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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. My discs go in Case Logic carriers. The slots have a Post It on them that tells what each disc in the row of 2 is. Plus, the discs themselves have descriptive labels and directory structures that tell what is on each disc in case one gets filed in the wrong place.
  2. I use the inkjet printable surface discs in case I ever get such a printer, I can print labels to them. If necessary, I can write to them with a CD marker. Or apply stickers, but it's not recommended because even applying stickers to branded discs can cause them to spin unevenly in a drive. Last I checked a decade ago, Ritek made Sony's DVD-R.
  3. My experience has been AZO discs are good. They have the MCC DID on them, which means Mitsubishi supposedly made them. However, of course, DID's can be whatever the manufacturer wants to make of them. I actually never noticed before that the DataLife Plus discs were only printable surface media. Inkjet and thermal labels.
  4. OIC what you're saying. There is a sub-brand of the good stuff called AZO. AZO is the branded surface Verbatim good media you're referring to. I've had those before as well. DataLife Plus is what I get in inkjet label surfaces, and those are what I just received today. DataLife Plus Verbatim DVD+R inkjet printable surface. I still have some left over AZO Verbatim DVD-R back from when I was exclusively using DVD-R before I switched to DVD+R. I use the branded ones for temporary backups I don't want to keep.
  5. Yeah, as far as I'm concerned, DataLife Plus is the only good stuff. There's just Life Series, which is CMC, you find in stores, and DataLife Plus which is the good MCC stuff you only find online here in the States.
  6. Amazon.com always adds the cost of shipping to their items. So, it never pays to pay for additional shipping on top. It's always best to gather $25 together for an order since Amazon.com is already factoring in the shipping in the cost for so called "free" shipping. Thus, Amazon.com is initially more expensive, but on par with other online shops which will charge shipping. And you can really only get the good stuff here in the States online. Don't know about elsewhere, but, here, you have to order them online. An interesting question. Verbatim had an online web store for ordering their discs. I wonder if it will still be up with CMC now the owner. I would bet ordering from them would prove relatively soon if CMC is shipping their CMC crap as DataLife Plus.
  7. I'm half tempted to post a picture of the room where I store all my computer stuff to show you how much of a premium space is. But, you're right about it being only being 20 spindles of 50 each. I didn't do the math to see how many spindles that would be. And Amazon.com has 50 spindle DVD+R's for like $20, so that's $400. As for the BD-R's, you can get 50 of the quality stuff for like $36 on Amazon.com. So, for 1,000, that's (1,000 / 50 ) x $36. That's $720!
  8. As I said earlier, I would stock up on a thousand each of DVD+R, DVD+R DL, CD-R, and BD-R, if I had anywhere near the money to do so and if space in my house wasn't such a commodity.
  9. Got my most recent order of DVD+R's made before I found out about the Verbatim sale to CMC. These had the disc label of MCC, which leads one to believe they're the quality stuff. Are they left over stock, though? Or, are they CMC's typical junk just given the DID of MCC to make them look good? Anyone can put anything in the DID filed, and I wouldn't put it past CMC to use trickery with the DID's to pass off their garbage under a good brand name.
  10. It sounds like you have the same DVD as I do, although mine doesn't have a paper label on it. And the extra cartoon can only be "played" in DVDShrink or extracted with DVDShrink and made into its own DVD. My DVD has the two trailers you mentioned along with the radio spot. Although your DVD might be an R2 PAL one it sounds like whereas mine is an apparently region free Chinese made NTSC one. I live close to you, actually. I'm in Owensboro in Kentucky, just on the state line with Indiana before you get to Evansville. Where I was also born and lived most of my life, except for like a 5 year period in Phoenix, AZ. I became disabled in 2007.
  11. Yeah, narrow minded people like to think Song Of The South glorifies slavery, when, it quite clearly states the film is set during Reconstruction. People will always find some cause to rally behind, even if it has no merit. I'm pretty sure my copy is a VHS to DVD conversion given fancy menus. It does have a special feature with a radio spot for the then recently released movie. But, it was the only way I could see it since Disney refuses to even acknowledge the film exists anymore in the United States. I think this DVD might be a bootleg. If you examine the contents in DVDShrink, there's a video stream you can't access anywhere. This stream is of the Warner Brothers banned cartoon Coal Black And Da Seben Dwarfs. It's highly unlikely two cartoons from competing studios would be released on the same DVD if it were authorized.
  12. Let me guess. This movie is Song Of The South. While too many people exploded over that movie for very little valid reason in the United States, Disney continued to distribute it on home video in Europe and Asia. My DVD is a Chinese release, so it's NTSC. Amazingly, it's in English. Disney last released Song Of The South to home video and television in the United States in 1985. Since it's German, makes me wonder if Germany, post war, has ever seen the US WW II propaganda Disney short, Education For Death.
  13. I use 7Zip, but was not aware .ISO was a supported file type for the program. Good to know. Thanks for educating me! Unfortunately, it cannot inject files into an ISO. Just extract the contents out of it. So, I still need UltraISO.
  14. The German DVD might be PAL. If you have a DVD player that supports R2 or the DVD is region free and if you have a TV that supports PAL, then you might be able to play a German DVD if it's in PAL. PAL DVD video is sped up because of the different types of TV's they use. Just a thought.
  15. It shows the slow and gradual death of optical media. They don't include optical drives in a lot of new PC's nowadays. They're gradually phasing out DVD for new movies. The sale of recordable discs shows how $36 million is seen a good deal now for Mitsubishi. With everyone streaming today their movies and TV shows, optical disc is dying. Everyone downloads their software now so there's no market for physical discs. CD's are dying because everyone is streaming. It's really a sad time for anyone who wants to actually OWN something instead of renting it. I refuse to streaming anything because I want to own a physical copy. If I can't own a copy on my end, I don't want it. With streaming, they can take away your "license" at any time, bring it back at a higher price point, and force you to buy it back again. No deal as far as this guy is concerned!
  16. Particularly if you used some kind of conversion software to create the source you burned.
  17. Try a piece of paid software called UltraISO. It's what I use to inject files, the process of adding files and folders to an existing ISO. And I believe you can extract contents from an ISO in UltraISO and copy the contents to another folder. If you're using native, pure ISO, one thing you can do on modern versions of Windows is navigate the contents either natively through Windows/File Explorer or mounted as a virtual drive. I forget how Windows does it. Either way, you can copy the contents and paste them to another location. I use a virtual drive software called Virtual CloneDrive. Then, I just mount ISO's to the virtual drive and copy and paste the contents from the virtual drive in Windows/File Explorer.
  18. Plus, CMC sells more because they're cheaper. But, there's a reason why they're so much cheaper. Then, when people realize the meaning of that old Spanish saying, "The cheap comes out expensive," they switched to the better quality DataLife Plus media. But, now, that option will probably fly right out of the window! The best hope we have is that CMC buys the Verbatim brand and name and continues to outsource to Mitsubishi for the actual creation of DataLife Plus media. But, we all know the real deal. CMC will just slap Verbatim's good name onto its crap, like they did when JVC bought out Taiyo Yuden. JVC apparently just slapped the good TY brand name on CMC garbage. I wonder if TDK still makes their own DVD+R DL. The only other brand of DVD+R DL I ever found to be any good were the ones made by TDK. After 2 years, they were still readable, unlike the Office Depot branded ones from Ritek I experimented with. Panasonic used to make a quality DVD-R back when I can remember paying $11 a disc in 2002! I wonder if they make DVD+R, if they still make it, and if they still make quality or just farmed out to CMC. My first DVD+R DL's from Verbatim DataLife Plus that I made in 2008 are still playable today. I have one disc I watch every Halloween night. It was made on a quality Verbatim DVD+R DL and was still playable as of last year.
  19. It really is an iffy proposition. Mitsubishi made the quality discs for Verbatim, since they apparently never made their own media. They always farmed out to Mitsubishi and CMC. If Mitsubishi doesn't see a profit in making the media anymore, I doubt they'll make them for CMC anymore, either. If I could afford to and had the space to store them, I'd buy 2,000 quality Verbatim DVD+R, too, along with 2,000 DVD+R DL and 2,000 BD-R. I need to buy some DVD+R DL next month so I'll see if it's left overstock of the good stuff or, if it's changed, if it's CMC Tomorrow, I'm expecting an Amazon.com order to arrive... IF USPS delivers it to my house! In that order is a stack of 50 DataLife Plus DVD+R. I ordered them before I heard Verbatim was sold to CMC. So, it will be a good test to see if I get the MCC stuff. It could be left over stock or it could be all new stock made by CMC!
  20. Well, really bad news. Mitsubishi sold Verbatim to CMC! There goes the only provider of quality DVD-/+R, DVD+R DL, and BD-R!
  21. Well, that's just We all know CMC probably didn't adopt Taiyo Yuden's quality and just slapped their good name on crap media. That's what they'll do with Verbatim. Just mark my words.
  22. Please, please, oh please don't tell me Mitsubishi sold Verbatim to CMC! Verbatim was already farming out to CMC for its Life Series and it's BD-R, resulting in crap media. Verbatim's DataLife Plus series was the last bastion of quality media! Will DVD+/-R SL/DL/RW now all be CMC garbage?! Who else is there left to get DVD+/-R, DVD+R DL, and DVD+/-RW, not to mention CD-R, if Verbatim goes completely to the dark side?
  23. I extrapolated that from this forum thread: https://forums.vso-software.fr/spam-t20799.html Even though it was about controlling Spam, check towards the last few posts.
  24. It looks like ConvertXToDVD has been "frozen" until they get a 64 bit version of the software released. They probably stopped development of the software to concentrate on getting this new "version" working.
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