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Weird drag and drop behavior


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Randomly, when I drag and drop a folder into a Build job, I sometimes get some weird behavior.  What happens is only the first file in the folder is added.  However, this behavior also sometimes happen when I drag and drop multiple files into a job.  Only the first file gets added.  Just now, I had the oddest drag and drop behavior of them all.



I dragged and dropped a folder containing about 8 files.  The folder created in the Build pane was named the same as the folder I dragged and dropped, but the contents were NOT the folder's contents!  What the folder actually contained was the contents of the installation directory for ImgBurn!  :o  ImgBurn.exe and the Preview .exe as well as other contents in the folder.

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Advanced.  From the Disk Layout Editor window.



The weird thing is it appears to be pseudo-random.  I can't replicate it.  It just happens.  And when it happens, I just drag and drop the contents again and it usually adds fine.  There was one time where I was dragging and dropping a file and it always added some random stringed file name from the TEMPDIR folder.  This behavior only fixed itself when I closed ImgBurn and reopened it.

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