dr_ml422 Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 i still don't really get the build mode function. what happens most of the time is it copies the folder also and when i go play it on my dvd player the folder shows up and i have to open it up there also in order to watch the movie. a couple of times i was able to put the copy straight in my dvd player and the movie would start playing w/out showing the folder. what's the correct way to use build mode so as not to copy the folder and just get the movie to show up and then play in my dvd player? yes i understand that imgburn burns as is, so help me in build mode to make an .iso that will contain the video files alone w/out the folder? thnx. that pop up that says whether or not the folder is the root source also throws me off. in either case i usually end up copying some folder anyway.
chewy Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 I had a lot of problems with it at first(got lucky guessing the right answers) http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=4632 Cornholio wrote a beginners guide
dr_ml422 Posted October 16, 2007 Author Posted October 16, 2007 I had a lot of problems with it at first(got lucky guessing the right answers) http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=4632 Cornholio wrote a beginners guide hi chewy, i found out that in build mode building the vts folder is the sure fire way to make the iso that'll just show up as the original source in play back. what i do now is browse for the folder instead of browsing for the files. i'll play w/it some more and also check out cornholio's guide again. i haven't hit the link that you gave me here so i don't know whether or not it's the same as the original guide posted here in the forum.
LIGHTNING UK! Posted October 16, 2007 Posted October 16, 2007 If you add the files you just need to click 'Yes' to tell it you're building a dvd video disc. Don't try and over complicate the boxes that pop up, they're normally just asking a simple question that you should already know the answer to (i.e. are you trying to build a dvd video disc?).
dr_ml422 Posted October 16, 2007 Author Posted October 16, 2007 If you add the files you just need to click 'Yes' to tell it you're building a dvd video disc. Don't try and over complicate the boxes that pop up, they're normally just asking a simple question that you should already know the answer to (i.e. are you trying to build a dvd video disc?). hi lightning. i saw on your imgburn website that you upgraded imgburn, but that it created some issues w/something else. what is the latest version? is it still the pop up boxes i get don't mention anything about dvd video disc. they say something along the way about "you've only selected files... is the folder ... the root folder? otherwise the folder will be present in the menu..." if they do say what i just quoted, even when i click yes, what i get is the files on my dvd player which i have to open the first 1 in order for the movie to start . if you changed that pop up box in a new version then i have to get your new version. otherwise the only way i've been able to build is by browsing for the vts folder, selecting it, building it and then burning the iso. i'm trying too keep it as simple as possible. i do see though that many of us have the same difficulty in respect to build mode. any elaboration or extra suggestion on this is appreciated as always.
LIGHTNING UK! Posted October 16, 2007 Posted October 16, 2007 If you just add ifo/bup/vob files to the source window it kinda assumes you're trying to build a dvd video disc but will double check with you. If you have those + something else in the source box the message will change slightly. There are lots of different messages depending on what you add so it's impossible for me to say exactly at this stage. Oh and no i've not changed them. If you stored the files in the folder structure as suggest by the guides (my latest one at least), imgburn won't even prompt you. i.e. 'C:\NAME_OF_DVD\VIDEO_TS' <-- put your ifo/vob/bup files in here.
dr_ml422 Posted December 27, 2007 Author Posted December 27, 2007 If you just add ifo/bup/vob files to the source window it kinda assumes you're trying to build a dvd video disc but will double check with you. If you have those + something else in the source box the message will change slightly. There are lots of different messages depending on what you add so it's impossible for me to say exactly at this stage. Oh and no i've not changed them. If you stored the files in the folder structure as suggest by the guides (my latest one at least), imgburn won't even prompt you. i.e. 'C:\NAME_OF_DVD\VIDEO_TS' <-- put your ifo/vob/bup files in here. hi lightning. excuse the delay in posting my results. does writing directly to disc using build mode w/device as per your guide take longer than building an iso, and then burning? also does it take away from the quality of the burn when you write directly to disc using this method? i've been building to an iso image, and then burning. everything's fine. i just want to know a different take on this.
LIGHTNING UK! Posted December 27, 2007 Posted December 27, 2007 Unless your buffers are always empty when burning on the fly, it should be faster and there will be no difference in quality.
dr_ml422 Posted December 29, 2007 Author Posted December 29, 2007 hi lightning. i created that folder structure you suggested in your guide, and what happens is when i back-up the files to that video_ts folder, it creates another video_ts folder w/in that one automatically. also the program i use to back-up my video files already has a folder for them, and that creates a video_ts folder also. do i have to pick a totally different place on my pc to store the video files w/ just w/just its name, and when it backs up the video just pick the video_ts folder it creates automatically, and let imgburn do the rest? otherwise i get 2, even 3 video_ts folders. yes, i did try the device method and it's faster. eliminates having to create an iso and then burning.
volvofl10 Posted December 29, 2007 Posted December 29, 2007 in build mode all you need is a folder containing 1x VIDEO_TS folder and 1 x AUDIO_TS folder for example lets say you name the top folder as "project" then within the "project" folder you should have 1 x folder called VIDEO_TS and 1 folder called AUDIO_TS "project" folder should have the following 2 folders inside it the VIDEO_TS folder which should contain BUP files IFO files and VOB files and the AUDIO_TS folder, which doesnt usually have anything in it when you see the source window, hit the folder icon to the right of it ( hover over it and it says "browse for a folder" )and browse to your "project" folder source in BUILD mode , just select the folder called "project" then ImgBurn will know your trying to create a DVD compliant ISO or Disc if i understand what youve explained, and you end up with VIDEO_TS folders within VIDEO_TS folders, just empty the contents of 1 folder into the other, and delete the empty VIDEO_TS one, likewise if you dont have an AUDIO_TS folder, just create a new folder and name it AUDIO_TS ( in caps and with an underscore between AUDIO and TS hope thats of some help
dr_ml422 Posted December 29, 2007 Author Posted December 29, 2007 hi volvo. i'm trying to eliminate having to go through all that hassle of deleting the extra VIDEO_TS folders. and just picking the name of the folder i don't think will burn the files just the folder w/its name which is empty. i think. i'm not sure. that use to happen to me b4, but i'm not sure if it was through adding files, or browsing the folder option. that's why i think lightning suggested choosing the VIDEO_TS folder when adding it to the source window. the program i use automatically has a name for the back-up folder, and i think that's the issue. i just want to create 1 w/a different name because then it'll b quicker 4 me to select the VIDEO_TS folder in it and let imgburn add it and then burn in build mode using output 2 device. i just need some suggestion how i could create my own folder like lightning suggests, and not have the program i use throw the files into their preset destination folder. it'll save me some time doing that. i don't like having to search for folders w/in folders. 1 yes like the VIDEO_TS folder w/in my back-up folder's name, but not another 1 within that one, or vice versa.
dontasciime Posted December 29, 2007 Posted December 29, 2007 you need the folder to be present to be dvd compliant. when you are in build mode add your folder that has the video_ts files then click OK Then select your destination When it asks you Say yes
dr_ml422 Posted December 29, 2007 Author Posted December 29, 2007 donta i know all about that. you guys r missing the point about the pre-selected folder my program has. also i'm talking about burning in build mode w/device, not creating an iso. that's why lightning put out that guide bcause this can bcome confusing even to some of us more advanced in digital video. when you select the VIDEO_TS folder in ur destination folder like lightning suggests you won't get any pop-up windows. that's y he has that tip there. i just need some suggestion how i could create a folder independent of the 1 my program has as its target. otherwise it'll show up under my folder plus under the program's target destination. i'm trying 2 keep within the rules of the forum, if you get what i mean. it doesn't matter though bcause it'll happen regardless w/my program.
dontasciime Posted December 29, 2007 Posted December 29, 2007 If its single layer then just get the other program to output to ISO then
dr_ml422 Posted December 29, 2007 Author Posted December 29, 2007 donta it don't matter whether it's single layer, or not. besides i like setting it to file set because then i have more options for anything else. like i mentioned b4 i could use their target folder. it justs has to b open a couple of times 4 the VIDEO_TS folder. also it'll have their preselected name which is not too much of a big deal, but if i could use my own named folder i'd like 2 do so.
dontasciime Posted December 29, 2007 Posted December 29, 2007 you can change Volume label with ImgBurn when you select ISO to burn. You need to check the setting on the program your using It will or rather should allow you to specify what your after
dr_ml422 Posted December 29, 2007 Author Posted December 29, 2007 i'm going to check the proggie over 4 a change in that setting. though i'm not looking to make an iso. i'm looking to burn str8 to dvd w/device output. making an iso is just more time, and like lightning suggested there's no difference in quality, or the time it takes to burn in build mode using device output.
volvofl10 Posted December 29, 2007 Posted December 29, 2007 without scrolling back thru everything, does your back up program give you any option on where to save and if you can rename the destination from its settings ? what program are you using to make your back ups ?, someone else must have had this problem in the past as well
dr_ml422 Posted December 30, 2007 Author Posted December 30, 2007 hi volvo. i'm using dvdf...hd to make my back-ups. it has a predestined folder 4 mo..e only. now this is fine, but i have to open up my documents, then my name's documents, then dvdf..b hd, then, the mo..e only folder, then click on the VIDEO_TS folder. understand now. maybe i can bypass this. all i know is that even when i create a new folder, it'll go under this heading and the same path. i still don't understand why in lightning's guide he suggests to create a folder in a path, one inside that 1 w/the name, and 1 inside that one which is the VIDEO_TS folder. he then says to save the files to the VIDEO_TS folder. well it does that automatically anyway, and you don't have to create folders w/in folders because once you just create a folder and name it, whether on your hard drive etc... it automatically creates the audio, and VIDEO_TS folders. saving it in the VIDEO_TS folder like he suggests in his guide only ends up making another VIDEO_TS folder in that 1. somewhere here i don't get why he suggests that whole set up. it does work when you select the VIDEO_TS folder, and then click build in device mode so that imgburn will name your label 4 u. that saves time like lightning suggests, and i like that. i just don't get the folder w/in the folder thing. it has nothing to do w/DL either. if you have any suggestion on this, or lightning's guide it's greatly appreciated as always.
moondogger Posted December 30, 2007 Posted December 30, 2007 The reason why it is suggested to organize it that way is because Imgburn will know your trying to build a DVD-Video disc and automatically use the parent folder's name as the disc label and also create the AUDIO_TS folder on the fly if it doesn't already exist. All you need to do is drag the VIDEO_TS folder that contains the files into the main window and Imgburn does all the rest automatically!!!(if you answer yes to the questions)
dr_ml422 Posted December 30, 2007 Author Posted December 30, 2007 hi moondogger. i know that's why lightning suggests that tip. i just tried adding the folder w/the name on it, and it burned it, but it burned the folder also. that's why i didn't want 2 follow what donta suggested by clicking on yes when the pop-up window shows up asking about the root folder. etc... i've changed the setting on my proggie, and now it's a lil better to locate, and faster, the VIDEO_TS folder w/the files. otherwise i'd have to open up about 3 subfolders 2 get it. do you guys understand what i mean about creating that folder as suggested by lightning the way he explains it. just creating a new folder w/a name gives it an audio, and when backing up 2 it a VIDEO_TS folder. the folder w/in the folder that he suggests will only result in several more VIDEO_TS folders, of which 1 will only have the files. the others would b empty, and would have 2 b deleted causing even more time. i'm just curious about why lightning suggests that whole folder w/in the folder thing. every pc, or back-up proggie will automatically create a VIDEO_TS folder. is lightning referring to some other kind of video work? i don't think he is, but maybe it's so. the main thing w/build mode is the VIDEO_TS folder itself. once you choose that folder that's all that's needed. it'll automatically do what lightning suggests, give the name of the label 4 u. everything else is just going to cause more confusion. drag, selecting yes, etc...etc... most if not all of us have back-up proggies. go ahead and create that folder w/in the folder and you'll see what i mean. you'll get exactly what i've described. additional video_ts folders. i'm not going 2 go bonkers over the guide. i've read it several times and followed it to the tee. same results every time. additional video_ts folders not needed.
LIGHTNING UK! Posted December 30, 2007 Posted December 30, 2007 God knows how you're using other programs but it's not hard to get a folder structure like I say in the guide! You seem to be making things faaaaaaar more difficult than they actually are. You have the folders: C:\MY_DVD C:\MY_DVD\AUDIO_TS C:\MY_DVD\VIDEO_TS Just add the 'C:\MY_DVD' folder as the SINGLE entry in the ImgBurn's 'Source' box and that's it - NOTHING else! Do that and you won't even get any prompts. It'll go ahead and build you a nice DVD Video image. You don't need to mess with any of the settings anywhere.
dr_ml422 Posted December 31, 2007 Author Posted December 31, 2007 thnx lightning. i got it. i have to create it just like that and in that path on the hard drive. it went smooth w/out any prompts. i just have 2 adjust the settings on my back-up proggies so that the output, and target files are sent to the c hard drive w/the folder i created.
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