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Everything posted by eSkRo

  1. You need to be more specific here... Are you trying to convert an AVI to Video_TS Folder? or Are you trying to Burn a Video_TS Folder that was on a REAL DVD Disc before?
  2. Yepp! that works too!
  3. I personally use Avs2DVD and it'll convert MP4 to DVD without problems.... only thing u need to make sure is to have a MP4 DirectShow filter on your PC.... To do that, just try to read your MP4 file using Windows Media PLayer... If it plays, then go on with Avs2DVD and do your thing.... if it doesnt play, you'll need to download a MP4 DirectShow filter... example, Haali Matroska Splitter 19.12.2009 --> http://www.free-codecs.com/Haali_Matroska_Splitter_download.htm Once installed, try to read your MP4 file again using Windows Media PLayer... It should play! So go on with Avs2DVD and do your thing.... ` `
  4. How to convert my video files to DVD format? This question comes up often in here... So i've made a list of Free Tools that can do the job for you! Here they are... - Avi2Dvd - AVI2ISO - AVStoDVD - DIKO - DVD Flick - FAVC - The FilmMachine Hope this helps and happy conversions!!!
  5. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=6380
  6. eSkRo


    ConvertXtoDVD FTW!!! Audio always in sync! Fast conversion speed! Un-rivaled output quality!
  7. thats exactly why i bought ConvertXtoDVD........ when i do AVI to DVD conversions using it, audio is always in sync!!!
  8. when u say "Burning DVD's" Do you mean, burning a Video_TS folder? or burning an Avi to DVD?
  9. DVD Flick (freeware) can convert your AVI to DVD and it can do the burning too since it uses ImgBurn automatically to do so... ConvertXtoDVD (shareware) can convert your AVI to DVD and it has its own burning engine...
  10. eSkRo


    yepp! mmalves said correct!
  11. Video_TS folders need to have these options set prior to burning them Alternatively, there's a cool Windows Shell Extension which gives you a context menu item to launch ImgBurn and burn your VIDEO_TS folders automatically! I.e. right click on any folder named “VIDEO_TS” and you will be able to burn the DVD-Video with ImgBurn automatically without worrying about setting the correct options! Download--> http://software.badgerit.com/Releases/ImgBurnDVDVideo.zip Note that you need to have the installed version of ImgBurn... The portable version won't work obviously....
  12. agree
  13. thats right! but DVD9 are $$$
  14. oki doki
  15. Hey there! I would like to know if there's a To Do List that we can view? Im just curious to know what will be in the next release!
  16. There's now tons of apps that allow you to backup DVD's that are too big.... To name a few --> DVDShrink // CloneDVD2 // Magic DVD Ripper // DVD-Cloner // DVD neXt COPY note that you'll still need a 3rd party decrypter to remove copy protections...
  17. i agree that now, you can try to Get some Taiyo Yuden CD's like LUK! said.... But as i said, when i was looking around for a firmware, i've read many posts about the fact that those Burners are very bad optical devices.... And i think i believe so too... If Taiyo Yuden CD's dont cut it, then as Cynthia said, just buy an external burner... They aren't expen$ive anymore.... Good Luck LaurieF
  18. eSkRo

    image burn

    scuse me to ask but, why copy PS3 game when you wont be able to play it?
  19. YOu may contact your LapTop's support and ask them,,,
  20. apparently this 1.61 UJ-850U firmware works also on the UJ-850S http://www.firmwarehq.com/download_355-file_EP0000144835.exe.html
  21. no Laurie... you really need to be sure you have the Latest Up2Date firmware... thats step #1 you have a --> MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-850S 1.50 i think there's a 1.90 firmware update outthere.... you have a Toshiba Laptop?
  22. hmmm.... rumors say that the Slim model UJ-850S is a very bad optical device.... make sure your firmware's up2date and burn at 4x....
  23. use Virtual CloneDrive (freeware image mounter).......
  24. WOuldn'T it be cool to have an ImgBurn Forum Banner....?
  25. not to discourage you but i know LUK's reply's gonna be --> Nope
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