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Removes whole folder instead of just part built ISO


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When i go to build an ISO image from my DVD files, if i cancel during the build instead of delete just the ISO it was building it delete the folder i store my ISO's in aswell.


even with latest version of IMGBURN.


Running Vista Ultimate 32bit.


Thanks for the best program anyways :)

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Running the same O/S as you.


I 05:56:01 Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Edition (6.0, Build 6001 : Service Pack 1)

Test 1:


Tried it with a folder named




and placed 2 iso's in it and then built a third one to be saved into that folder and the after the delete of the incomplete third iso - the two first was still there.


Test 2:


The N:\test folder is empty when I start.


After it asks you if you want to delete the not complete .iso file - it asks you this (if you use default settings):



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I have the setting to DONT ASK TO DELETE incomplete isos (just delete anyways) and it does not ask if i wish to keep folder or not..


Looks like i just need to change that setting ?


Will redo and post log soon.


Thanks for help

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