:24:10 Close Track Failed! - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error E 23:24:13 Close Track Failed! - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error I 23:24:13 Finalising Disc... W 23:24:13 Finalise Disc Failed! - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error W 23:24:15 Finalise Disc Failed! - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error E 23:24:15 Failed to Write Image! E 23:24:15 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:27 I 23:24:15 Average Write Rate: 0 KiB/s (0.0x) - Maximum Write Rate: 0 KiB/s (0.0x)
  15. Windows 7, 64-bit Intel Rapid Storage Technology ImageBurn Quake 2 Mixed-Mode CD Back in September 2016, my previous hard drive was failing, so I cloned it to a new WD Black 1 TB Hard Drive using Macrium Reflect. As a result, I wasn't able to use Windows Updates, so I had to also upgrade Intel Rapid Storage Technology, which resolved that issue (along with an additional manually installed update from Windows on top of that). What does this have to do with Imgburn, then? I can no longer create bin/cue files using Imgburn, but can still read .isos without any issues. In the attached log, you'll notice: and LUK, what on earth do those mean and how can this be fixed, so I can create bin/cue files again? Analyzing Disc Error.log
  16. Well, I run ImbBurn on Gentoo through Wine, but I cant create CUE sheet files. No one message is usefull for me.
  17. What is the Mode> create> ISO9660 + Joliet + UDF option? Is it good to enable this option for maximum compatibility?
  18. Thanks Dbminter - I tend to agree that the error is occurring at the transcoding stage as I'm seeing errors reported there. (Multiple - "Direct 3d error: failed to create 720 x 0 texture for osd (he=0x8876086c"). I don't understand what they mean but I'll work at trying to get past that stage successfully first! I'm using up the blanks I have as they were bought some time ago and I might as well use them as dump them (although some may disagree!) I don't have any affinity for any particular type as I'm really only at the stage of basic conversion from home video to dvd with some editing in between (but suggestions are always welcome) MTS (or MT2S or AVCHD) is the format output from Lightworks Video editing software (as far as I know it's a fairly common format for HD video) and the raw footage comes from a Canon Legria Hf-r78 Thanks again to everyone for the help offered!
  19. Hi. Thank you for the quick replies. Firstly - yes it's only a few seconds to prove or otherwise that everything is working properly rather than waiting for a full dvd to burn. Yes the VTS_01_1.Vob file plays properly on the hard drive - and will also play if I double click it on the dvd from within File Explorer. (Also - if point DvdShrink to the _TS folders it plays properly) I created an MTS file from Lightworks then used DVDStyler to create the Iso files. In DvdStyler It appears to start the process then creates lots of the following errors "Direct 3d error: failed to create 720 x 0 texture for osd (he=0x8876086c)". If I stop the process it will ask if I want to create an Iso file - which then writes the _Ts folders and files. I then use these in Imgburn Hope that all makes sense! The bottom line is I simply want to burn as good a quality Dvd as I can (the original footage is HD - but totals 100 mins so I realise I'll probably have to split it over 2 discs) Any pointers in the direction of simplifying or making my workflow more robust would be greatly appreciated! Ps - I also realise the day and time - so won't be offended if I don't get any replies for a couple of days. Merry Christmas!
  20. We didn't say the opposite, I just told you how to make a 1:1.... and that's to use 'Read' mode ('Create image file from disc') followed by 'Write' mode ('Write image file to disc'). This guide tells you how to copy a disc. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?/topic/6380-how-to-copy-a-disc-using-imgburn/ Now, as dbminter said, ImgBurn doesn't bypass copy protection, so you can't use it on copy protected movies, games etc.
  21. Ah, that was it. CloneCD files was what it supported. However, I believe ImgBurn creates them when it reads an audio CD image? I believe that's what I've been using, some extra option you can set in ImgBurn in create .CCD files with an image read?
  22. Select it at 'Session' level. If you install the current release, the 'Create CD CUE File' window looks different to your screenshot and has options for auto selecting 'Tag' etc for CD-TEXT.
  23. The only way I've been able to add a CD-TEXT "Tag" label to multiple tracks on a CD is by clicking each track and then clicking the Tag radio button next to CD-TEXT. Is there any way to select multiple tracks on the CD and add the tag label to them all at once?
  24. Not really. My topic was about batch burning to disc. He wants to batch convert each dvd folder. So the command line that worked for me will need a small modification to create iso instead of burning to disc.
  25. Hi, I have just tried to batch convert 10 DVD folders on my Hard drive to 10 ISO Files, but I ended up with 1 x 30gb ISO folder representative of all 10 DVDs. Is it possible to create individual ISO files in Batch mode. If so, can you advise me what subtle changes to the settings have i missed log attached cheers Scott ImgBurn 10 dvds to iso.log
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