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Burning a DVDR-DL Discs as DATA


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I've always been pretty successfully burning DVDR-DL on my computer using FUJIFILM branded discs. Maxell, Sony and even Verbatim didn't seem to work.


I recently download a "bastard" video compilation of music that has NTSC and PAL formats.


When I tried to burn it with IMGBURN I had no luck. I thought a lot of it had to do with the fact that it had all these different video formats.


I contacted the original maker of the DVD and he said that he was able to burn it with NERO. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.


I'm in the process of switching from PC to MAC and was hoping to try to burn these on my MAC.


I have no way of transfering these to my new computer as I don't have an external hardrive.


Is there any way that I can burn these just as "data" as opposed to burning it as a "DVD"?




I can post a log but I am not sure it'll make a difference!

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If you just want to read it as data, there's no difference between burning it as data and burning it as DVD Video. It's only an issue doing it the other way round.


ImgBurn burns as-is and doesn't care about the actual format - so PAL / NTSC is not a problem where ImgBurn is concerned.


What exactly is the problem you're having?


Are you getting errors during the burn/verify or does the disc just not work in your player?


Yes, always post a log, even if you don't see why it's important.

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