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Asking permission for including imgburn in non-commercial CD

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First of all I want to thank you for the software you are making.


My name is Bartolom? Sintes and I am a teacher of Computer Science in a Spanish High School. I own a web site with links to valuable free software (and non-free software that allows free use in some conditions) and I want to include imgburn. The web site can be visited at http://www.cdlibre.org (in Spanish).


I have included in my site ISO images of CDs with the software and I want to include imgburn, without any changes and as you offer it in your website. The ISO images are downloadable without fees and I do not provide any support. It is not a commercial site (not even banners) and I am doing it just for fun and for the promotion of free software.


Please, can you answer me these questions as soon as possible:

A. Do I have your permission to include imgburn in the CDs?

B. I have not found imgburn license. Is it available somewhere?


Best regards,

Bartolom? Sintes


You have my permission to include ImgBurn on your site so long as it's all provided free.


There is no license as such, just 1 basic rule... don't sell it in any way, shape or form.

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