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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. There is a free version of Alcohol 120% where I think the only limitation is it can't burn images to discs. But, what you could try is mount the MDS in Alcohol and use ImgBurn to create a new image set with an image format that would support multiple tracks. That may work.
  2. I'm guessing MDS is a proprietary format? And that only one particular version was ever implemented into ImgBurn and that that implementation of MDS only supported single tracks?
  3. I have that application, but it only works for partitions. Optical drive are not partitions. In fact, none of the partition software I've ever used ever detected optical drives, even when discs were inserted.
  4. Wow, that Verify test was an ABJECT failure! Verify failed RIGHT away! Didn't even Verify a single sector before failing! EDIT: It's the same story as the 209/2209/211 on firmware 1.51/1.52 but not 1.50. If the 212 writes a unformatted Ritek 8x DVD+RW, Verify will fail. If my LG writes the same disc with the same image file, it writes and passes Verify. If that same disc is then written in the 212 again with the same image file in ImgBurn, it passes Verify. Same old story! So, these media CAN be used in Pioneer drives, BUT you lose one potential write to getting it written to properly in them. I did get ONE uncorrectable error that wasn't because it was apparently corrected: W 20:42:02 Failed to Read Sectors 2267392 - 2267423 - Reason: L-EC Uncorrectable Error
  5. I don't know how easy it would be to implement in ImgBurn, but I'd like to see some way to change a drive's drive letter within the ImgBurn interface. The way I have to do it now, which is the only way I know to do it, is through Disk Management. Thanks!
  6. There's an inherent problem that everyone takes away from the story of Job. That faith is rewarded. But, that's exactly the OPPOSITE of what Job does! He loses his faith and only has his faith restored and rewarded when God comes down and reveals himself. He shows Job the wonders of his creation and that reinvigorates Job's belief. AFTER God shows him he exists, God rewards Job's faith. What kind of message is that to deliver? The typical ones of the Bible: contradictory nonsense.
  7. Just put in the 212 in an external enclosure I have specifically for testing optical drives before installing them in my main enclosure that I always use as my primary one. Threw in a Ritek 8x DVD+RW that had written to before successfully in the WH16NS60. No problem with the Verify! So, I'll be swapping it into my main enclosure. Then, I'll test it with virgin Ritek 8x DVD+RW to see if this drive still suffers from it like the past firmwares did on 3 other drives. I have no delusions it will work, though.
  8. I received my replacement drive today, but the interesting is I didn't get exactly what I sent in for replacement. My drive was the BDR-211UBK and they sent me something in a box labeled BDR-212UBK. So, it sounds like I got maybe a newer, "updated" model. Maybe the 211 is no longer in production. EDIT: Got a reply back from Pioneer tech support. The 212 replaced the 211. Although I never heard of it before. Must be pretty new, which could be more problematic, actually, if you think about it. The 212 must be just fresh off the R&D line. There's no listing for this drive anywhere on Google.
  9. OIC. Sorry. I was under the impression multiple tracks weren't supported at all by ImgBurn. It's just MDS where it's not supported, then?
  10. BTW, if you don't mind my asking, why are only single track images supported by ImgBurn? It's something I've wondered about for a while. Thanks!
  11. It's one of the reasons why I waited. I learned patience a log time ago. I've waited all my life for things that never came to me and never will. I could teach Job a lesson in patience!
  12. Another side of the argument is Norton could add ImgBurn to a white list. Or not take the lazy way out and label PUP's as viruses.
  13. Saw this in a log burning to a BD-RE in an LG WH16NS60: I 17:14:09 BD-RE FastWrite: No What is BD-RE FastWrite? Thanks!
  14. And the best things come to those who wait. Just got an e-mail from Pioneer tech support saying my replacement BD drive has shipped.
  15. They don't. They just perform cursory evaluations to see if I did anything to void the warranty. If there's no obvious damage, then, the company just issues a replacement. They don't actually test what you tell them. In fact, in my case, it would be pretty hard because it's hard to find Ritek 8x DVD+RW discs anymore. Only a handful could I find on Amazon.com. And that was AFTER I bought the last remaining 75 discs there! A few more cake stacks came across since then. And the company is not going to buy 25 discs just to test 1. Especially not Pioneer since these discs are the same ones I've told them about for 2 years now that they've borked the firmware on writing to raw discs formatted by Pioneer drives.
  16. It's already been sent back to the replacement place. They received it a week ago yesterday and Monday was the last time I heard from Pioneer when I told them they should have received the package as I was tracking it. That person told me the replacement place would have to examine it and proceed from there. I wrote back on Thursday asking if there may be an approximate return around time. Haven't heard back from them. Will try again in a few days.
  17. Interesting. Now Pioneer is not replying to my tech support e-mails about my replacement drive. I don't know if that says anything. Can't make a final judgment yet. They may just be busy or need another e-mail prompting them in a few days.
  18. This was recently posted to the VSO support forums. It goes a bit to explaining why it's almost been a year since the last gold release of ConvertXToDVD: " VSO has gone through financial difficulties, but "big boss" hasn't given up"
  19. About the copy and paste thing. I think what you're describing is what is known as the cache. About the chicken and the egg thing. I never understood why that was ever an argument. The egg obviously couldn't have come first because 1.) what laid it? 2.) what generated it? and 3.) what sat on it to hatch it? Plus, you'd need more than 1 egg to generate enough chickens to make more eggs. As with the flaw in the Adam and Eve idea, no life forms ever begin with just 2 samples. There are always multiples out there in the initial sample field. Like the hole in Cain taking a foreign wife theory. If Adam and Eve were the first 2 people and Cain was one of their first children, where did the foreign wife come from? About the new drivers' licenses. Locally, the price is set to be about $40, I think. What's such a pain in the ass is you need such specific ID! No laminated Social Security card. Well, mine IS laminated so I need to pay to get a new one to begin with on that. Then, you need your birth certificate. My mother would know where that is as I don't, so hopefully she can find it. Lastly, you need 2 bills that indicate you live in the state where you're applying for this ID.
  20. Office Depot accepted my return for a refund of the Verbatim 6x BD-R in 16x packaging. They didn't want to at first, until they got egg on their faces. They looked on the Office Depot web site for the item. Take a look for yourself and check out the images associated with the item: https://www.officedepot.com/a/products/692833/Verbatim-BD-R-25GB-16X-Disc/ Notice there are 2 different images of the branded surfaces for the 16x discs. One that shows 6x and one that shows 16x! Even Office Depot can't decide what you're going to get. And notice in the production description at the top of the page and in the URL that they're supposed to be 16x!
  21. Haven't bought a CD only burner in like almost 20 years, sorry. In fact, for over 5 years, I haven't even bought a CD/DVD only burner. I only buy CD/DVD/BD burners now.
  22. I doubt there is. Write speeds are based on a few factors, one of them being whatever the write rates are set at on the media and the write strategies in the firmware of the drive writing to that media. Meaning you probably can't get anything lower or greater than what they're set at. Unless the firmware is specifically rated to burn a media at a higher than rated rate and do it safely. Plus, it's sometimes down to the whim of the drive. For instance, a drive may return a blank has X rate on it, but won't actually write at that rate but a lower one. And it can be random when it does and doesn't do this. So, bottom line, I doubt there's any trick you can employ to get a drive to burn a disc at a lower than its lowest rated rate.
  23. What virtual drive software were you using? I use Virtual CloneDrive and don't have a similar problem. It hasn't been updated for a while, but I've been using it for years.
  24. I don't buy the idea that everything evil is the Devil's fault. He's just the straw man in the argument. For the sake of arguing, let's say God exists. If he created everything, then he also created evil. If you have absolute power to stop evil acts and don't do anything to do so, you're just as guilty of those acts. It's the Nazi collaborator argument. They could have done something to stop the atrocities but didn't so they're guilty of them. It can work one way but not the other? Those who believe in God want to have it that way, too. That God is responsible for all the good things but wash his hands of the bad ones.
  25. I just love how life tries and FAILS to trick me. I tried burning some left over stock of Verbatim DVD-R I kept for temporary backup purposes in my WH16NS60. The first one I tried burning in this replacement drive LG sent me. And if failed to Verify! Knowing how these things work, I tried a 2nd disc and, sure enough, it worked fine. As did the 3rd disc I tried in the same cake stack. It's actually kind of funny that after 45 years, life still thinks it can trick lil' ol' me.
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