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FileSize Gets too Large too Burn to Disc - Please Help!

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Hi, I'm new too ImgBurn and am trying too get an iso file of a master which I have both the Audio and Video in two folders in one main folder. I select that main folder it's at 6.45gbs then I click create image select the layer break (dual layer and am using Verbatim +R DL Discs) and it creates an image file that's 8.54gbs big? Why? And then I can burn it too a disc because the capacity I have is for 8.5gbs. Please help!

I 21:09:21 Image Sectors: 3,144,704


I 21:11:13 Using Layer Break LBA: 1058187 -> 2086528 (VTS_08, PGC: 1, Chapter: 1, Cell: 1, Vob/Cell ID: 1/1, Time: 00:00:00, SPLIP: No)

I 22:56:59 Image Layer Break Position: 2,086,528

Sounds as it's the padding that gets to big. A very large cell (1/3 of the total image sector size). Is that a commercial disc?


An option would be to split that cell into two and get a more decent point in the middle of the DVD Movie stuff so there isn't need for so much padding = less total amount disc space needed.


Hi, how can I resolve this - can you detail steps I could take using imgburn? Yes, it's a commercial disc I need too send the disc too a manufacturer to get replicated for sale. Thanks so much for looking at this and for the input already given!


I'm not seeing a problem here.


I 22:56:59 Operation Started!

I 22:56:59 Image Contents: 112 Files, 2 Folders

I 22:56:59 Image Sectors: 4,173,056 (MODE1/2048)

I 22:56:59 Image Size: 8,546,418,688 bytes

I 22:56:59 Image Layer Break Position: 2,086,528

I 22:56:59 Image Single Layer Profile: DVD+R/RW (Media Capacity: 2,295,104)

I 22:56:59 Image Double Layer Profile: DVD+R DL (Min L0: 0, Max L0: 2,086,912, Media Capacity: 4,173,824)


Your image will fit on a DVD+R DL disc just fine.


Hi, The file size is 8.54gb and the disc is 8.5gb, it's approx. 40mb over the allotted space for the disc. Everytime I've tried too burn the iso file I get an error saying the file size is too big for the disc.


Am curious as to how too resolve the padding issue brought up, seems too make sense. If you all can expand on how too resolve a padding issue or this padding issue that'd be fantastic!


You must be messing something up during the actual burning bit then because based on what you've provided in the log, it fits just fine.


Post a log of you burning that ISO so I can see what you're doing.


How many options are you given in the layer break selection window? See if you can get us a screenshot of it.


There is no issue with the padding, it's just doing what needs to be done in order to use your selection as the layer break cell.


So, I've taken the ISO file with the .mds file and put it on a external harddrive plugged that harddrive into a newer laptop that has updated drivers and a better burner on it and it seems too be burning as we speak. Hope it works. Question on the line break that was set, most of the line breaks that had a green star well all the ones with a green star were 1 cell in size, I previewed the cell and all seemed fine but want too make sure all should be good with the line break. Can someone step me through how too select the best line break there were like 23 too choose from 16 or so that had green stars the others were greyed out.


Does it matter which line break from the list I choose? Does ImgBurn give the best too choose from in the list so that any that get choosen would work just fine?


Please don't mind if some of my questions are lacking techy knowledge or are too general or not clear just all new too me. My main things are (1) too get a working disc that I can send on too a replicator that will be clear of line break issues as they had issues with a couple of the discs that were sent that I got from a person from my company that should have known what he was doing but may have run into issue with certain programs he was using. (2) ensure the quality is maintained and the best area for a line break too happen is where it is happening.


The error in your second log is caused by using a drive that's too old to support the discs you're trying to use.


The layer break selection screen shows you had loads of options to choose from. It scrolls down below what's visible in your screenshot (which you resized too much btw :P - oh and don't use BMP, use JPEG or better still.. PNG).


As you go lower in the list, less padding is needed to get the selection in the right place on the disc.

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