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Layer Break Preview in write mode


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Phew, just finished fixing it!


It's a real pain when you have no idea how anything works... not even the development environment!


There's a bit of code that seems to scan starting at the beginning of the file - no matter which cells you tell it to play.


As you can imagine, scanning for vob pack headers right at the start of an ISO is never going to work very well and that's why the window took ages to pop up (if ever).


This fix applies to loading image files and when examining a burnt disc directly so hopefully all 3 ways of using ImgBurnPreview.exe will now work ok!

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Phew, just finished fixing it!


It's a real pain when you have no idea how anything works... not even the development environment!


There's a bit of code that seems to scan starting at the beginning of the file - no matter which cells you tell it to play.


As you can imagine, scanning for vob pack headers right at the start of an ISO is never going to work very well and that's why the window took ages to pop up (if ever).


This fix applies to loading image files and when examining a burnt disc directly so hopefully all 3 ways of using ImgBurnPreview.exe will now work ok!


Wow Lightning, that was so quick. When your good, your good. :thumbup:

Oh and by the way thanks for taking care of all 3 :)

Edited by Sliztzan
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just wondering what version of the preview are you using the latest is 2.8, but i have no idea if Jeanl has done the same fix to latest version or are they somewhat different


What is new in 2.8

. Thanks to Jeanl, the preview has now some audio support, including under
 Linux and Wine.  It can play only the AC3 and LPCM streams.


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The PgcEdit preview has come a long way and the next version will have audio capabilities, including the ability to select which audio stream; proper treatment of angles and ILVU, pauses for non-seamless cells and also correct treatment of stills with audio.



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