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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. I hope he means light something to mean like...love; 'cuz if someone lights something else inside you Volvo....... #39;( ... KABOOM............. !
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mr. McFartfinger..............
  3. Cinlight, Well tie me to a horse and run me through a field........ The Boss is good isn't he.........
  4. edit. Double post>
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEN. Hope all is well.
  6. kevdriver


    WOW....... Happy Birthday Snazz.............
  7. berqbil, Can you provide us with a log of the failed burn? It really helps in seeing what went wrong. Open Img> Help> logs, then just copy and paste......
  8. errrrr Merry Christmas Spinner............. I agree, same up here........... #39;(
  9. Great seeing you Hank............ Hope you have a good holiday as well, as I do all the Betas, members and of course the Boss..........
  10. Good ? Who said you had to be good ? Great! Nothing from Santa for me again this year........ . MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR to all.........
  11. No probs. If you have any questions about Imgburn just post back here...........
  12. Hey Blu, Got super here along with a million other proggies............ Thought I had used it at one point for avi > dvd converting......... Really gotta start cleaning up this puter....... too many proggies running on this thing........
  13. blacknight, Imgburn is the continuation of DVD Decrypter but DOES NOT REMOVE copy protection. You'd best google for help with that. We can't give you any info on protection removal what sdo ever on this site. It's strickly an advanced image burning tool.
  14. Flip, we only reccommend Verbatim DL DVDs to burn to. If you want to burn to those Riteks again try burning at 2.4X instead of 8X. Those Riteks just don't like to accept the burn at those higher speeds, if at all.
  15. Or Super.........
  16. Just be careful of the " made in India " ones. There have been reports of crappy burns with them.
  17. Mainesbabe, It appears your laptop drive doesn't like the Tys your burning to. Try buying some Verbatim DVD-Rs and try the burn again.
  18. Not to worry Loco. I'd never run something a god as Imgburn over with a bus............. now some people I know down here........
  19. budhop, A little more info would be helpful! Post a log of the bad burn....... Img help > img logs.
  20. oooooohhh I'm getting that woozy feeling again......... :& :& :&
  21. Found the India Verb ones here on sale at Staples... dvd-r lightscribes......... great price but stayed far away from them, I'll stick with the standard Taiwan produced Verbs. Girl at counter told me the lightscribes were on sale, I told her they were shit and she said she was wondering why they weren't selling even on sale.........
  22. DC, The logfile is showing that the burner can't read your Verbs, You could buy another single verb or small cake of them and try the burn again, if the same happens, it looks like the drive is on route to heaven. If it should burn alright to the different batch of verbs, then perhaps its a bad batch of verbs your working with ( I've never hit more then 1 bad verb out of a couple hundred before. )Honestly think its your drive starting to die though.
  23. DC, I too have a preference for Pioneer drives, however, drives can go south at any time. As Blutach said, either your Verbs are a bad batch or more then likely your drive needs replacement. Just go and replace it with a new pioneer drive. There are many good burners on the market, but the choice is always yours.
  24. Just as soon as its been throughly tested and the Boss chooses to release it.
  25. rlynch437, Please post a log of the failed burn. Help > Imgburn logs > copy and Paste.
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