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Everything posted by kirk1701™
Smart dog agreed, but what happens when his life span runs out she will be left defenceless? Just hope she has a backup plan I'm lucky though I have to admit, I've only injured myself one time in my 38 years and that was just a year ago when I ignored the 30 second "feeling" or warning that I get before I have a seizure. I was on the threadmill at the time and fell while the thing was going 5 MPH, the belt did a number on my shoulder but I didn't need to go to the ER or anything, just a big ass road rash :&
Sorry about the delay in replying Pain_Man, I know the feeling when it comes to all the dam meds. However I'm never in any pain (Knock on wood) but now I see where your screen name comes from. Most of my problems with the meds come from the side effects which include drowsiness and for that reason I and the doctor have had to discontinue the use of many of the seizure meds. Other side effects I live with are the memory loss, but its weird I don't forget some things like "important stuff" and other things that are not so important I will. Example, the thread where I was looking for a particular movie. In a way, my memory is like RAM and needs to be refreshed to store the data #39;( so, thats probably why I don't forget important stuff like dates, bills, and appointments ect. SS Disability, WHAT A LIFE SAVER!! I'm just glad I worked half my life and put some in because I get a dam good check where as had I went on disability when I was 18 like some people I know the check is only half what I get, $500 a month and mine is over $1200 a month again, KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Driving, man I don't know where I would be right now without my parents, god has blessed me with a loving mother and father that has allowed me to live at home, drive me anywhere I need to go and pick me up which means two trips for them rather then one. I know the day is coming where I will have to rely on the CART program which is a program in our area for people with disabilities and don't drive. A little bit on what I have found out about VNS so far. I signed up over at Epilepsy Foundations web site and joined there forum which from there found a link for VNS own forum which I never expected to exist. Anyhow, so far people who have had it done are reporting the battery only lasts two years or less where it should last 8, don't know what the procedure is for replacement but I assume reopening the chest to get to the device. Also malfunctions, it should turn on for 30 seconds every 5 minutes and one guy is reporting its is coming on more often and for longer which could damagie the VNS nerve. And last but not least, it also does not fully stop the seizures in some people but just reduce the number they had without it; or the magnet that you wear on your wrist to wave over your chest and turn it on when you have a feeling of a seizure coming on will stop the seizure from occuring don't work all the time or does not always work as it should and turn on the device. More later as I have now wrote a novel and pretty busy today so will check back in a could a days.
Haven't finished the bed yet and already got another project Thought about doing this before but decided against it due to overheating issues. Now, maybe I'm second guessing myself.... http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=89638
Thats what I had Altercuno, the jig worked in combination with the router (the one that spins not the one that routes data ) Anyhow, once I made the joint it would fit together and all but the top and bottom of the drawer would not line up right, which then made the dado grove for the drawer bottom not line up and the drawer bottom could not fit together. Here again, that was 20 years ago since I attempted making it and pissed me off to the point of selling the jig at a garage sale (before e-bays time). Dam, this "20 years ago" seems to be poping up in my life quit a bit lately Thanks everyone for the replies.
The dovetail joint is only used for making the drawer boxes and I never could get the hang of making the dovetail joint perfect Jill and gave up on it. Screws were used to hold the glue in place on the pedestal but only on the inside, none showing
Haven't been posting that much lately because I've been busy with this project. I had to get rid of my waterbed a couple a years back due to a back injury and just now getting a chance to getting around to remaking the bed for a boxspring matress to match the rest of my bedroom set. You guys didn't know I was this talented did yu's? Here, we have the blanket drawer that pulls out at the foot At each side are two drawers to the pedestal that pulls out to the side: Side view put together: End view put together: After I got the drawers made: This is when I got the side rails made: What will soon be the headboard And a look at the finished product Just needs two more coats of varnish and sanded down with 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper between coats WARNING!!!! Do not attempt this kind of work at home without plenty of patients Did I make any mistakes? YES, I made 2 minor flaws The cost of this little venture, $500 and its all solid oak, no dam cheap particle board crap that will just fall apart
Its different from state to state. I have lived in some that are 1 year but go figure, Kentucky is only 3 months I'd prefer to go a year seizure free before I started driving just to be sure
Guess what got moved today And Neighbor is talking for some reason Yea, somethings up.
LMAO lfc I do think its equiped with WEP so no neighbors probing my thoughts. However, on that subject. I do believe the neighbor has a wireless router and its wide open. still using the default admin password to access the GUI
Some of you here already know and some don't. Basically, I have a disability due to epilepsy and because of that I don't drive so getting around becomes a problem when you constantly have to depend on others. After dealing with this since birth I have learned to deal with my handicap and still do anything I want, with exception to driving because that, I put more then just myself in danger, don't think I could live with myself if I had a seizure while driving and killed a mother of three with all three kids in the car I do mean anything else, I even have my own woodshop complete with a 10 inch tablesaw Today I had my three month checkup with the neurologist and he?s got something new he wants me to try. After exhausting all available seizure meds, some that worked, some that just plain knocked me the hell out or gave me headaches and I had to go off them. He told me about something called VNS Therapy and gave me some reading material. VNS stands for Vagus Nerve Stimulation which is a pacemaker size device that is surgically implanted under the skin somewhere in the chest with a wire that runs up the neck and somehow connects to the vagus nerve that leads to the brain. I know, it sounds a bit more complicated then just installing a NIC in a server now don?t it, LMAO!!!! I actually asked the doctor if this thing came from star trek J Ok, all joking aside, this device sends out some kind of frequency that shocks the part of the brain that causes the seizure and somehow knows when I?m going to have a seizure and when to shock it to prevent me from having a seizure. Now, you see why I asked him if it came right out of a star trek flick. We?ll, I asked him when we could do it and I don?t think that?s the reply he was looking for, he gave me some ligature and wants me to weight the pro?s and cons before I make a decision when I see him in 3 months. Here's some more from the web site: http://www.vnstherapy.com/epilepsy/aboutvn...vnstherapy.aspx Hell yea, I'm game for this
I think the guy in back of us could spit sixteen penny nails right about now. He's an animal lover, feeds the deer, wild turkey, ect and the brush that was cut back was for the wildlife to bed in and have their young. Now, that brush is half cut down and to exposed so the wildlife will not use it for protection and the guy is pissed and can't say I blame him. You just don't efen go on someone elses property without permission and start cutting down 2 inch diameter trees just so you can see through the thicket But what can I say, the neighbor thinks she's the neighborhood mayor and can run the whole show the way she wants and expects everyone to cow down to her Yea, right I do foresee a lawsuite here in the making with the neighbor in the back OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BY THE WAY I think I forgot to mention this, the boyfriend nextdoor is a convicted felon, got caught trying to burn down his competition (another doctors office) and lost his own license for that for two years #39;( I know, how the hell did he get his license back after that I've been wondering that myself. Plus, if thats not bad enough, his first two wife's "mysteriously" found shot to death in their home and he was not convicted either time so we have now nic named him OJ
I'm still alive. Neighbor has not killed me or had me arrested yet Just been busy with other things to post all the news. The fence company should be putting up the fence sometime this week then I'll post some pic's along with the firethorns we've put up and down the property line I think the fued is about over but now she's into it with the neighbor behind us for cutting down tree's on his property
cathater, you've been listening to too much Clint Black
Now there's an idea there also polo One small problem, she don't have a mail box because she can't get along with the delivery person and she has a PO Box that no one knows what the address is I bet I could find it though if I wanted to
Jerseyguy I forgot about you working with ups now this could be a great idea
Are you guys ready for a good laugh Sit down because your going to need to after this. Neighbor calls cops not once today but TWICE!!! OK, first time was about 9:30 AM. Talking to the neighbor on the other side of us yesterday and made us aware of a tree that was dying so of course today I cut it down and cut it into manageable lengths and struck a match to it on the burner. Next thing I know, same cop from the other day when we called pulls up I think by now the cop is thinking to himself "Hackfields & McCoys" Behind the cop up pulls a firetruck and someone reported a uncontrolled burn The cop and the fire Dept agreed my fire was well within a 10X10 confined area and was controlled and not near any brush or wooded area so cop goes to neighbors door Now, if that wasn't funny enough here we go again. About 3 PM UPS delivers some DVD's If only the neighbor knew the cold hard truth about the verbs I'd be in deep po po So, since I was working in the front yard I took the package and set it on the portch, UPS parked on the street and then turned around in uhhh, you guessed it "the neighbors driveway" Next think I know, up pulls the same cop from this morning and now he's HOT!!! He said neighbor reported delivery trucks in her driveway? I said WHAT!! as I had no idea at this point it was UPS and now, out comes the neighbor and out comes my mom. Neighbor starts telling cop that UPS delivers to us and parks in her driveway and she wants it stopped. I think the cop was ready to bust a ball laughing and tried to tell the lady we had no controll over UPS and that she needed to call them is she wanted something done. After a few more words and a heated descussion between neighbor and my mom which cop had to finally tell the neighbor to go home The cop now talks to my mom a min and tells her, OK if she calls again I will call you before I drive all the way out here so unless its physical he won't bother again Now, the rest of the neighborhood is up in arms and wants her gone also I swear I'm going to make a soap opera out of this
Which reminds me, I got to update that thread with todays developments
Actually, I was about 2,000 miles away from her when it happened thank god Her in Pennsylvania and I was in California so opposite sides of the country was a good thing!!! On the reunioun front, yea I got a card last fall to sign up here https://www.reunited.com/login.asp from my high school in Miami, Fl. Looks like my 20th is this summer and for the life of me I don't know how they found me since 87 I've mooved 7 times and 7 different states. When I think back to when I was a kid, certain things spring to mind 1. Saturday afternnoon Matinee was $1 2. Postage stamps 15 cents 3. gallon of gas was 50 cents and then along came carter 4. Alabama Crimson Tide creaming Penn State every year. Bear Bryant RIP... 5. NY Yankees winning the series every year 6. Chicago Cubs gets close to winning and then an earthquick hits SanFran
Some of the language is supposed to be offensive. To put it bluntly, we don't tolerate morons here. I, for one, have no desire to go into a 10 page spiel on how a given individual has upset the status quo of the forum and may possibly be causing untold damage to my sensitive side when a simple "Fuck off, idiot" will suffice. If you can understand this, you can understand the mentality of the regular posters here. Any answers received are a gift, as is the program Lightning_UK spends his time developing. What alot of people seem to forget is that we're here everyday answering questions for no other reason than to help others as we already know what we're doing. It's immaterial what they think. It's a sure bet that none of us care. To ban the word "lesbian" gives you idea of the control this power freak wishes to exert. You'll find no such masturbatory self-absorption here. The upshot of all this is: If you wish to learn - stay. If not - depart in peace. Hay Shamus, You ever thought of a career in politics Here here
Yea, the big 4-0 is creaping up fast, but I think I'm more affraid of what my sister is going to do that year then I am of turning 40 #39;( See, when she turned 40, I sent her a 8X12 of her when she weighted 200 Lbs with a box of chocolates Now the funny part was, the pic was just for jokes but, my dumb ass forget to address the package "ATTENTION TO: Sisters name" so the package went to the shipping and receiving dept and was opened there so, she was the last one in the office to get the package of her big fat butt That was 10 years ago, she turns 50 this fall and I have not decided yet what I'm going to surprise her with. More chocolates or a Tobie Keith look alike (her favorite country star) showing up at work singing happy birthday
Thanks guys. The day is starting out right! My only student to my class called and canceled so I don't even have to go in today So, going to spend it working on a bed I'm building Thanks for the reminder LFC, I was going to say your were pushing the age barrier there for a second
That seems a strange thing to do for someone worried about being sued just for shifting logs over the boundary. Local rules where I live don't allow you to make any changes that would direct water onto a neighbouring property. Actually, I'll be putting it back to the original landscape so tell me this PaulD; How you keep water from going downhill? Yes, she's downhill from us and I detoured the water to go between our two homes and run to the street so she WOULDN'T get washed away I know, what was I thinking. Run the water to the street, someone please kick me Actually, the truth is she worked in the gift shop or something, she claimed to be a retired FBI agent but she lived with another neighbors daughtor when they first went to Virginia, both left here many years ago to take the jobs at the same time. So, now she uses the "FBI" to try to intimidate people with it Funny thing is, a couple a years back she went for shooting lessons what does that tell yu...
Thanks guys, it was The Recruit Don't know what made me think there was a part 2 but that wouldn't be a bad thing if it was
and how old are you kirk? I'm 37 corny but your point being? I should have moved them? Wrong, my mom wouldn't even hire it done because she was affraid the neighbor would sue us.