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playback MTS, AVI, MOV, JPG files & VIDEO_TS from burned disc

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Hey all ...


I agreed to take on a media production task for my all-volunteer Delta Marine Rescue Society group (they support our local Royal Canadian Marine Search And Rescue station, Station 8 - Delta, RCM•SAR formerly being the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary - Pacific), not realizing I was a little out of my depth now that I have rounded up various media from various members and sources.


The object is to burn one DVD (or a DVD DL disc [i have some good Verbatim DVD+R DL 2.4x media I an use], if neccesary, based on final aggregate size of media collected) that can be left on continuous playback in a pub fundraiser event environment.  I will likely have to hook a laptop up to a largescreen TV and may or may not have access to their DVD player, if they have one onsite, however, not knowing if that option is available or will work out, I should plan on the laptop playback solution.


The realization I have come to is that I have all these different file formats and have not had a lot of luck searching out playback s/w that will do everything I want.


Could I solicit some ideas here in the forums for a solution, that, I believe, will eventually involve the use of ImgBurn to create the finished disc.


Thanks for any help offered, FFF


The best solution is to compile all of them in a single final standard DVD video structure (VIDEO_TS folder) that can be played from any standard DVD player or from laptop as well.


You can use DVD Flick or DVD Styler for free. Another nice program is ConvertXtoDVD you can buy for ~40€.


ianymaty ... thank you for steering me to those programs ... I've located and downloaded both and I'm knee-deep as far as checking for supported file formats in both of them now ... I don't see still pictures / photos in the JPG format mentioned anywhere for either ... do you think they can deal with those as well, or is there some other basic transition that needs to occur first?

Thanks again, FFF


Convert your pictures to a movie/slideshow with a free tool if you can't add them as is.


You can use even Movie Maker and save it to best format possible.


ianymaty ... whoops! JPGs are supported by DVDStyler as a slideshow (I haven't figured out how to determine or control the image pause duration, but that is a minor point at this stage) ... I missed that ...

However, I did come across a couple of file type problems:

added MOV files appear with a 'Prohibition sign' (red circle with diagonal red line through a blue musical note)

in the lower right corner of the icons ... presumably, there is a problem of some kind with those files - what might that be?


edit: the 1st MOV file encountered during a DVDStyler Burn > preview caused transcoding to fail:


pipe:-1: Operation not permitted

Error transcoding of C:\Documents and Settings\ ... \P1011110.MOV


I thought maybe the Prohibition sign was simply warning me there would be no audio, however, there seems to be more to it than that ...


Also, a PPT file I want played back is not visible in the DVDStyler File browser and cannot be added to my project ... is there a way to transition it into a useful format?


Thanks, FFF



Also, a PPT file I want played back is not visible in the DVDStyler File browser and cannot be added to my project ... is there a way to transition it into a useful format?


Export it as something else in Powerpoint.

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