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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. dbminter


    I thought pee and pooh was what CMC used to make their DVD's with?
  2. Remember the Furby? Well, Hasbro is re-releasing them here, and, it appears overseas, they're releasing it as Rugby. Rugby ball is what Rugby uses to reproduce... :&
  3. dbminter


  4. I predict My Name Is Earl is NBC's next Ed. A show that is not good but they had high hopes for it so will keep renewing it, keep pushing it down people's throats, and hope to repeat the unwarranted success they had similiarly with Cheers by doing the same thing.
  5. dbminter


    Surely, DVD Decrypter can be mentioned. It's mentioned on the front page of imgburn.com It depends on the context you mention it in. And, hence forth, I would recommend it not be mentioned at all.
  6. dbminter


    Funny, no, I didn't. Never joined.
  7. dbminter


    Oh, my... how that sounds... :&
  8. dbminter


    IS corny corny or is he a wombat?
  9. dbminter


    Better yet... use FIRE! HELL FIRE!
  10. dbminter


    Anyone ever question, while watching Tiny Toons, why Elmer, even though he's now a teacher at Tiny Toons University, how he is able to repress the urge to grab a shot gun and take pot shots at Buster?
  11. What is IngBurn?
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