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Everything posted by kirk1701™

  1. About 2 1/2 years ago I was in a restaurant having dinner. We were in the non-smoking section. A man sitting at the table next to mine decided he was going to smoke and everyone else be damned. He even had the gall to use one of the plates for his ashtray. The smoke was really annoying so I asked him to stop and pointed out to him where he was sitting. He decides to take an attitude and proceeds to yell at me (although everyone in the restaurant could hear) saying things about how he has the right to smoke along with things like we should leave if it bothers us and no one is going to make him stop. The police were called and he decided to take the same route with them. WRONG MOVE IDIOT! They cuffed and arrested him right there. I must say I loved seeing it happen. While they were cuffing him I told him to make sure he didn't forget his cigarettes. One of the police officers who were there looked at me and gave a small laugh. + @ = I would have paid good money to see that show
  2. Pain Man you should love this one. http://www.scancat.com/cowboys Cowboy George Lets put him on a camel and see how long he lasts
  3. Can't wait to 08 myself so I already started campaigning algore I had never heard that joke but good one PM
  4. kirk1701™


    Good point spinner, must be
  5. kirk1701™


    404 dance why do I find that funny? Then again just about anything makes me laugh today and I don't know why
  6. kirk1701™


    Fasle alarm some reason the board don't like
  7. kirk1701™


    Is it just me when I try to post or is it the whole board Guess I'll know if this gets posted When I try to add to a topic and click post reply I get the following in the joke thread
  8. Hay PM I think the boss needs to open a debate forum just for us before we turn this place into a political asylum To add to your post, It shouldn't need to come to lawmakers passing laws to keep people from smoking in the car where there are kids. People should have enough sense not to endanger their kids life by having the kids breathe their second hand smoke in the first place. I know because I've been there as a kid myself, been there long before there were any warnings out about the dangers of smoking no less the dangers of second hand smoke. Both my parents smoked and I could not stand the smell then nor now. :& Now on the other hand, banning smoking in all public places I'm totally against, Men and Women should have the right to go into a bar, sit down after work with co-workers or friends and enjoy a cold one and be able to light up. If the restaurant/bar owner wants to make that call thats fine, but not the alderman, city council or fed government place or call.
  9. Same here spinner, same here.. I was living in Pennsylvania at the time and lost 2 co-workers that went up there with local fire and resucue. Also lost a cousin that worked in the trade center..same age as me
  10. Why was this not done like uhhh years ago? Laws have been passed that you can't smoke in public places, your favorite pubs, any state or goverment offices and to go as far hell one state just passed one where you can't smoke in your own car when you have a child in the car That last one I will agree with.. However, till today our congressmen could enjoy smoking on the floor of the house senate Is that not a goverment workplace also Oh thats right, what work do they do but give themselves raises Got to give this new gal an A for guts tho: Forgot link: http://apnews.excite.com/article/20070110/D8MILVHG3.html
  11. I applaud you for the change Kirk. We'll, think it was took out of context, I wasn't laughting with it I was laughting at it.. Hope that makes sence, still think thats clinton playing the sax tho
  12. I'll do one better
  13. It reminds me of Bill Clinton on MTV I still have that recording somewhere, probably don't play as it is what at least 12 or 14 years old now?
  14. I know, but we don't have a politically incorrect forum to put it in.. I still think the music is funny without looking at the video
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9sTYBEPx7s...ted&search= Lets just remember who's watch it happened on....
  16. I know the feelin' I just forward the funny ones anyhow as they are just as funny the second time
  17. Can you imagine the price The U.S. military spent more than $20 million to develop the fabric GREAT!! U.S. tax dollars at work, no wonder were in debt. Now I'm going to open a debat. Sorry LUK I know how you hate it but... Just right for a sig Can anyone picture the Enterprise dragging this behind the docking bay
  18. Just what we need in the chat forum Now, not another word from anyone saying how I stink http://www.livescience.com/scienceoffictio...nanofabric.html
  19. Exactly It wouldn't pay for me to live overseas, I spend too much time and money with newegg.
  20. For those in the states, polo posted this a couple weeks ago http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&...ost&p=33871 Even without the $10 rebate newegg is still cheaper then this guy on e-bay. http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?...N82E16817130008 Not by much but...
  21. Everyone be safe and merry christmas. Hope everyone is with lots of family This should work here to even though your not logged in http://www.nxsecure.org/forum/RadioLinks/LiveStream.html Or in windows media player http://www.nxsecure.org/forum/RadioLinks/W...MediaPlayer.asx Its all christmas music tonight so don't anyone get offended
  22. Thanks Kenadjian, glad to be back
  23. Just thought I'd be the first to say it this year, and I've already promised I won't get drunk and make a drunk thread this new years Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to Everyone
  24. kirk1701™

    media sale

    YEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A must have ASAP 1 DVD+R DL VERBATIM|95310 20PK 2.4-8X - Retail Item #: N82E16817130008 Return Policy: Consumable Items Return Policy $37.99 $37.99 Subtotal: $37.99 Tax: $0.00 Shipping: $0.00 Grand Total: $37.99 Thanks polo
  25. kirk1701™

    media sale

    So Verbatim is still top gun Thats good to see, thanks lfc I only need one or two for my project. I just hate the crappy disc I borrowed from a friend. When I expect to sit down and watch something and end up with wasting 20 minutes reburning because the freezing and skipping of media Then, after spending 20 minutes becomes 30 minutes by the time I get to sit back down and its too late to start watching it
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