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Everything posted by eSkRo

  1. guide here --> http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=5555
  2. Go in Write MODE then go here (click on image to see) Post a screenshot of what u see,,,,
  3. Yepp! i explained myself wrong there thanks!!
  4. HI guys, just a quick information.... i always burn my Video_TS folders using the so called "ImgBurn DVD-Video Shell Ext" so i never use the build mode... but if i do so, ImgBurn detects that im trying to burn a DVD-Video disc and asks me if i want it to adjust to correct settings.. SO my question is, when was the "Detect thing" introduced? thanx
  5. DVD+R (Disc ID: MKM-003-00) (Speeds: 4x, 6x, 8x) Fast Media likes to be burned at Fast Speeds
  6. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=4643
  7. Make sure you include a copy of the program's log in your post. No log =
  8. Video_TS file or Video_TS folder?
  9. its good to Dust-Off your Burner you know,,,,
  10. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827118030&cm_re=7240s-_-27-118-030-_-Product
  11. which is?
  12. Dust-Off your Burner using a DVD LENS CLEANER
  13. please post a screenshot of the content of your BiN file
  14. exactly
  15. u can mount the BiN file to a virtual drive,,, use ViRTUAL CLONE DRiVE or DVDFAB ViRTUAL DRiVE both are Freeware
  16. well when your done copying the Disc, imgburn can delete the "created" iso file automatically,,,,
  17. use the drop down menu and select your BUrner,,, but u still need 2 Different instances of ImgBurn...
  18. uhm, So?
  19. eSkRo

    BuG or Not???

    OK! Understood
  20. How to use the 'Automatic Write Speed' (AWS) feature in ImgBurn
  21. Well maybe your DVD PLayer didnt like the --> "some extra stuff" to be burned along with the VIDEO_TS folder,,,,, Can you try to Burn ONLY the VIDEO_TSfolder?
  22. Nice mmalves!! i was looking for that Thread yesterday to post here for him! thanks!
  23. Well, i think the best idea here, is to implement something like this --> http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=14179&view=getnewpost&hl=&fromsearch=1 So once your "unsupported image file" is Mounted to a Virtual Drive You simply create an ISO image of it on your HDD and then once created, it would Automatically Switch to Write Mode because you would have checkmark the box that says "Switch to Write Mode When Done" and all is left to do is Choose a Write Speed and Hit the START button,,,, EnJOY""!!
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