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Burnspeed is not what is selected


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The Discovery Mode is not something you use when you do a regular burn - the burned disc will be filled with dummy data.


Enable the option to save a graph data file for DVDInfoPro in the settings.

Press Ctrl + Alt + D to get to Discovery Mode

Selct 'All sectors'

Enable the 'Verify' option

Insert a blanc disc

Set the write speed

Press the burn button

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The Discovery Mode is not something you use when you do a regular burn - the burned disc will be filled with dummy data.


Enable the option to save a graph data file for DVDInfoPro in the settings.

Press Ctrl + Alt + D to get to Discovery Mode

Selct 'All sectors'

Enable the 'Verify' option

Insert a blanc disc

Set the write speed

Press the burn button


Cynthia and Lightning UK:


Unfortunately, I did the Discovery Mode burn before reading Cynthia's reply so I did not enable Graph Data or Verify.


Anyway, here is the log if it has any meaning.


I 06:04:45 ImgBurn Version started!

I 06:04:45 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3)

I 06:04:45 Total Physical Memory: 1,046,100 KB - Available: 457,880 KB

I 06:04:45 Initialising SPTI...

I 06:04:45 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 06:04:45 Found 1 CD-ROM!

W 06:05:50 Device Arrival Detected!

I 06:05:50 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 06:05:59 Found 1 CD-ROM and 1 DVD

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Ah well, as you're going to have to burn another disc anyway you might as well enable I/O debug mode by pressing F8 before you click the 'Write' button (still in Discovery mode).


Before burning, please also copy + paste everything from the disc info panel on the right.


So that means we'll end up with the following:


1. Text from the Disc info panel before the burn.

2. An 'I/O Debug Mode' enabled burn+verify log (you might have to make that an attachment rather than copy + pasting it)

3. An IBG file (graph data)

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  • 1 month later...

I've been having a similar problem.


Problem: ImgBurn is not writing to DVD-R at the selected burn speed. Below is a summary along with all the regular burn log, post-burn side panel and .ibg file. On my next burn I will post a debug log and pre-burn side panel.


Summary: I clicked on "Write Img to Disc." I selected write speed of 3x. as this is supported by my DVD-R media. The results of my burn are as so: Average Write Rate: 7,439 KB/s (5.4x) - Maximum Write Rate: 10,917 KB/s (7.9x). I cannot verify that my hardware supports 3x write speed, however I have burned many successful writes at 3x write speed using UltraISO. Then again, UltraISO doesn't show real-time write speed, so this statement may not be entirely accurate. My next burn will be 4x. I didn't have any problem at 4x, 6x, or 8x with Imgburn, but I have not tried those speeds since I updated to the most recent version; only 3x.






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I 16:10:09 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: CMC MAG. AM3) (Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x)

This is what's being reported by the drive. I'm not sure 3x is a valid speed for DVD-R media. Maybe the drive is misreporting the 2x speed?

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Here we go, same media and I chose 4x this time. Same thing happened, please let me know what you think. Do you think these are bad burns? I don't see the option in DVDInfoPro to show PI errors. Is it available?


All is attached:

1. Text from the Disc info panel before the burn.

2. An 'I/O Debug Mode' enabled burn+verify log (you might have to make that an attachment rather than copy + pasting it)

3. An IBG file (graph data)




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I just rolled back my firmware to a previous version. I'm about to do a burn right now. I thought I'd post my Filter Driver Load Order here. If anyone has a suggestion for me regarding both my Filters and my burning speed problem, I would appreciate it. Also, should I check the "Reading - Always Use Buffered I/O" check box on the I/O Settings Panel? I mostly burn 4.37GB full images.



Filter Driver Load Order - ImgBurn v2.4.4.0



Upper Device Filter: [None Found]

Upper Class Filter: [None Found]

Device: CD/DVD-ROM Device

Lower Class Filter: PxHelp20

Lower Class Filter: cdrbsdrv

Lower Device Filter: [None Found]


Filter Name: PxHelp20

File Name: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\PxHelp20.sys

File Version: 3.00.56a []

File Description: Px Engine Device Driver for Windows 2000/XP

Product Name: PxHelp20

Product Version: []

Company Name: Sonic Solutions

Copyright: Copyright

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