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Everything posted by kirk1701™

  1. I third that
  2. What if there are no squirrels around? You've never been to the forest have you? Yep, I'm the crazy redneck who shot all the squirrels so there are none to ask Everyone is missing the point, if you record the sound of the tree falling that was heard because you or someone was there to hear it and of course it made a noise. If no one seen the tree fall, who heard the noise to know it made a sound Google is your friend I'm not the one who thought this up as I said in the first post, and like I said it was just for fun. http://www.testingcraft.com/bug-in-forest.pdf Google is full of books on this. This one really puts it to a respective which is what I was getting at. http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=492818 http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%...make+a+noise%29 Enough said before someone nominates the tree for president
  3. Went ahead and let one burn off at 2.4x while I was watching TV. Here's the log OK, I can't confirm the end resultst for sure till I watch the movie, really just need to watch it for the momentary pauses. However I did put it in and went to a chapter one hour into the flick where the pauses usually get real bad to the point of every 10 seconds and guess what; I watched about a 5 minutes and no pauses so maybe thats the key Kev I know, I know someone else *COUGH* already told me to do that I'll let you know for sure after I watch it and be sure that solved the problem
  4. I agree with the vapors kev, you can smell it winter or summer. But if no one hears the sound of the tree then how would anyone know for sure that sound waves are made? Understand this is just for fun.
  5. What if there are no squirrels around? If no one is around to hear it then it didn't make any noise did it
  6. OK, seen this on a movie the other night and posted it on another forum also, it turned into a great debate for days The question is: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a noise?
  7. I'll give that a go on the next burn kev, let you all know in a couple a days or is plans change, maybe tonight. But like everyone else and you say, think its the Toshiba thats just having a love/hate relationship with me over the DL media
  8. Here's another:
  9. OK, think this is what you want, not the whole log from start to finish as it contains all the logs right? Here's the last burn from a DL disk
  10. I think this is the case kirk. Oh, just one thing comes to mind, have you got a log for this thing? Did the disc finalize ok? Yep, the disc finalized fine and as I said, they play super in the Panasonic. Are you looking for a log of a DL Burn with ImgBurn? If so I think I will as it saves the logs right? If so I don't remember where so let me know that and I'll get it posted up.
  11. OK, If I uderstand what your saying LUK I can forget about infoPro as it won't help Now the burns I have made are not bad, they do play on the standalone player that is my sound system (The Panasonic) as I have said. That being said, the 3 things you listed boils down to 1 thing right? The standalone that I like to use (the Toshiba) is wearing out or just don't support DL media? As it still plays everything else but the DL media awsome. Let me know if you want the 'Physical Format Information (Last Recorded) from ImgBurn and if anyone else wants screenshots of InfoPro incase I misread what LUK is saying. Thanks for all the help eveyone
  12. Thanks lfc OK, here yu go I hope this is what you need.
  13. OK, maybe this is a dumb question but where do I find dvdinfopro so I can get the info your needing... Yea, I seen that also, only mentions dvd-r but it plays both +R and -R's just fine. It is out of warranty and I have opened it up to take a look see, the ROM drive is pretty much soldered into the unit and onto the boards so it can't be removed. Have not went as far as to call Toshiba as I'm assuming the worst
  14. OK, I went to change the book type and But like it says on the welcome tab "I don't know what I'm doing" I don't see a tab for my PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-109 1.58 (ATA) So, which manufacturer do I select before I change??
  15. I'll give this a try on the next burn and let you know the results tonight. Thanks don
  16. The now kinda indicates it used to and now it does not, though i don't think you mean't that , so maybe dl media is not on it's list of formats. You set book type to dvd-rom ? We'll dontasciime, the first part of your answer I would agree with but....it still plays the Taiyo Yuden +R and -R's just fine. If the lens were dirty would it not also skip with all media? Now as for the book type I have never messed with that so, might be something to try on my next burn Could use more info on this please.
  17. Hi All. Recently started burning to DL media and using ImgBurn with Verbatim +R DL discs ID: MKM-001-00 The standalone I normally use which has played everything I threw at it from day one almost three years ago don't seem to want to play nice with Verbs now Usually starts about 15 minutes into the movie and the momentary pauses are just that, not a freeze up just a split second pause like you see somewhere in the middle of some movies at the layer break. The further into the movie you get, the more ofetr the pauses get until it becomes so frequent it just gets to annoying. The stand alone is a Toshiba and guess I'm a little to used to using this for everything as it also has TiVo Built in. Now I have another player that also has a standalone in it, a panasonic which is my sound system and it will play the same disc just fine that the toshiba will pause with. Now a certain someone (he knows who he is, Thanks for the help so far) told me that the toshiba being 3 years old might be why it don't play DL media so well and to see if there is a firmware upgarde for it. To the best of my knowledge, there isn't and no way to upgrade it. http://www.tacp.toshiba.com/dvr/product.asp?model=sd-h400 I have been using the Panasonic to play the DL media movies on but it don't have the features in it that the Toshiba has and also, picture is not as sharp because all that is hooked up to it is a S-Video cable and not the component video cables like are hooked up to the Toshiba so I'm hoping there is a way to solve this to continue using the Toshiba till someone comes out with a TiVo series 3 box with a built in DVD player in it Any ideas guys, I'm out of um. Thanks for the help in advance
  18. How amazingly ironic. I tell my class "those "thingies" in Group policies or some other console all the time. They know what I mean Or at least that gets them to do the labs
  19. kirk1701™


    Happy Birthday db... Have a good one
  20. And I went looking for Verbs a couple a weeks ago at best buy and they did not even have them on the shelf, ended up ordering from Newegg. Really didn't think best buy carried them till I seen this ad yesterday.
  21. Don't know if this is all over or just local, but check your sale flyer for the location near you. 20 pack spindle +R's for $29.99 after instant rebate According to this it's all stores. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...d=1134697746286
  22. Just sick... Make sure to follow the link to get a good look at the mug shots http://www.cnn.com/2007/LAW/01/19/sex.ruse.ap/index.html
  23. I ran across this also in the joke thread last week. It did not like the last sentence of the joke which read something like one...two...three
  24. Happy BDay again Bill
  25. Just remember, its not the party its the "person" that you vote for unfortunately, I doubt Hillary will run
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