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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. Been kinda tired lately......... . Hey Blu, noticed its been unusally quiet on the forums, fiqured everybody was taking a breather. How's Firey....... . Haven't seen her around lately..... #39;( #39;( Maritimer, I believe has gone away with her Brother and Dad for a couple of weeks.......I think.. . She better bloody well hurry back, I'm running out of chocolate chip cookies... #39;(
  2. christ, don't encourage him Lfc............... pllleeeaaasee #39;(
  3. Cooking Tea eh Lfc, I've gotta try some of that.... Special Blutach herbal tea........
  4. kevdriver


  5. Yea, I know eh. Lord some of the music I've gotton off Corny........ great music but WOW is he ever into metal..............
  6. C'mon Fixer...... one more listen.. Rock & Roll Rock
  7. Unbelieveable......... @ Kirk, couldn't be Firey, she's still out buffing up the Porsche....
  8. Cool, Thanks Polo....
  9. Holy crap, that guys gonna blow a vein out or something........ LMFAO
  10. We knew you did kinda, but you never know after the stunt that fake decrypter site and "the new LUK" or whatever he called himself tried to pull off for the unwiery. And just for being so suspicious I'll send the real LUK another donation......
  11. Very Good lfc................
  12. If you every want to get rid of that Galaxy ................. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  13. Shamus, I have several files I could beta test that proggie on * ahem cough*. Any idea when it will be released for download.........
  14. Wonder what she thinks about breast feeding........
  15. Oh Yeah.... I knew that.............
  16. You got that right Ken, 1972 Doge Coronet, 440 cu, holly 4 barrell. Man what a boat, but she sure could go and to fix just sit on the front fender wells and take the engine apart. Now a days with all the comps on board, you could never do that..... Remember the 68 cougars with the 350 windsor blocks in them or 1970 fairlane with the 390 in her........
  17. Humour, Shit K jr. I think he might have been serious..........
  18. Thanks Corn, Thanks Dontasciime..........
  19. Steely Dan, been around for many years, great music, great musicians. Don't really know if there still together or not. I do have all there albums though....
  20. Oh Shit, here we go again........... . Kirk, don't mess with Oilys car man............
  21. Deacon Blues Go Aussies Go........
  22. You know Blu, I ws kinda thinking that myself...... If it is a hoax, at least I hope my donation went to LUK and not to whomever set this up, if it is a hoax. Some of you guys must have contact with LUK, see what he says........ #39;(
  23. Jill's here now !! Welcome Jill..... Missed You.. #39;(
  24. Speaking of Prom Queens.... Where the hell is Jill?.. Thought she might have been able to get back on by now..... #39;(
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