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Need Photo Burn Help!

Policy Peddler

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Let me start by saying "I AM LOST"! I have used image burn in the past, over a year ago. At that time I used a step by step instructions that were on the imagburn program if i remember correctly but I do not see it now.


I first tried it on a note book, the dvd would only play on that note book. So i went and got a new dvd burner for my work station and installed it.

I want to burn photo's to disk that I have edited and saved with Picasa.


the steps i did was

first i "create image file form files"

I then "write image file to disc"

I then "verify disc"


I looked at the pictures on my computer that burned the disk.

I then put the dvd disk in my Philips DVD player, it looks like it has loaded about 2/3 of the way by the bar and it does not load any farther.


I tried it in my note book dvd player, it will not play, the properties show it is full.


What is going on, what do I have to do?


could someone please help me?

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