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Off topic - Need software recommendation

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Need a software recommendation.


I want to burn multisession CD-RW.


Would also be nice to burn multisession DVD but not sure that's possible


But here's the catch


I use an older PC (no WinXP). The software has to be


- small


That eliminates Nero and the Roxio stuff.


To me ImgBurn is the ultimate. Exactly what I look for in software


It is absolutely brilliant.


- small!

- fast!

- kybd shortcuts!

- cmd line switches!

- reliable; never crashes!

- smart looking interface


But it only does ISO. If I'm short on disc space this can be a problem


I now Alcohol 120% will work for my purpose. But I'm wondering if there are any other programs out there that fit my description.


In the BUGS forum?!?!!?


Please look where you're posting before posting.


ImgBurn v2 can write files on-the-fly to cd /dvd.


It won't do multisession though, just erase the disc and reburn the entire disc.


Obviously v2 isn't out yet though!


(oh and I've moved your post to 'Chat')

It won't do multisession though...

Yet... Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more. A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat! :D


This feature along with the ability to create ISO from unprotected CD/DVD and the ability to copy unprotected CD's/DVD's would mean I could elope to Las Vegas with IB, get married at a drive-through by Elvis, and burn to our hearts content, never to be seen again. :wub:


there shouldnt be a todo list


imgburn is just fine the way it is


'todo' lists are probably the reason so many burning programs are monstrosities


i apologise for my hasty post


dumb and dumber.... i later realised burnatonce (i.e. cdrdao) can do multisession


multisession is useful when you need to burn and you have limited disk space for a huge iso (and you're afraid to delete the original files)


apologies again for breaking a heap of forum etiquette rules


i wont post again


thats a promise


There are very few rules here but the 'Bugs' forum clearly wasn't anything like the right place for your post.


I've never liked multisession personally.

It makes disc duplication much more of a pain in the arse and opens you up to a whole load more 'possible' problems where drives can't read the X session properly. It's much better to stick with a clean disc and single session.

  Groundrush said:


Obviously v2 isn't out yet though!

So " Boss" when do us mere mortals get our grubby mits on it.....? :huh:

i think i can chip in here and say when its ready ;)

  Groundrush said:
I know, all things come to those who wait so i spose i'll have to be patient like everyone else :(


:D Oh you're a patient :shutup: alright mate




lfc, you be nice to Corny, he might like being a patient tied up.................... :whistling::whistling::blush2::blush2::P

  cornholio7 said:




Sorry mate, didn't have the exact right smilies to post............. you would have understood my warped sense of humor then............. :/:P:lol:


Thanks Corny................. Vacations can be killers.......... really should try to get more sleep.......... :'( :'( :frustrated::doh::coffee::lol: Going on to third week and am thinking I should go back to work for a rest.......... :P

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