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Posts posted by volvofl10

  1. Cannot Write Medium - Incompatible Format

    the above message actually tells it all

    Unfortunately, your "A1` discs are NOT A1 quality . notice they show strange write speeds, like .5x and 4.2x and 5.2x

    the only speed you will normally see thats not a whole number is 2.4x for dual layer discs

    change to verbatim discs with the MKM-001 dye ( usually the 2.4x ones) .In fact, the ONLY dual layer discs to buy are Verbatim. this has been said many times in this forum in EVERY dual layer thread ever posted !.

    also check the FAQ forum for why your getting the following message in the log file

    "W 17:07:07 DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME) Failed! - Reason: Access is denied.

    W 17:07:07 DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME) Failed! - Reason: Access is denied.


    to slow , must stop bothering with the spell checker

  2. its looking very much like the samsung just does'nt like the verbatims


    you could try setting the write speed to 2.4X . you have it set to 8X and the discs are only recognised by the drive as 2.4x or 4x ( slower is better with dual layer).

    you say your Bemq has no problems with PGCedit/Imgburn , BUT have you tried burning one of these verbatims from the same spindle on the benq in between the failed ones with the samsung , to eliminate faulty media ?

    I notice on both logs, that you specified the layer break position? , how may options did it offer you for the layer rbeak each time ?

  3. Hi sunflowerzs


    i dont know about the counrty you live in, but in the majority of the world it IS illegal to make back up discs of ones you have bought. It certainly is illegal in the UK ( where this forum is from) and for that reason we cannot/willnot/wont discuss the copying of protected discs in this forum , sorry


    Just to add for your info, Imgburn can't copy protedted discs anyway :thumbup:

  4. <volvo> just sits back and laughs :rolleyes:


    More of you should be as helpful and courteous as was "cheezy." I have gone to a number of Forums for assistance without ever running into folks like you, with the exception mentioned. Clarity of response is very important when giving advice or instructions.


    errrrm , ive just read back at the helpfull and courteous reply that you got from LIGHTNING_UK earlier on in this thread, and to be honest, it looks very polite to me and courteous with its advice and instructions ! bit baffled why you thought it was "curt remarks" , thats why i laughed

    I happen to be 78 years old and have been working with a computer for five years, slowly gaining some sophistication. IMGBurn was recommended to me for a particular application. Therefore, it was important that I find a file among the thousand or more I have stored in my computer.




    Good Luck to you wanting to learn and try new stuff at your age :thumbup:

  5. wondering why anyone would want the info requested showing in 2 different places


    even though i hear the "success" tune, i always look at the log file and check the operation time, that way i know wether there was any other related problems that need looking at

  6. if its hanging on "Device Not ready" then it means the disc is not being recognised, try cleaning the disc and try again .

    if the disc is scratched to pieces , thsi may stop it being recognised as well.

    does it recognise all other discs ok ?


    can you put a blank disc in the drive and select WRITE mode, then copy and paste the info from the information window on the right hand side of IB in here

  7. have you got a blank disc in the drive ?


    is the drives tray closed ? if the answer to oth questions is YES, then its most likely the drive does not "see" or recognise the blank media ,

    do you have the correct drive selected in the "destination box" in write/build mode

  8. errrm, if the disc is finalised, then you cant


    unless its a re-writeable disc ??


    your post was a bit vague , more information about what your trying to do would help. like are we talking about files already on a disc, files on your hdd ect ect

  9. I have 2 systems that I have this problem with it's definitely not a DRIVE or DISC problem...


    I have been able to burn audio cd's using WMP V10 on the same drives...


    2 systems , but its not a drive or disc problem , hmmm , why cant it be your disc's then ?

    you can burn audio cd still , so it could be your dvd discs thats the problem

    Ritek are not much good for DL , may be youve just found some slightly lower quality than ususal in your spindle.


    Does thsi happen with a verbatim disc ?

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