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Everything posted by kirk1701™
Sticking with what I got also for the time being.. Besides guys, WTF your going to see the same picture on DL DVD as your going to see with HD or Blue Ray format ok, so the quality is just a bit better, who gives a shit as long as you see the same picture
http://www.askstudent.com/funny/university...nt-masturbation First, VERY much unprofessional of any institute of higher learning to even think of circulating an article of this magnitude Second, does it not take a court order to get someones DNA and even then must have proof to obtain it... So on that note, all students should masterbate in the next persons shower so no DNA match will be found
Thanks guys, I'm just glad this project is done but now I got my mom wanting a bed with drawers under it as well Guess thats not bad, I enjoy doing it and it gives me something to do and it relaxes me. My only problem is once I start, I don't know what moderation is I work on it till I get as far as I can, like getting the pieces glues up or varnish on it or need hardware before I can go any further and have to run to town the next day. @Altercuno.. I actually didn't know how wide to make the mirror so I took my moms advice since she keeps up on whats in style and all She told me the mirror should be the width of the two middle drawers and since I made a mistake on the miters, its one sixteenth less then the width of the two middle drawers
Awhhh. The feeling of finally being finished with a major project. Got the mirror in my room today so I can scare the crap out of myself with my ugly mug when I wake up every morning I gotta say, I can't believe how much better the dresser looks with the mirror on it, don't know if just seems that way because I'm used to the dresser without a mirror on it or if it actually does acompany the dresser I do know one thing, my room looks twice as big
anyone cared enough to share the truth of heaven and hell
kirk1701™ replied to eastcoast40nc's topic in Chat
Ahh, this seems to fit right in HERE! There were four churches and a synagogue in a small Ohio town: a >> > Presbyterian church, a Baptist church, a Methodist church, a Catholic >> > church and a Jewish synagogue. >> > >> > Each church and the synagogue had a problem with squirrels. >> > >> > The Presbyterian church called a meeting to decide what to do about >> > their squirrels. After much prayer and consideration they determined >> > the squirrels were predestined to be there and they shouldn't >> > interfere with God's divine will. >> > >> > At the Baptist church the squirrels had taken an interest in the >> > baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a water slide on the >> > baptistery and let the squirrels drown themselves. The squirrels liked >> >> > the slide and, unfortunately, knew instinctively how to swim so twice >> > as many squirrels showed up the following week. >> > >> > The Methodist church decided that they were not in a position to harm >> > any of God's creatures. So, they humanely trapped their squirrels and >> > set them free near the Baptist Church. Two weeks later the squirrels >> > were back when the Baptists took down the water slide. >> > But the Catholic church came up with a very creative strategy. They baptized all the squirrels and consecrated them as members of the church. Now they only see them at Christmas and Easter. Not much was heard from the Jewish synagogue, but is is romored that they took one squirrel and circumcised him, and they haven't seen asquirrel on their property since. -
Hay shamus, how about a broom stick holder, I'll build it Hmmm, lets see cherry is too pretty but maple and walnut would go nicely together
Not going down that road Blu Really, I just thought it was freakin funny
Thanks spinner, This is the first chance I've had to come back and check the thread, I woke up this morning to the tune of "GO TURN OFF THE WATER!!!" So there I went running to the street in my underwear with a pipe wrench and a adjustable wrench to shut off the water because the pipe to the toilet broke in the wall this morning. Of course its Saturday and a plumber would be x1/2 so guess where I spent half my day. Up too my knees in shit After that I got the rest of the doors in the house sprayed along with the shutter doors to the closets plus got them rehung so we still have two more bedrooms to paint but thats just a days job each. Back on topic... Tomorrows forecaste is calling for low humidity so I'll be able to get the last coat of varnish on the mirror and get it inside, I decided on rounding the top, but didn't use the whole 6" wide piece of wood. I thought it would offset the whole pattern of the rest of the mirror so I kept with the 1/4" strip of purple heart/ 3/4" piece of oak and then rounded that. I'll post it again when I get it in my room. I have pics somewhere of when I built each piece to the bedroom if anyone is intrested I'll post them up. Might take some time to find them in this jungle because some are before JPegs were invented
Finally got the bed in my room after the varnish smell disapeared and was able to bring it in. Also moved the small state of New Jersey out of my bed room through the holland tunnel into New York for storage while I painted my room before I brong the bed in to the jungle Now, if only this dam humidity would subside I could get the finishing touch on the mirror to go ontop of the dresser A few pic's of the finished product. Here's a shot of the corner Desk where I spend my winter months in hibernation Next to the corner desk is the regular writing desk where the laptop sits. A Wide shot of that side of the room. And on the other side of the room is the dresser where the mirror will go when weather premits my to spray another coat of varnish on it. And opposite side of the room from the bed sits a 42" plasma on the wall
made my top 10 ROTFLMAO list I know you guys don't like it but give it a read, its a bit different them most and makes for a good laugh Don't think its been out long and I just heard it on the radio a couple a weeks ago
Thanks for the offer on the PM Pain Man, I know it always helps to talk about it. and same goes for you, need a ear to bend mine is open for you. Think I have an idea what a cystoscopy is and since I am... 1. Approaching the age of 40 2. Have an uncle who died at an early age from colon cancer 3. The same uncle who I also favor I took after my moms side and my sister took after my dads side of the family. nuf said, but matter being it would only be prudent I have it done as well just to be sure. OK, as for the insurance I had to call Kentucky Access directly because the guy at BCBS didn't seem intrested in returning my call, guess he knew there was no money in it for him. Anyhow, KA asked if the procedure was FDA approved and if it was inpatient or out patient. Since it is a 1 night stay in the hospital they said the neurologist would have to submit the info to them for approval with all the info and why he thinks it is medically necessary I have the procedure done. So, now the ball is back in play and I have to call the doctor Monday and get the paperwork in motion which will probably be a six month or longer process.
Good day to yu Jack, my 38th was just a month back.
http://www.holidays.net/holidaycd/dhcdinfo.htm Now you just gotta love "Rubber Eraser Day"
http://www.vnstherapy.com/epilepsy/forvnst...sincourage.aspx I'll save ya all the 15 minutes of chatter. So, guess there is still hope. I got a call into my insurance agent now, waiting for callback
and a sure way to jinx the team also
I haven't lost all hope yet Altercuno, rereading the article I see which it is also used for. So, it maybe covered for people with seizures but not for depression I know its a long shot but going to find out for sure.
I told you guys to be quiet Now look what you've done http://www.bcbs.com/news/bcbsa/vasgus-nerv...lation-for.html Just got this from someone on the VNS message board and well, seeing that Kentucky Access (which is my insurer) is nothing more then BCBS I guess I'm shit out of luck as usual
No problem in that dept After much debate and plenty of input over whether to leave it square or round, one person (my Mom) gave me an idea I was going to use the whole board which is about 8 inches wide if I made it round, now, think I'm going to improvise Think I'm going to make it round, just not with all 8 inches of it. 3/4 inch wide strip of oak, then 1/4 inch wide strip of purple heart followed by another strip of 3/4 inch of oak so in total the width will be about 1-3/4 inches ontop rather then 8, then just round the ends on that. I'll get some pic's up when its complete but probably be a while. Looks like its fixing to get humid here and, we'll, just to be safe I don't spray the varnish when its humid due to the moisture getting trapped under the finish and turn to a pail white which would suck.
Thanks Altercuno, I think your pic is more for an end table to a living room or den no? Might not go well in a bedroom, besides; no room left to put it in the bedroom. Actually on that subject, I remember when I moved to Pennsylvania a couple a years ago and was in an appartment for a while. Believe it or not, I actually have enough furniture in my bedroom to fill the den and bedroom in the appartment so I didn't have to buy anything In my room now Corner desk for the PC Regular writing desk with drawers on each end Printer stand with cabinet Night stand Dresser I just got the third coat of varnish on the bed so going to paint the room before I bring the bed in and give the varnish a good week to dry so it don't stink up the house. Will post more pic's of the rest of the room and the bed when I get it up.
So far the vote is 1 for round 2 for square
Next part of the project is almost done, now I'm undecided on what to do with the mirror Here's some pic's. My toothpics Toothpics glued up... After sanding Put together which is where I am now. and a bit undecided at the moment which is where I need *COUGH* yes I'll say it. "A Womens Input" Leave the Mirror Frame square at the top as shown Or, should I glue a board at the top and round the ends to match the headboard Women just have the nack for this
Thats what my mom is on spinner, doc just raised it to 40 mg and she goes out like a lite when she takes it But at least we get some peace OH BOY! Good thing she's not a member here, her blood pressure would be felt in every forum here Yea LFC, generics are available for some of what I'm on but I always have the doc check the DNS (Do Not Substitute) because I don't trust the generic stuff.
Yep, seems like the insurance companies run this country. Between them and the oil companies who the fcuk needs a president Really, I can't complain about my current insurance provider, last three years with Kentucky Access which is nothing more then Blue Cross. They have not failed me one time, paid everything and I have not even had a deductable...KNOCK ON WOOD!!! Shhhhhh, I'm sure they are listening Actually, I got a letter from the insurance company about three months back, scared the shit out of me at first because it takes a lawyer to understand the crap. In a nutshell they were saying they didn't pay out as much on me as I paid them for monthly premiums and this letter would help me gain insurance cheaper in the private sector. I'm like, great!! Cut my monthly premium in half, more $$$$ for burning DVD's *COUGH* i mean wood. So, I head down to the local Anthem BC&BS office and talk to the agent who hooked me up with Kentucky Access. He's like, WOW!!! I never seen a letter like this but thats what they are saying, your insurable So, we fill out a policy and submit the sucker $325 a month going to be cut to $150 I don't thinks so either so don't get my hopes up just yet. Sure enough, a week goes by and in comes a letter from Anthem, bla bla bla were sorry to inform you due to your seizures your policy was denied but thank you for choosing Anthem. Like I said before $325 ain't that bad if you take into account the meds are actually over $1,500 a month
I agree with Loco Kirk, when they stop chasing their sisters around the bedroom they practice pretty good medicine....... No hillbilly jokes please My people are from the Bluegrass State also.....maybe it wasn't a joke Trust me Loco, spinner knows what he's talking about No relation to spinner tho, I'm not originally from Kenfucky; just ended up here by accident Think I've come to a decision though on the VNS and mission control is a GO!!! Someone at school I talked to has heard of it and its actually been out for quit some time, used in England with great success for 10 years but just recently approved for use in the US by the FDA. Anyhow, something the doc at school said, if I didn't at least try it I'd always be wondering "What if" and the procedure can always be reversed so if anything maybe it will reduce the number of seizures if not completely control them, then at least function on a bit more normal life Now, have to call the insurance Monday and make sure all is a go with them and the procedure is covered. Sure as hell don't want to end up with a $200,000 doctor bill. That be the case I'll just have to deal with the seizures Keep you updated.
Thanks LFC, guess it just takes getting used to and into a routeen to managing it but once your used to doing it, its actually normal. For example, the situation with the neighbor; I could have got all bent out of shape over it and done something but that creates stress and that causes a seizure. So, I take pictures and release the stress by other means like making a joke out of it, putting up a web cam for the neighbor to see She didn't know it wasn't connected and she had no reason not to think she wasn't being plastered all over the net The medication is a bit challenging now, 4 times a day and after a while you get to "Did I take it yet"? So, remembering to take it at certain times of the day in not a problem, but to correct the "Ok was that yesterday or today" I lay out the meds in the morning for the whole day so if I take it and don't remember having taken it later I just look in the lid of the bottle to see if the medication is there. If its gone I took it Don't get me wrong now, the remembering to take it is not due to the meds, but because its one of those "Daily Routeens" that become so unoticed over time that you just don't remember if that was yesterday or today thing.