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Licensing and redistributing


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What are the license details?

Could imgburn be redistributed with an application?

The usage would be for writing data disks; not music, not video...

Is there a fee for such usage - one-time or per user or fees voluntarily paid?


This seems like it should be a FAQ but I could not find the answer by searching.

I searched forums on licensing and got no useful results... just saw the windows flag waving (for a long time) like it was waiting to download.

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As it currently stands, it cannot be sold / packaged with any commercial / shareware titles.


Tell me more about what you have in mind?



I would like to package it with commercial software

to give the application the ability to save data to DVD/CD.


The application could basically drive ImgBurn.exe, sending it command line switches.

Perhaps we could come to some payment agreement?

I prefer to speak about details offline.

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Dear linx05 and others,


My thought is


(a) to give credit and $ to ImgBurn author and

(B) not have to burden users of an application with going out to an external web site.


If you call ImgBurn "lame" , could you suggest better alternatives?







As it currently stands, it cannot be sold / packaged with any commercial / shareware titles.


Tell me more about what you have in mind?



I would like to package it with commercial software

to give the application the ability to save data to DVD/CD.


The application could basically drive ImgBurn.exe, sending it command line switches.

Perhaps we could come to some payment agreement?

I prefer to speak about details offline.

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Dear linx05 and others,


My thought is


a/ to give credit and $ to ImgBurn author and

b/ not have to burden users of an application with going out to an external web site.


If you call ImgBurn "lame" , could you suggest better alternatives?

Time to chuck in my 2 cents, for whatever little it's worth.


a/ That's a given. Afterall, nothing is free when the work of others is sold as part of a commercial package.


b/ I'm in 2 minds about this. I can certainly see your point of view and I respect that. However, potential users of your software package should also know that you or your organisation are not the developers of this part of your package and they should be informed as to where this software originates.


c/ Something I've just thought of :- Hypothetically, if a deal is done between yourself and Lightning_UK to include ImgBurn in a commercial venture, are you guys going to be the ones supporting the ImgBurn end of the package or are your customers going to flood this forum looking for advice on why their crappy CMC MAG media is failing?



LAME is a project. It's not an opinion given to a piece of software.



<Opinion mode off. Please insert 2 cents to continue..........>

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I already knew about one kind of LAME (linux administration made easy)

and even LAMP (Lnux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) but not the LAME (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder) you mention.


Thanks for the enlightenment!




Dear linx05 and others,


My thought is


a/ to give credit and $ to ImgBurn author and

b/ not have to burden users of an application with going out to an external web site.


If you call ImgBurn "lame" , could you suggest better alternatives?

Time to chuck in my 2 cents, for whatever little it's worth.


a/ That's a given. Afterall, nothing is free when the work of others is sold as part of a commercial package.


b/ I'm in 2 minds about this. I can certainly see your point of view and I respect that. However, potential users of your software package should also know that you or your organisation are not the developers of this part of your package and they should be informed as to where this software originates.


c/ Something I've just thought of :- Hypothetically, if a deal is done between yourself and Lightning_UK to include ImgBurn in a commercial venture, are you guys going to be the ones supporting the ImgBurn end of the package or are your customers going to flood this forum looking for advice on why their crappy CMC MAG media is failing?



LAME is a project. It's not an opinion given to a piece of software.



<Opinion mode off. Please insert 2 cents to continue..........>

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