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Everything posted by kirk1701™

  1. Always the one to be politically correct Corny you should run for mayor
  2. kirk1701™

    Dennis Weaver

    Must be something about the age 81 is bad luck http://apnews.excite.com/article/20060228/D8G1Q9601.html
  3. Strange how my mind works I do actually remember that episode but don't remember how many spoons of sugar I just put in my coffee
  4. Wasn't it the same old story line every week someone comes into town, robs the bank and blames the duke boys
  5. No argument there db Modern day dukes of hazzard I just liked trying to pick out scenes in the show where I'd been and recognized. I do the same now with CSI-Miami
  6. Ahhh, now I see why. they are resurecting the movie http://www.miamivice.com/upgrade_flash.html
  7. Just seen the first season recomended in my netflix queue so I thought yea, what the hell will make something good to watch this summer when there are nothing but reruns on. Added season 1 and season 2 but the Third season is not available Did a seach on google and came up with this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086759 Shows the same thing, nothing released past season 2 so I'm wondering if anyone knows if they just started releasing the series? Was a great show for its time Plus, I just moved to Miami when the show was running
  8. Now that you ask...YES! I plan on starting the beginning of Spring. I remember going through that stage also. I'll start tomorrow, I don't have time today. other things more important God did I go through the excuses with myself, till I finally kicked myself We'll, fixing to have all the time I need as this will be my last semester teaching. Made that decision last night I think Just too time consuming and for it being part time just not worth it anymore to me.
  9. THAT'S RIGHT...Make me feel bad! MJ need some of moma firey's cookies Seriously MJ, start out slow, .25 of a mile and work it up from there. I over did it when I started and hurt my knee or I would have dropped the 30Lbs a lot sooner.
  10. My finger got enough exercise MJ (on a laptop touchpad not mouse) Have lost 30 Lbs in the last 6 months though and I'm back in the same size jeans I was wearing in High school 5 miles every night on the treadmill plus 80 set-ups and 30 push ups.
  11. Must be the one that just can't keep their mouth shut Good one MJ
  12. Thanks Lightning
  13. OK don't expect anyone to bother donating but I figured what the hell I'll give it a try. Yep, Next weekend I'll be bowling to help big brothers and big sisters so anyone wanna sponser me? Like I said, don't expect anyone to donate but it's worth my effort to try. PM me for my pay-pal account to transfer if intrested. I've done collected $50 from friends and neighbors, so I'm aiming for the the long sleeve T-Shirt
  14. Actually, just want to know if its a crap burner or not.
  15. Thanks Polo, appreciate it By the way, don't think your product key will change but they will give you a code to input which allows you to change the machine that product key is associated with. Been there done that
  16. there's a time limit that has expired(6 months or so) WPA In otherwords chewy your saying I can register this copy on a different PC every six months? Gonna have to say "I don't think thats true"
  17. OK, gonna copy/paste parts of the log: I know I can google this but some of you who work with these drives day in and day out might have personal info not found online. Just looking for a ranking from 1 to 10. 10 being gold and 1 being "wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole Where does my drive rank? Dell send me junk or gold
  18. I'm no where near an expert, no where have I ever said I was but do know my share when it comes to MS. However this is Dell specific and proprietary to them. Back on subject, thought I'd go ahead and try to register my copy of XP on the new laptop expecting it to fail because it was registered on the old laptop. I did this just to get to the screen with the phone number to call MS so I could have them "unregister" this product key with the old laptop so I could sell the copy on e-bay Guess what, MS is slipping dude and the registration was successful If anyone installs XP I need the phone number in the US to call, this number is only on that screen not online.
  19. Google is your friend. http://www.informationweek.com/windows/sho...63105444&pgno=2 Thanks Shamus Downloaded that "Image for Windows" he talks about and burned it to a DVD. It created a .IMG file spanning 3 files so I'm working with that to extract the data right now. Also, going to call Dell like he says and give it a shot of them sending me a disk. (If the woman of the house ever decides to get off the phone) Just got off the phone with Dell. Be here in 3 to 5 days. That was surprising
  20. What can I say, its nice, I like it but I liked my Dell 5150 more. It was broke in and I knew how touchy the touchpad was and how to set it the way I liked it. The new one don't have the same property screens and it just don't have that same feel or scroll down a page with ease. Not to mention Dell has it loaded with junk, AOL, screensavers, sonic DVD trial versions and all sorts of other crap along with their own dell update support software. At boot the dam thing is running 66 processes I wanna format it and set it up the way I want with just my software but it don't come with a restore CD, its all on a hidden partition I would like to gain access to and bun off the software to disk. Anyone know how to gain access to the hidden partition?
  21. Get ready for another one jersey Cold front is moving through kenfucky tonight droping from 70 degrees right now at 11 PM and wake up in the morning to 30 degrees. Second wave hits here tomorrow afternoon with freezing rain tuning to snow by saturday morning Tornado watch right now, tomorrow snow storm
  22. kirk1701™

    My ave

    thats me ok
  23. kirk1701™

    My ave

    noooo, now your having us on Yea I try my best to entertain
  24. kirk1701™

    My ave

    Have you guys not heard of a joke? You all sure pull your fair share on me. Look over on NX which is where I got the av. we actually have a group called banned members so that was where I got the idea. Didn't mean to insult anyone ok I'd insert some smilies but I'm at school on a shittie win2k system throwing script errors.
  25. kirk1701™

    My ave

    Just thought I'd let everyone know so rumors don't go flying. <<<<This is an avatar and the boss has not banned my sorry ass ok Sorry to disapoint a few of you, you won't get rid of me that easy. Unwess I git baned for pore speleng
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