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Turn off computer when done...


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I'd like a selection of things to do with done... maybe rewrite the option so it can do any of three things, close program, enter standby, or turn off computer.


I don't know many people who turn off their computer more than once in a while, I almost always use standby.

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I never leave mine on when it's not used.... :blink:


Neither do I! Which is why Standby is awesome. YOu can leave IE etc. open, and your computer is ready to use after only a few seconds. Power consumption in Standby is something like 10 watts, ie. nothing.

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  • 1 year later...
Standby/hiber/restart they are all there in


Never ever used em, handy for some though.


Well, slap me down and call me Susan. I never knew standby was in there too. Looks like I'm wrong for the first time since 1976.



<enter Bart Simpson>



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Because of the jobs I get faxed to me, my business computer is on 24/7 (I do turn the monitor off when I am not using the computer). The computer I built a few years ago is only turned on when I am using it. The longest that one had been on is around 2 days (except when I was stressing it right after I completed building it).


Other than shutdowns for normal maintenance and restarts my business computer has been on for at least the past 7+ years. I do not have it go into standby nor do I have the HD turn off at any time.


I consider myself VERY lucky because I have never had any failure other than the ZIP drive and DVD-ROM drive that came with it.

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