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Freezing when burnt to disc


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The problem I am having is that even though the burning process burnt without any errors, when I play it back on my dvd player it will freeze and give a lot of artifacts. I have tried it in 3 dvd players already and they all got the same results. Could it be because the disc I am trying to copy is dual layer or protected? On the face of the disc it says in small letters "DVD Video". But on the computer it says the size of the disc is 5.7GB. I have used DVD shrink in order to shrink it into a size of 4.3GB in order to burn it with imgburn. Also on the computer the video plays back fine with no freezing at all. I have tested another DVD video and got the same result.


So could it be my dvd burner is dying or something wrong with the dvd players? Because the freezing would only persist on the dvd players and not the computer. Could me burning the dvd at 18x speed have an impact? I have done every time I burnt a disc and never had a problem before. Please tell me if it is a problem with my dvd drive or dvd players.

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