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/ROOTFOLDER YES Not Working correctly


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Hi! I'm pretty new to ImgBurn. I'm trying to create ISO's as part of an automated process using PowerShell. The command line switches work pretty good except for /ROOTFOLDER. One of two things happen:


  1. It's not respecting the setting at all and putting the whole folder on the disc instead of the files on the root.
  2. It's prompting me to click yes and ignoring the setting all together.

Any suggestions? Here's my command:


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Do you have the 'auto' calculate checkbox enabled? That can cause the command line setting to be used once and then reset.


Beyond that, the only time number 1 should happen is if the program has already determined what you're burning to be a 'known' type of disc (DVD Video, BD Video etc).


Your settings within the program (GUI) itself also need to be taken into account. It's not a CLI application. So if you've adjusted any of the prompts for build mode, they could be causing different things to happen.


oh and it's /PRESERVEFULLPATHNAMES... your command line there is missing the 'NAMES' bit off the end.


If preservefullpathnames is enabled, rootfolder doesn't apply.

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