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Description of "Test mode" and "Verify" checkboxes


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I have noticed that checkboxes "Test mode" and "Verify" (which are present in "Build" and "Write" operational modes) do not have pop-up descriptions. They may seem unecessary for advanced users, as these two terms are mostly self-explanatory for them. But there are a lot of people who do not have much experience with optical discs, so they are not so sure what those options mean.


And, even I, who am an expert user, am not sure what does the "Verify" checkbox do. Does it perform a bit-by-bit comparision of the content on the freshly written media, with the content on the hard drive? Or does it merely read the content of the freshly written media, just to ensure that the media is fully readable (doing no comparision)?

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It does a bit by bit comparison - the presence of MD5 hashes attests to that.


Test mode writes a disc without applying power to the laser. It is there to see that all works OK.



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Thank you for clearing my doubts about the Verify option.


I suggest that short pop-up descriptions should be added for these two elements. As an example, the Verify description could be "performs bit-by-bit comparision of the source and written content", and for "Test mode" it could be "simulates the whole writing process by doing everything except using the laser itself".


Maybe they are not the best ones, but they make a start.

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Does it actually do a bit by bit, or just compare MD5's at the end? I'd think to calculate the MD5 it has to read bit by bit, so is the MD5 just to verify the verify? While MD5 is/was a standard, there are cases where it isn't 100%...in this case it probably wouldn't matter much, especially if it is just a 2nd/Secondary check. That's about the only thing I'd need clarified...Test and Verify have been around for some time now and all good burning apps have them.


Verify being the newest. I know Test has been around forever- Saved me many coasters back in the days of wearing our my first 2X Sony burner that had that stupid cartridge I had to put all my discs in and then slide it in. I guess they were meant to protect the disc, but unless every disc was sold in one instead of jewel cases it kind of defeated the purpose. It amazes me too that like 1 in 5 got Buffer Underrun on a 2x Burner!

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You could look at the guides (linked in my signature) where complete descriptions of the settings and the prog are.




Blutach, I merely suggested that checkboxes "Verify" and "Test mode" should have short and meaningfull pop-up descriptions, because most other elements in ImgBurn do have them (some of those descriptions are useful, some are just dummy...etc.). I did not do this for my sake or sake of any expert here, but for the sake of a typical user.


And I just took the opportunity of suggesting that to clarify my uncertainity if the verification is a true comparision or just a readability check.

Edited by Bosanek
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