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Batch Read, Is there a Way to Change the Name for the ISOs? Name based on a CSV?


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I've got a VinPower RipBox that I intend to use for batch importing discs.  I'm originally used an MF Digital Ripstation to batch import discs which allowed me to name each disc before beginning the batch.  It's been a number of years, but I believe I could even set a CSV file as the source for each discs name.

Is there any way to automate the naming of disc imports?  Or will it always name the files based on the name on the disc?

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I'm pretty sure it's just based on the name of the disc.

You might be able to force a name and the program will then try to make it unique (add a '(1)', '(2)' etc to it), but don't quote me on that!

There's definitely no support for grabbing names from a CSV or whatever.


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