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Maybe a Bug


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Hello everyone, LIGHTNING UK! nice, ImgBurn looks great on the start up, etc with the other updates. But I had this problem in version as well, When I go to "Tools -> Drive -> Check For Firmware Updates..." It tell me I must be connected to the internet to do this, but I am? Why would it do this? Thank you for your time



  • Changed/Fixed: 'Shutdown Computer' checkboxes should have read 'Shut Down Computer'.

But in "settings -> General -> Page 1" it says "Shutdown Action:"

Edited by Adrianvdh
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Firewall set to block the app from accessing the Internet?


If connections can't be made to the servers or if certain api functions say you aren't connected to the Internet, ImgBurn will show you that message.


As for the shut down vs shutdown thing, it's just a grammar thing. I believe it's correct as-is.

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Someone told me that 'Shutdown Computer' should be 'Shut Down Computer' and that I was using the noun rather than verb form. I took their word for it and changed things accordingly - this also ties in with what's used in Windows itself.


When the 'Shut Down Computer' option is enabled, it runs my 'shutdown' code and does whatever's configured in the 'shutdown action'.

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I give up.


Nowhere did I say that every instance of 'shutdown' needed to be replaced by 'shut down'. That's not how language works. You're picking at things that don't need to be picked at.


'I want to shut down the computer' is correct

'I want to shutdown the computer' is incorrect (if I believe what I'm told)


That's as far as this 'shut down' vs 'shutdown' thing goes.


If you want to argue the rest of it, go and speak to your English teacher.

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