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Run task after read


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Able to run an app or a batch file after read...


Hi I made a batch file the ftp a list of my movies file names to a ftp server and when I go and buy a movie I remember if i have bought it before. So I use the stores ipad to see if i have bought this movies before in the list of iso of the backup i have made... (its kinda like a data base)...


Any way could ImgBurn or something else run my batch file or .exe for normal users after its read a disc so it can upload the file name to my website/ftp server and I will be able to see it in seconds




(P.S or something similar to run my batch fiel every 5 hours or something)


P.P.S My batch file uploads a .txt of the drive with all the file names in the .txt file running down in a list... When i click on the link in to open the .txt fiel it open but doesnt show enything in the file...


for example i want something like this

http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/readme-2-149793.txt having to type ftp i and the username and pass instead of http://

Edited by Adrianvdh
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