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Building DVD-ROM instead of BD-R


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Wanted to follow up in that thread, but I guess it's closed. I think I'm seeing the same issue that thread describes.. I've been trying to burn an iso image, but it's not being read in Total Media Theater or PowerDVD, even though TMT loads the 'disc' just fine when I open the file structure directly of my HDD. There is no difference in that file structure and what is being burned to the ISO. The file structure also shows correctly when I open it in windows explorer, so I'm pretty sure the burn was successfull (I've tried mounting with both magic ISO and deamon tools). When I do a 'verify' on the iso with ImgBurn I see that it says "current profile: DVD-ROM"


Anyone seen this issue or know how to fix it? I don't know if the disc is being burned AS a dvd-rom, or if it's just being recognized as one due to it's size?

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...or if it's just being recognized as one due to it's size?




ImgBurn creates an MDS file for discs like that to get around this very issue. If you mount the MDS rather than the ISO, DAEMON Tools then emulates a DVD-R or something instead of a DVD-ROM.


Switch to using Virtual CloneDrive instead of DT. It will emulate a BD-R disc if the image is a BD Video one.

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