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Pinnacle Studio 9 Plus


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I was trying to burn my family movies edited in Pinnacle Studio 9 Plus, but ImgBurn doesn't seem to recognize the DVD folder files Studio creates (i.e. BUP, VOB, and IFO). I want to use the bitsetting (booktype) DVD-Rom feature in ImgBurn for maximum DVD player compatibility. I have used it before with other applications (e.g. Photodex Producer) which create ISO files.


Instead of ISO files, I get a folder of BUP, VOB and IFO files from Studio. Their FAQ #10621, says to use my burning software to "copy all .VOB, .IFO, and BUP files in the 'video_ts' folder." ImgBurn doesn't let me do that.


Thanks in advance.

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hmmm I'd have expected pinnacle to allow you to output to and ISO file / or burn to disc / or output to video_ts files.


If you files will fit on a DVD5 (single layer) disc, you can use 'ImgTool Classic' from www.coujo.de


If they're bigger than that (i.e. DVD9 double layer), you have to use PgcEdit from http://www.videohelp.com/~r0lZ/pgcedit/index.html

PgcEdit can cope with single layer and double layer so you could really just use that one all the time. Its the only one that will make a proper double layer image with a nice layer break though.


btw, they're both FREE tools. :)

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