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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Had second thoughts. Decided better to change this post. Too late for the e-mails, though.
  2. Yeah, it's extremely rare when there's a complain of a DVD recordable disc that plays on standalone but NOT PC. 99% of the time, it's always the other way around.
  3. Wouldn't fake 1923 currency have netted more money on the collector's market than trying to spend it?
  4. dbminter

    Rocky Balboa

    So, are they tipping the big secret for Rocky VI? That Adrian dies? Because, she was NOT written in the script for Rocky V as passing away at all. In fact, a character who HAD passed away actually MAKES an appearance in Rocky V. Come on, everyone knows it's Paulie who must die. The actor's getting too old to play the part and there aren't that many characters that Stallone can still axe off and have it 1.) impact the audience and 2.) not completely destroy the script. After Paulie, it will be that black bald guy who was Apollo's manager and then stepped into Mickey's shoes after the big 'fro bit the dust. Then... I dunno? The robot from III and IV? Drago?
  5. Looks more like an ITC version of Automan.
  6. #39;( Looks like it.
  7. You never know how those bent pins will behave. I once, as it turned out, had a bent pin on a floppy drive's interface. The drive worked just fine... except formatting would always fail with an error message, BUT, disks were formatted just fine. It would reach 99% and say it failed. I discovered the pin bent on the floppy interface, straightened it out as best I could, did my best to insert the cable back so as not to bend the pin, and formats resumed completing at 100% with no errors.
  8. After playing around with DVD Identifer, DVDInfo, CD-DVD Speed, and InfoTool, I have the same conclusion. That the ID's are not stored in the same way as on DVD. That these apps translate something into human English, as opposed to DVD's which have an alhpanumeric string. Which was probably designed to confuse people in the first place into not knowing what they were getting.
  9. Funny enough, many of the BBFC rejections to Hammer were ignored by the MPAA, or its equivalent depending on the time frame, BECAUSE their horror films were slotted for summer releases. They were targeted equally at kids. Strangely, especially given the time, America wasn't worried about the "sex" implied in the Hammer horror films (Curse Of The Werewolf was consistently warned by BBFC that they did not want it become a sex and horror film, even though there was NO sex in it at all. Uptight!) as they were worried about religious imagery. e.g. the recommendations to remove taking god's name in vain, etc.
  10. That's because everyone in Sweden has sex changes, of course.
  11. How about: "Oh, I see you are attempting to import DVD content. SOD OFF WITH THAT, YOU WANKER!"
  12. No worse than in America where "Louie, Louie!" was investigated by the US government for containing overt COMMUNIST lyrics?! Pretty much, the government was dared to try and make SENSE out the song, because, guess what? There IS none in it! It's just a nonsense song that somehow managed to catch on with people. In Indiana, the song "It's In The Book" was banned from radio waves for no really discernable reason. There are two theories: 1.) it has a fake advertisement jingle for "Grandma's Lye Soap" 2.) it is sung in a hymn format The prevailing theory is because of some obscure law that permits advertising in songs on the radio there, coupled with the implied idea of religious worship and support of one religion over another, the stations imposed a ban on it themselves to not even go anywhere near the possibility of upsetting anyone.
  13. Yeah, I do have it. I didn't think of trying that with CD's though, given the name. I'll give it a throw.
  14. Actually, the ratings/classifications I have little problem with. My problem with those, as with ratings in the US, is that they are arbitrary. Assigned whatever by whoever for any reason they want. (My particular favorite was how during a Dragon Ball Z on Cartoon Network, the TV rating that it was given was for all ages... and the rating appears right on the screen when a lecherous old man grabs a woman's boob! ) What the BBFC does, though, is interfere at the SCRIPT stage! BEFORE something is even filmed, they say it will be a "problem." For instance, a common note to Hammer throughout this book was about character's screams. They should not be too loud, too long, or too scary. They should also not be heard when people are dying. SHEESH! Again, I have no problem with restricting X content to Y age group. But, to actively remove something before it's made, or after, because someone arbitrarily doesn't like it
  15. I've been reading a book on the history of Hammer films at Bray. Inside are numerous memoes and examples of problems the company had with its films and the British Board Of Film Censorship. Ironically enough, in 1984, Censorship was changed to Classification. I am choosing to stick with Censorship because that's ALL these bloody hoods do! How can anyone in England ever see a film as its writer/director intended?! The most amazingly asinine and dumb demands are made before a film can receive a certificate. For instance, the ones on "The Revenge Of Frankenstein" and "The Curse Of The Werewolf." For the 2nd film, the BBFC objected to the depicting of hair growing on a boy's arm because it implied beastiality. Why? Because he was a werewolf! Therefore, one of his parents must have been human and the other was a wolf! SHEESH! Of course, this is just a thinly, barely disguised allegory for the censors's real "fear." The implied, in their minds, depiction of anything sexually related. Not JUST the implied beastiality that isn't there, but, their real "fear" lingering in the back of their brains: it is a parallel to puberty, i.e. the growing of hair on the young man. But, "The Revenge Of Frankenstein" was just laughable! BBFC objected to a shot that MUST be removed as too gruesome. A shot of Peter Cushing transferring a human brain from a dish into a jar of liquid. Hammer wrote back to the BBFC saying they had exorcised the less than 5 second scene. The BBFC THEN agreed to give the film an X. BUT, here's the kicker, folks! That scene never WAS removed! It has existed in ALL prints since the film's release! So, the BBFC never even CHECKED the prints they were sent to make sure their requested edits were made! The MPAA in America is little better, actually. Their requests for cuts at the script stage for an imported version of Revenge were mostly to remove any "blasphemous" elements. Things like using the word "gawd" etc. Yet, they have no problem with how the film opens with the MURDER of priest! Or, that the ENTIRE story is blasphemous in that a man CREATES human life with his bare hands, laughing in the face of god the entire time. But, back to the point let's not even get started with the video nasties, the Video Recording Act Of 1984, and a handful of films which I believe to this day are still subject to being seized at customs because of their gore contents. So, I ask: how does anyone in Britain ever get to see a movie at all? Seems that some point the Mary Whitehouses and the like would nitpick everything to death to sanitize it to the point of pure treacle only entertainment.
  16. Okay, so, IF Nero can display a CD's manufacturer, then, ImgTool should. As Nero has little idea how to get anything to really work well.
  17. It is! That's what a Desktop is for.
  18. In an interesting aside, it seems that the day after Curse Of The Were-Rabbit swept the box offices in the US and other countries, the animation studio that made the film burned down to the ground.
  19. Well, at least in Metalstorm you got to fiend on... Richard Moll... missing an eye... and his hair... :&
  20. Yeah, the ALI sets apparently cannot be flashed unless they're version 5 or greater. My version 3 couldn't, and, ALI was trying to sell me their ALI version 5. I told them to shove it. Why should I buy THEIR fix if they have already shown they didn't get it right before? I'd buy a known, good working enclosure first. In fact, should we add something to FAQ on the board about the semaphore time out? Why it happens, what causes it, that it can't be fixed by software in most cases, and a list of know, good, working chip sets/enclosure manufacturers so people will know a good enclosure to go out and get?
  21. 1.) Is there such a thing as Manufacturer ID for CD's? I believe I have asked this before in the old forums. 2.) Is there a way to read this ID from CD as there is for DVD? 3.) Can ImgBurn include displaying this ID for CD's if it exists and can be read? 4.) If Imgburn already does this, how do I employ it? Thanks!
  22. The sad thing is, though, it was actually better than Boris And Natasha.
  23. Sideshow Bob is too micro-focused. Plus, look at the success rate of his plans. I'd like to think I'm slightly better.
  24. But, didn't it work before?
  25. Feh! I am one who has actually seen Howard The Duck in theaters! Even the amazingly obscure Metalstorm: The Destruction Of Jared Syn... IN 3-D!
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