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I'm having trouble after burning my edited DVD Iso!

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Hi, I joined just because I really need help. I'm trying to add subtitles to an Official DVD ISO and burn it onto a disc for personal use. 

The iso plays fine, but when I try to burn it, the main menu is a black screen and doesn't work, and the audio stutters.

I've tried multiple discs and multiple iso burners to see if the problem is fixed, but to no avail.

I've tried remaking the Iso file itself, and still, it doesn't work.

Can anybody help me?


Are you mounting the ISO as a virtual drive and then playing from the virtual drive, or are you simply loading the ISO in whatever playback tool you've chosen to use? The two methods could cause the playback software to behave differently.

If the ISO is really ok, there's no reason for it to behave differently when burnt to disc - subject to the device being able to read the disc nicely / quickly enough.

Whilst there are probably people on the forum that could offer some advice, your issue doesn't sound like it's related to ImgBurn... or even burning in general. You might be better off asking for help at somewhere like videohelp.com



No, I'm playing the Iso file on VLC Media player, then I Burned it to my disc. I can try mounting it like you said and see if anything is different.

I'm very new to this stuff, I'm sorry if I sound like an idiot


Not at all like an idiot, don’t worry

If you’re doing tests and making comparisons, it’s just best to test like-for-like (as much as possible anyway). So the iso must be played from a virtual drive and you must then use the same software player to play the burnt disk.


I just realized something: I don't see an option to mount my ISO.

Is there other ways to mount an iso? I tried right-clicking the file, and I didn't see a mount option.


This is an interesting case.  Generally, it's VLC that doesn't playback the ISO correctly, but the ISO is fine.  Not the other way around after burning it.  When you play the burned DVD, is it on a DVD drive in your PC or a standalone DVD player?  If it's on a PC, are you using VLC to play the DVD or another software?

  On 12/18/2021 at 12:36 AM, MewtwoFanz said:

I just realized something: I don't see an option to mount my ISO.

Is there other ways to mount an iso? I tried right-clicking the file, and I didn't see a mount option.



You will need some kind of virtual drive software.  I use Virtual CloneDrive.  There are other options out there, though.


Although, this might work, though I've never tried it.  If you double click an ISO in Windows and ISO is not assigned to anything else, Windows will mount it as a virtual drive so you can access its contents in File Explorer.  As a virtual drive, it might be possible to play the VIDEO_TS.IFO file from the VIDEO_TS folder in some DVD software.


  On 12/18/2021 at 12:37 AM, dbminter said:

This is an interesting case.  Generally, it's VLC that doesn't playback the ISO correctly, but the ISO is fine.  Not the other way around after burning it.  When you play the burned DVD, is it on a DVD drive in your PC or a standalone DVD player?  If it's on a PC, are you using VLC to play the DVD or another software?


I Tried the disc in both my External DVD drive AND my Blu-ray/DVD Player. It got the same black screen I saw on my pc when using my DVD Drive.


  On 12/18/2021 at 12:38 AM, dbminter said:


You will need some kind of virtual drive software.  I use Virtual CloneDrive.  There are other options out there, though.


Although, this might work, though I've never tried it.  If you double click an ISO in Windows and ISO is not assigned to anything else, Windows will mount it as a virtual drive so you can access its contents in File Explorer.  As a virtual drive, it might be possible to play the VIDEO_TS.IFO file from the VIDEO_TS folder in some DVD software.



Oh, I see. I will try to find some program that can work for me, then.


Ok, I think I may have mounted the iso to a Virtual Drive just by opening the iso file with Windows explorer, because it says "DVD Drive (D:)" before the label of my dvd iso. I clicked the VIDEO_TS.ifo, and it played as it should. I don't understand why my iso is not burning correctly because eveything seems to play normally until I burn it to a disc.


I just tried the double clicking a DVD Video ISO method I mentioned earlier.  It does work for playing back DVD's.  Just double click on the ISO and it if isn't assigned to something else in Windows, Windows will mount the ISO as a virtual drive.  You can then open File Explorer, open the new virtual drive you'll find there, and go into the VIDEO_TS folder.  Load the VIDEO_TS.IFO file there in whatever DVD player software you use.  I'm guessing VLC can play VIDEO_TS.IFO files.


Just be sure to use the Eject function in File Explorer before trying to delete the ISO.  Otherwise, I doubt the file can be deleted while it's mounted because the file is in use.


You replied while I was typing.


I would guess it's a problem down to the discs you're using then.  Post a burn log from the burn to DVD that is failing.  My guess is it's probably a CMC disc and isn't reading correctly because they're cheap discs.  Or weren't burnt well because they're cheap discs.


Also, just to make sure, make sure the VIDEO_TS folder is in the root directory of the DVD disc you burned when you load it in File Explorer.


Oof, Now I feel stupid. I was playing the mounted ISO Wrong. I found the drive, and played it with my VLC Media player, and it does EXACTLY The same thing as the DVD discs I burned the iso on. The same black menu, and audio stutter. Just ignore my original reply.


Here's the log file I found after burning a new disc. The disc still plays abnormally. Sorry about responding late, I needed a break last night.

ImgBurn.logFetching info...


Also, I just noticed something: The VOB Files in my ISO are black, the same as the menu when I burn the discs. I have a feeling this might be a cause for concern. Woulb anyone help me figuring out what I need to do?


I may have missed something, but I thought you eventually settled on the solution that the ISO itself was the problem.  If the problem is in the ISO when the ISO is played back on VLC, then the problem will almost assuredly be replicated on the DVD you burned the ISO to.


Try loading other .VOB files from the ISO in VLC.  If they're all black, then the problem is with the ISO.  I'd have to think it's whatever you used to inject the new subtitles into the DVD.  Whatever you used probably didn't do it right.  VIDEO_TS.VOB being black is actually fairly common.  But any .VOB that is 2 GB or about being black is definitely a problem.


Welp, I'm an Idiot. The Original DVD is Copy Protected.

I was never intending to sell or make a profit from doing this, but you see, I wanted to have a personal copy of this dvd that I edited to include an English translation on the iso file and burn it to a disc. The original DVD is Japanese.

I want to know if there is any possible way to extract a working iso file from a copy protected dvd? That might be why I'm having so many issues.

  On 12/18/2021 at 10:32 PM, dbminter said:

I may have missed something, but I thought you eventually settled on the solution that the ISO itself was the problem.  If the problem is in the ISO when the ISO is played back on VLC, then the problem will almost assuredly be replicated on the DVD you burned the ISO to.


Try loading other .VOB files from the ISO in VLC.  If they're all black, then the problem is with the ISO.  I'd have to think it's whatever you used to inject the new subtitles into the DVD.  Whatever you used probably didn't do it right.  VIDEO_TS.VOB being black is actually fairly common.  But any .VOB that is 2 GB or about being black is definitely a problem.


Ok, I loaded the other .VOB files from an extracted version of the iso. The movie vob files are working fine, but the Menu vob files are all black, rendering the menu useless.

This extracted version of the iso was extracted on a different program.


Hm, it sounds like you've got a bit of a Frankenstein here.  I'd suggest you start all over.  Unfortunately, we're not allowed to discuss methods of decrypting copy protected DVD's on this board.  So, you'll have to do some searching on your own to find out how to do that.


I do find it extremely odd you had a copy protected DVD where the resulting movie VOB's are fine but the menu VOB's are all black.  Generally, without decrypting the source DVD, you'd get all black movie content VOB's but usually scrambled content VOB's.  It's a movie encrypting affair and not a menu encrypting one because there are ways to make movies without menus.  So, just encrypting the menus is extremely weak copy protection.


Now, disregarding the copy protection issue here, I can't see a way to take an existing DVD and add subtitles to it.  You can take the movie stream from a disc and add subtitles to it with something like ConvertXToDVD, but you don't get to keep the original menus.  CXD makes entirely new menus.

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