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Overburn success but cannot read verified disc


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ImgBurn is great.  Thanks for creating it.  I plan to financially support the effort.


I was able to overburn a disk with a file of reported size of 4,659,200 KB


ImgBurn successfully verified the burn


The problem is that I cannot copy that file back off the DVD and onto a PC.


I have tried 3 different PCs.


I have tried Windows 7, Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux 12.04.   All failed to copy the file back to the hard drive of the PC from the DVD.


Before I give up, is there anything else I can try?






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Ok, after reviewing the log, apparently there was an error.

I promise to include logs from now on without fail. 


Anyway, I'm screwed  :outcold:


I blame this on me for....


A). Trying to overburn

B..) NOT reading the log on a critical backup to ensure success.

c). Not testing the critical backup before it was too late.


My bad. all the way.  Dumb dumb dumb.


Great Software in spite of my mistakes! Live and learn.


I do plan to make a donation.

And thanks for the fast support!



Edited by DubiousOrigins
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  • 2 weeks later...

I, too, haven't had much luck with overburns.



I only ever managed to overburn 1 CD because the MP3 was like 30 seconds longer than the maximum length allowed.  That disc plays but I cannot copy it back to an image file.  I forget the error.  I just kept the MP3 on HD for future to make CD's if I ever need to.



I tried like 4 other overburns of DVD's and they all pass write and verifies, but were unreadable afterwards.  So, I just gave up on overburning all together.  :)

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