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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Looks like there was a ConvertXToDVD Beta, just a little slow in trickling down. ConvertXToDVD Beta And I believe it was said was going to be the next gold release. So, there may be a new final release soon.
  2. You said this was a DVD Audio disc, correct? Now, I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think you need to set layer breaks on those, maybe? Because layer breaks are set in the video portion of a DVD. DVD Audio, I believe, is just a giant collection of DVD menus. And, as you pointed out before, your AUDIO_TS folder contains data, which is probably where the main contents are. I don't know if this is the case, but I would guess it's a possibility.
  3. Wow, it seems LG really screwed up something on this refurbished WH16NS60 they sent me. Remember when I said it had firmware 1.02 that I couldn't find anywhere on the web? It's because there IS no firmware 1.02! I contacted LG tech support to get an update package and told them the circumstances. And they told me there is NO 1.02 firmware available! Yet, the drive IS returning its firmware revision is 1.02! So, LG screwed up somewhere.
  4. I never even had a cell phone until 2 years ago, and I only get it now free with my SNAP benefits. I don't use it and only have it for emergencies. I don't use it go online so no data is used up. I've got 500 minutes, but I only use about 2 minutes a month to keep it alive. So, I couldn't say hardly anything about cell phones.
  5. There are more VSO betas released today. Not one for my application, ConvertXToDVD, though. ConvertXtoHD Beta ConvertXtoVideo Beta Blu-ray Converter Beta Seems most of the updates address bugs that are the same in all 3 applications.
  6. There's an old Spanish saying that basically translates as "The cheap comes out expensive." I lost about $1,000 trying to troubleshoot issues before I ever learned of CMC. Once I came across the concept, I did my research and it turned out the reason the burns were failing was Optodisc had switched from their own quality DVD-R to CMC, which was causing all my problems. I WAS buying quality media; it was the company that turned on me, so I turned my back on that company and never brought a product of theirs again. And, now, I don't know, nor do I care, if they're still in business. You only get 1 chance to make a good impression and they blew it to make a few extra bucks. I discovered Optodisc is still in business and their website is lying through their collective teeth! They claim each batch of their discs is manufactured under a strict quality control so that each batch you buy is as reliable as the last batch you bought. LIARS! I mean, maybe now they make quality media again; I just won't trust them.
  7. Since you seem intent on using these discs, go ahead and try enabling OPC. It won't do any good, IMO, but the worst you'll be out is a disc you can't use. Personally, I always return CMC media. And when I couldn't, I just threw them out. They really are pretty much worthless.
  8. Here's your problem: I 18:16:12 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: CMC MAG-D03-64) You can always continue using ImgBurn to burn these discs and you may get some success, but the bottom line is CMC Magnetics makes trash discs. They are the worst manufacturer of optical discs out there. Companies love to use them because their products are so cheap and they can charge so much for them. But, the thing is the quality matches the price: cheap. The nature of cheap media is you may get some burns that complete successfully and some that won't. However, those that do complete may not be recognizable as playable in a player. Or they will decay and die far sooner than quality media. You can always try different hardware, but that generally won't help the problem here. Your best fix is to get Verbatim DataLife Plus DVD+R DL. NOT the Life Series DVD+R DL you will find in brick and mortar stores. They will be CMC. You can only find Verbatim DataLife Plus DVD+R DL on online stores like Amazon.com and Verbatim's own web store. Verbatim DataLife Plus is the best out there. And for DVD DL media, it's the only reliable kind out there, although I had success with TDK's kind years ago. Nice to know there are other people who still remember Pirates Of Darkwater.
  9. I had the exact opposite experience with the fat model PS3. It played games fine but didn't play Blu-Ray movies out of the box! So, I sent it in to Sony for replacement. The unit they sent me in 2012 did work for playing Blu-Ray movies. And, I have to admit, for the past 7 years, it's been a good video player. Really surprised me that Sony could give me something that worked! And there's the horror story of the 2nd generation PS3 Blu-Ray remote. It would constantly fail to work after about 30 days. And it didn't just happen to me but pretty much on every review on Amazon.com. I believe Sony DESIGNED it that way so it would die from planned obsolescence to force people to constantly replace it for as long as they were stupid enough to give their money to Sony's coffers. It was those 2 debacles that after years of other proof, finally convinced me that Sony is a crap company now.
  10. Yes, Sony pretty much made the Blu-Ray standard and here's stupid they were! You can put BD Video content that fits on a DVD on a DVD and a Blu-Ray player will play it, but NOT the other way around! You're VERY unlikely to find BD Video content that will fit on a DVD and you can always find a use for putting DVD-9 video content on a BD. And that's not to say Sony always made junk. They made the first dual format DVD burner. They made the (Fat, NOT the slim, model!) Playstation and Playstation 2. They used to make their own quality DVD-R before outsourcing to 2nd tier Ritek. It's just that Sony can NO LONGER make anything other than junk. I've never written any BD DL media other than BD-RE, so, I couldn't say if BD-R DL will do any better in the WH14NS40. But, you're probably less likely to get good results with DL Ritek media. The only good DL manufacturer of DVD is Verbatim/Mitsubishi (Chemical Corporation). So, I'd expect similar results with BD. I had 3 Ritek Office Depot DVD+R DL I tried out as a test. After a year, 2/3 of them were unreadable! And I immediately transferred the still readable one to Verbatim/MKM (Mitsubishi) DVD+R DL.
  11. If you want a quality product, definitely DON'T get Sony. Sony has made little but junk since 2002. My first BD-RE SL was a Sony. Died before its 5th write. Bought a few Sony BD-R that were on sale at K-Mart. Half of them failed during the burn stage. I could go on and on about my experience with Sony trash since 2002, but I'll just say avoid them like the plague. Your only other real option for BD-RE DL is Verbatim, however, be aware that TDK sometimes makes Verbatim's BD-RE DL, too. So, it's a crap shoot, literally, as to what you'll get.
  12. How long have you used these TDK BD-RE DL? I've found that those discs usually die after about a year, even when they've only been written to once. Another possibility is the LG drive itself. I don't know about the WH14NS40, but the WH16NS40 was nearly absolutely useless at writing BD DL media. It would fail 8 times out of 10 to Verify, and usually always failing at the layer change. And it wasn't just my experience. One other person had the same results I did. I fixed the problem by trying out the WH16NS60, which seems to work fine for DL media. You can try that or a Pioneer BD drive to see if that helps if you want to invest more money into troubleshooting the issue. Granted, the WH16NS40 wasn't returning Empty Sector errors in the Verify log like your drive is. One thing you can try that the other person had some luck with and I had some INITIAL luck with is not burning an ISO. Use the Write files/folders to disc option. For some weird reason, that had better luck with the WH16NS40 than burning an ISO. It SHOULDN'T have mattered a difference, but it apparently did.
  13. You can't reuse DVD-R. They are WORM media; Write Once, Read Many. Meaning, with ImgBurn, it's one and done. Once written to, they can't be written to again. The only way this wouldn't apply is if you formatted the disc as a giant floppy with packet writing in File Explorer. And, even then, data once written to those kinds of discs still can't be reused. What you want is rewritable media. DVD+RW, DVD-RW, or DVD-RAM, although RAM is relatively unsupported beyond certain DVD video recorders, though they are generally supported by DVD burners. However, very few DVD players will recognize those.
  14. What it sounds like you did was add an ISO file to a Build job and created an ISO with an ISO file in it. So, that won't play on a DVD player. I've never actually seen a DVD with any contents in AUDIO_TS before, but I've made, I think, 1 DVD Audio disc in my entire life.
  15. You shouldn't be getting layer break settings set at all if it really does fit on a DVD-5. About the only thing I can think of that might fix this is to create a new ISO that is a DVD-9. Add some extra files to pad out the size of the ISO so it will need a DVD-9. If that doesn't fix the problem, I don't know what is causing it. You're just importing a VIDEO_TS folder into a Build job and creating an ISO and that's the ISO you're trying to burn, right? Did you create the ISO first or are you using on the fly disc creation?
  16. So, TMpegEnc was making the ISO itself? And you were using ImgBurn to burn the ISO? Instead of using Build mode to import a BDMV or whatever it's called folder? Then, if that's the case, TMpegEnc wasn't making correct ISO settings for BD Video.
  17. Are you manually setting layer break position settings? If it will fit on a DVD-5, there is no need for a layer break as far as I know.
  18. Having never even heard of VidCoder until this thread started, I couldn't say. I'm not familiar with how that behaves as I've never used it.
  19. I generally don't say things unless I'm relatively sure of them. Just having some fun with ya!
  20. Well, what do you know! There's a new beta for ConvertXToDVD! https://www.softexia.com/windows/multimedia/blu-ray-dvd-tools/convertxtodvd And ConvertXToVideo, too! https://www.softexia.com/windows/multimedia/video-editing/convertxtovideo Although the vast majority of updates only seem to be to the update engine itself! However, there was an update to address VC-1 compatibility problems, apparently, But, according to their forum, there appears to be a for ConvertXToDVD that is coming soon that will "integrate some fixes about subtitles."
  21. Such issues are rarely hardware related. Generally swapping in all new hardware won't fix such a problem. The problem is most likely software based. The software that made your content probably isn't making it right.
  22. Just as I thought. It's most likely junk media. Here's your problem: I 14:25:38 Destination Media Type: BD-R (Disc ID: CMCMAG-BA5-000) You may be using Verbatim BD-R but this is the 2nd time I've seen foreign, e.g. outside of the US, Verbatim BD-R that is so called DataLife Plus that is not DataLife Plus but CMC garbage. In the US, there is no such thing as DataLife Plus Verbatim BD-R. It's all just BD-R and none of it is CMC. It appears outside of the US, Verbatim is trying to screw over their customers. The only solution is try something else, like Panasonic BD-R, if they make it. TDK may make BD-R and if they do it may be good, but TDK does make BD-RE that is CMC junk. You could always try importing Verbatim BD-R from the US. The other person I saw with this problem on the board imported the good stuff from the US to solve their problem. Oh, IC what you're saying about the data Blu-Ray. It's not a Blu-Ray Video you're playing. You're playing the folder contents via your player's browser. This won't present you with a menu like a Blu-Ray Video disc will. It seems this TMpegEnc software is not generating compliant BD Video content. This is inferring that TMpegEnc even creates a menu for its BD Video content. It may just start playing with the first chapter. I don't create BD Video so I can't say what to do at this point. Of course, why it doesn't start playing when you have the disc inserted as a BD Video, I couldn't say.
  23. Well, it depends on how the DVD is authored. What is generally done is each movie is its own Video Title Set. However, sometimes, both movies on a 2/etc. movie disc may be combined in one giant VTS. Either way, I'd use DVDShrink in conjunction with Handbrake. I'd use DVDShrink's Re-author mode and isolate which of the 2 movies, if they're separate VTS's, to write a copy of the movie to VIDEO_TS instead of ISO. Then, I'd use Handbrake to input that VIDEO_TS. Or Handbrake can read an entire ripped DVD's VIDEO_TS and it adds all VTS's to its Queue for processing. You can use the Preview mode to find which of the large streams is the movie you want and process only that to MKV. Or just process the entire DVD to MKV's and load the MKV's in some kind of media player to see which MKV is the movie you wanted. This will take longer to do, though. If both movies are one giant VTS, you'd need DVDShrink to load the giant VTS and use its edit/trim function to trim out all the Chapters before/after the content you want to keep and write that new Re-authored content to VIDEO_TS. I would actually do this a different way, myself, with a piece of software called DVDReMake, but it's not freeware. But, I approached your question from a freeware point of view.
  24. Also, when you say you change to a data Blu-Ray, it works. What exactly do you mean? BD Video discs are data discs and don't generally require changes to format types from the default to be playable.
  25. Post the log of the failed burn. Open Help and choose ImgBurn Log. Open the log, find the failed burn, and copy and paste the entire write and if it made that far verify phases of the failed burn.
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