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Everything posted by eSkRo

  1. .WV = WavPack lossless compressed audio file So, download and install --> CoreWavPack 1.1.1 --> http://www.wavpack.com/files/CoreWavPack-1.1.1-Setup.exe then, burn an AUDIO CD using this Guide here --> http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=5555 . . . .
  2. uhm, what? you want to create an AUDIO CD out of MP3 or WAVE files?
  3. I dunno if this has been asked already but, just like in the Advanced Input Window, it would be cool if the Standard Input Window could also show the Proper File/Folder icons too!
  4. use DVDFlick or ConvertXtoDVD for creating and Burning DVD Video discs....
  5. eSkRo

    Good Job!

    i Like your Shell Extension!

    im Italian too!

    can we talk about future improvements!

    I got great ideas!!!

    ive been wanting a Shell Extension for Ages!!!

    heres my EMAIL --> unholy_god_666@hotmail.com


  6. =sorry for double posting= ok here's what i think... were getting there #1 ----- first, the context menu icon doesn'T match with ImgBurn's icon.... #2 ----- second, this shell extension doesn't work with ISO files... by that i mean, it'll burn your ISO file as a DATA file instead of an Image File.... #3 ----- Now we see 2 "Burn with ImgBUrn" context menu option when right-clicking on an ISO file... Thats it so FAR! but overall its a great idea! with a little bit of work, this could get Amazing! ZoG if you want, i could give you cool ideas!
  7. ok i'll be the dummy here... EDIT BY ME
  8. you can't.. ImgBurn doesn't support multi-session yet....
  9. try a lens cleaner
  10. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=13785&view=findpost&p=113009
  11. Assuming the movie fits on a Single Layer DVD (4.7GB) here's what i do to Burn a playable DVD Movie for my HOME DVD PLAYER.... #1: ==== Use the Movie's VIDEO_TS Folder as your Source (see screenshot) #2: ==== u need to set the correct file system before burning your DVD Movie... and the correct file system to use, so that your Burned Movie will play in your HOME DVD PLAYER is this... (see screenshot) #3: ==== Select your Device Write Speed...... (see screenshot) #4: ==== Just Click this button to Start the Burning Process! (see screenshot) #5: ==== Then you'll be asking to confirm the DVD's Label... You can change it if you want or leave it as is and hit OK.... (see screenshot) #6: ==== Once you've hit OK, you'll see another popup window with a small resume of the DVD your about to Burn,,, So just hit OK again.... (see screenshot) #7: ==== Your pretty much done at this point... Let ImgBurn do its job... (see screenshot)
  12. #1- check to see if you have the latest firmware for you burner installed... #2- use a lens cleaner on your burner #3- try again
  13. Oh My!!! Did you contacted DVDFlick's creator about this?
  14. Ahhh! (Mode1/2048)! then, this should perfectly work on DVD i guess! thanx
  15. is there such a thing as Bootable ISO CD and Bootable ISO DVD..?? Like, Any ISO, bootable or not, can be burned to CD or DVD and work correctly right?
  16. thanx for answering my questions dznootz ...
  17. http://video.google.ca/videosearch?hl=en&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGGL_enCA269CA269&ie=UTF-8&q=DvdReMake+merge#emb=0&hl=en&q=DvdReMake+merge&view=3
  18. well if you have a home DVD Player that can play Divx files then convert your MP4s to Divx format... but it depends on what you need.... do u need to author a DVD in a way to add multiple movies onto it and they'll play 1 after the other or do u need to author a DVD in a way to Merge all your MP4s into 1 single movie and then lets say add chapters every 5 minutes to it???
  19. its ok dont worry Altho its ImgBurn's forum here, for some reasons, we have alot of questions "not regarding" ImgBurn... but just a hint, take a look here --> http://www.nliteos.com/guide/part1.html and a vid here -->
  20. to be honest, As far as Imgurn's concerned, it did its job correctly... the burning was successful... so i suggest you look for answers in an other forum that can cover the type of issues your having... we only cover ImgBurn Problems... sorry
  21. continue here on your original thread --> http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=13736 u dont need to make another thread about the same subject...
  22. please explain clearely what your trying to achieve here... im not clairvoyant
  23. MDS stands for Media Descriptor.... your supposed to have an ISO to go along with it... those 2 work hand in hand...
  24. well thats not good then... when u have an AVI movie that you want to play on your home dvd player, just convert your AVI movie to DVD-Video format by using freeware --> DVDFlick (which does the burning to using ImgBurn from within) Payware --> ConvertXtoDVD (which i use and also does the burning) that being said, where did that ISO come from? did u make it? or did u downloaded it like that? anyhow, u can always extract the big VOB file from there then import it in ConvertXtoDVD and convert it to DVD-Video Format
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