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burnned movie plays on computer but not dvd player


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I have dvd shrink, and recently added image burn to enhance my burning capabilites. I can not get anything that I burn with image burn to play on my dvd player. The dvd player has played this media before. Do I have a setting wrong that can change this???? The burned movies will play in my computer just fine, but not on my dvd player. The player just says loading loading loading loading, and the spits the disc back out. Any help I would very much appriciate

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Well i'm not an expert... but my ideas are either u dont burn it in a good format or u dont use the good media (DVD?R) so old dvd player may not be able to read some, or else the dvd is just too poor quality for ur picky player =P


But that's just a noob's opinion with low info, post what u been burning on what dvd, etc, i think that will help many people




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from my exprience it is the dvd player not the movie. I have had the same problem with certain movies in my dvd player which was manufacured in 2004 and found that the movie will play in other dvd players that are newwer than my dvd player.


if your dvd player supports the type of media that you are using then it is definately the dvd player not being able to read the format on the copy you made.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i have 2 desk top computers. one old and one i just built. the dvd's burned from the old computer will play in my dvd player. the ones from the new computer won't. i'm using the same dvd hardware and software on both computers. please help.


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  • 2 weeks later...
i have 2 desk top computers. one old and one i just built. the dvd's burned from the old computer will play in my dvd player. the ones from the new computer won't. i'm using the same dvd hardware and software on both computers. please help.


it was the DVD rom that was causing the problem. every thing is fine now . thanks
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