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Browse for File does not remember last location


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I recently upgraded from version 2.5.1. In this, when I select the Create a Cue File, then I select the Open Folder ("Browse for File"), ImgBurn always remembered the last opened location. This is very helpful for when I'm creating multiple cue files that we within multiple sub-folders. Version 2.5.5 always goes back to the default location. I've tried multiple settings to get this dialog to open to the last location and none that I have tried have worked.

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That's nothing to do with the Create CUE File window, the code for that function hasn't changed in years.


What you're seeing is probably a result of the following change added in


Changed: Using IFileDialog for the 'Open' / 'Save' / 'Browse For Folder' dialogs under Windows Vista+ now rather than GetOpenFileName/GetSaveFileName/SHBrowseForFolder.


So the problem is more general than that. ImgBurn wasn't remembering the path, Windows was.


I'll make the program do it (for that window and others like it) so it works for the new IFileDialog stuff too.

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