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Turn on/off Auto Loaders from Command Line


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I use IMGBurn differently in standalone mode and in a script differently. In standalone, I'd like IMGBurn to work with my duplicator to pick up and load the discs. Through the scripting, I handle all of the robot movements so I'd want that disabled.


Also, it would be nice to program the bins for input and output. For example, Primera has three "bins:" Left, right, and reject. The default behavior is to grab a disc from the right and output to the left. Bad discs go to the reject output, which can also be a bin. I have mine with DVDs in the left, CDs in the right, and I output burned discs to the reject bin. Other duplicators have more than three bins. (This is part of the reason why I use scripting to handle the process. I also do disc label printing, too.)

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