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Add folders rejected; add items restriction


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First time user.


I clicked the browse for folder icon when building a a disk, navigated to a directory containing several folders and files..


I slected two folders with the mouse.  The names appeared in the results box.  I clicked OK, nothing showed up in the build box.


I selected the folders one at a time; they appeared.


So it looks like multiple folder selection is broken.


This is a bit annoying when you are building a large BluRay disk, and have lots of folders.


It's also annoying that the select boxes only display folders or only display files.  In this case, I had a directory with several files AND several folders.

I don't understand why I couldn't see and select both types of items at once.


ImgBurn Win 7 Ultimate 64 sp1


Otherwise, so far an impressive tool.  Thanks for all the work that you put into it.


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To be honest, I didn't even know Microsoft's new dialog for folders allowed you to select multiple folders at one time. The 'SHBrowseForFolder' dialog box (pre Vista) never used to and so my code (which forks off between legacy and vista+ ) only ever expects 1 folder.


I'd probably just suggest you switch the 'Input' mode to 'Advanced' and do it that way.

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Selecting multiple folders for bd is easy. You probably know a bd only needs 2 folders. The bdmv and certificate folder. I just select the root folder that holds them both. Say i have a ripped bd called "mymovie" and the folder that contains the bdmv and certificate folder is thus also called "mymovie" structure looks then as followed.


Folder: mymovie

Subfolder: bdmv

Subfolder: certificate


Simply drag the "mymovie" folder into imgburn. It'll detect the bluray structure and will ask you if the "mymovie" folder is the root. Say yes "because it is" imgburn will do the rest.

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