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It's a bit hard to analyse move by move. I thought where you lost it was Qh4. The idea was fine but very transparent and weakened your defence of the centre. Nf4 was also a bit wasted. Kh1 was showed to be needed later on, and should have been played earlier. You move your f pawn, beware of checks on the a7-g1 diag. Find time to move Kh1! Instead of Qh4, Rb1 being active might have been the go or even Qf3, getting outa the pin but still defending the N. My Nf6 was forced due to the potential of B check on h7 (after f6) followed by losing my Q (if you were on the 3rd rank). So Qf3 was best there.


Rb4 (moving into a little pocket while ceding me the 1st rank) was very bad. No way out after that. Otherwise, you played pretty well.





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Good analysis, thanks...


Yeah once my knights went off the board I drifted. Also, earlier, before you said I needed Ne2 I should have played pxp sooner. Rook b4 was rubbish and I should have got my king off the black squares sooner, yup...


R(f)e8...the move you played, I think...

Edited by Altercuno
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Yes, but you must play very carefully here. I can see a win if you are sloppy. And the right move is not obvious. Take your time, play your moves on the board and see what I can conjure up.





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The threat is Nh5. f6 loses immediately (you shoud be able to see that). Be7 isn't bad.


Other candidate moves are BxN (not the best EDIT: but gets you out of immediate trouble) and g5 (interesting).


So, what do you wanna go with?



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g5 is a bit risky and sets up Ne6. BxN loses all advantage but removes the threat of Nh5 or Ne6 (bloody pesky Knight, eh?).


Be7 isn't the worst move, allowing coverage of the important f6 and f8 squares.


But perhaps the most interesting (and possibly risky) is Re4 (sacking the exchange and a pawn or so but getting your Q into play - it is forlorn cut off from all the action on the KS). This is very deep play.


... Re4

BxR Qe3+

Kh1 QxB


So, take your pick. I'm going to bed. Play it out. I'll play against g5 if you want me to with Ne6 (EDIT: Be awfully careful if you wanna capture it - it is almost immune given your white square weaknesses).


So, armed with that, tell me if you want it to stand or play something else.



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Hey blu sorry for the delay in posting. Truth is mentally I'm knackered with the playing and analyzing - don't get me wrong its great, just drains me out a bit.


You answered what I wanted to know about the knights, you didn't play either move! so I'm happy with the last game :thumbup:



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So, we're done? See how you can turn a loss for white into a win in a couple of moves?


Shame that we didn't finish. But I am sure any novice can see what is coming.


Thanks for the ggs



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Nd3 leaves you with little option but to trade Qs (and that's not what you want when you are down the XC). Or Qh4 threatening mate but Ne5 snuffs that out quickly.


Palpably best for you was Qxd4.


So Nd3.



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