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Everything posted by kirk1701™

  1. Problem solved! It was so funny watching this 70 year old woman move these logs, waving her middle finger while her boyfriend watched and supervised in his italian suit I kid you not!!! Now, time for a fence and they are coming tomorrow for an estimate Oh did I just get an idea from a friend, Get it out in the neighborhood of the good christrian woman next door who got video taped waving her finger at the house while she was moving the logs and its now on utube Nahh, I wouldn't do that to a little old woman
  2. No call needed IFC, the old biddy moved them last night and boy was she mad I got stuck in the garage and didn't have my camera, I didn't want to interupt the show to go in the house and get the camera because she was screaming obcenities and throwing her middle finger up at the side windows of the house as if we were looking out at her. Actually, I was watching just not where she thought I was watching from so it was funny. I'll get some pics later, got a project started now. Two more tree's on the property line to be took down, calling the fence Co. to move the fence then I'm going to landscape the backyard so the water runs DOWN HILL!!!
  3. Going to pull that one out and give it a spin and see. I'll let you know Blu, thanks You do have a vaild point Some of these backups I've been pulling and rewatching and don't remember watching them the first time
  4. Looking for a movie among my collection and for the life of me I can't remember the name of it nor whom played in it; all I can remember about it was the story line. I know it was about some man fresh out of High school who gets the chance to train at the FBI academy at Quantico. Of course he has a hard time is road hard by his instructor because he was concidered special and needed to be broke down and built back up but he does make it in the end. There's always a girl involved who was also picked and is going through the training as well which this guy falls in love with. Part 2, there is a sequel where the two are now FBI agents and involved in some case. I know they were both good shows...sure they will be just as good the second time around
  5. OMG PM Convergys wanted our call handle times below 8 minutes a call If I remember correctly it had something to do with after 8 minutes they were loosing money or it costs the client (Ameritech) more money for that call. We had a few that actually met those goals but you know they were not doing the job correctly. My average was around 12 minutes also
  6. Yes Spinner, she's OK on the fence its well behind the line. We've checked into that because we have a fence in the back previous owners put up and once again, they too just threw it up without looking for the property line as you can tell from the pic above or, trees were on the property line and this was the only straight path they could take without cutting down trees. So, its being moved soon as the logs are up and the zoning laws here is 6 inches off the line, thats where its going and I'm going to till the ground up on the inside so the water will now drain down on her rather then it landscaped the way it is now to drain to the street. She best be building an ark, think my mom has her indian temper stired up now and she's going to in her words "wash the bitch away" @kev Shit Disturber? LMAO Yea, neighbor has stired the pot for the last time and now while it stinks were dumping it in her face Gotta run, tree cutting service just pulled up to give us an estimate on the two trees that need to be cut where the fence is being moved. You know, I think I need to start some kinda blog or web site and get the word out locally so she can see her house on the net and how stupid she looks
  7. I'll be sure to update the thread in the next few weeks when Property Enforcement makes OJ move the crap. Hell, might even upload video of OJ doing manual labor
  8. Think outside the box, Grasshopper. Put an ad in your local newspaper/supermarket for free firewood. You get rid of the timber and they get something for nothing. Thats why its there Shamus, its soft pine and burns quick and clogs up the chimney or something like that so no one wants it for firewood. Besides, mom wants to take the "Legal route" here because were expecting this to become a court date. Now there's a thought. We do have a local paper that allows "Free Ads" if you place it online for items under $100 Anyone intrested in placing the ad for me? So they can't backtract to my IP Not like that here, our deed is recorded at the court house, its public record and can't be changed. Something tells me neighbor don't know the difference between a public record and a pubic hair
  9. Some might remembers this: We'll, couple a weeks ago I set out some dogwood trees in our front yard. Me being Me and everything having to be perfect I wanted them centered in front of the house across the front of the property. Yes, this does require a measuring tape and knowledge of how to add, subtract and divide; not just count the steps from one side of the property to the other and divide the number of steps into the number of trees Which is how the next door neighbor would have you believe is the proper way to do it In the process of doing my own survey of the property using the blueprint that was made of the property when we bought the house low and behold all this garbage was a wee bit further over then I thought AND ON ME!!!! Neighbors being the neighbors they picked a spot that suited them and put up their own property line I told you it got funny fast.... Yes, the little orange flags are where the neighbors "draw the line" Kinda funny it ends with the logs all on her side of the line After a couple days, neighbors start breaking the stakes I'd put out even broke steel fence posts down and cut the rope I had strung from the surveyors stakes that were still in the ground from 6 years ago when we bought the property. Another punchline. We were told we moved a fence post which was the line at the back of the property, this fence post is a wooded 6X6 which has been in the ground what looks like about 50 years So, 1-800-call for new survey... Pay another $300 to find what we already know, but if neighbor pulls up surveyors stakes this time she can be prosecuted Low and Behold, now she's really pissed. Survey comes out further over them my measurements Now, all the logs are on us So, we asked her to move them, we showed her where the line was and asked her again, we proved to her where the line is and asked again and she still refused to move them. Told us today she was advised not to talk to us, she was not moving the logs and if we wanted them moved to move it ourselves Now, the boyfriend comes over, we call him OJ after OJ Simpson since he was accused of murdering his wife and got away scott free. Now, all the sudden when boyfriend is there she has a mouth and starts talking loud enough we can hear her from our porch screaming "I wonder when that surveyor coming" [Rant Mode]Uhhh, time out just a sec, Side Note: Neighbor does not have a pot to piss in nor a Window to throw it out of. Retired FBI agent and had to go back to work at 75 years of age to make ends meat. Oh, she don't eat meat and she only has herself to support on a retired FBI agents income Yea, somethings wrong. [/RantModeOff] Now I know some would say "move the logs" but you know what, we just spent $2800 on tree removal, half of that cost is the price to have them hauled off so this is why the logs are where they are at, she don't want to look at the crap so she stuck it behind her fence so she don't see the mess and too lazy to take the time to pile them up and strike a match to them or pay like we did to have them hauled off. Besides, if we moved them I could see her saying we damaged something on her property in the progress. So, left with no recourse we called a number I got from a friend, didn't even know this existed in local city government its called "Property Enforcement" just for issues like this where someone is or has their belongings on your property and refuses to move it. We should be hearing back from them on Monday Other then removing the logs ourselves, anyone have any good ideas on who else to call? I'll update the thread with new developments as they happen. Providing we don't end up in county lockup Just a look at the two houses side by side: Neighbors: Our House with neighbors house at right side:
  10. Actually, if the customer cussed at us we warned them, if they continued we had the right to disconnect the call I was a lead on the floor at this place when it closed down (I left before it closed for another job and YES they relocated the call center to India). Anyhow, I got to talk to all the irate ones who asked for a supervisor, some I was able to help and others were mostly business customers with efficient (brand name) routers who could not connect so we used telnet to connect to the router and then we knew the problem was with the internal network not the DSL connection. So, our next question was can you connect with any of your PC's? If they said yes, our reply was "contact your network administrator" and they would reply with something like "I am the network admin" At this point, we gave them a reason to call tech support, it was called "reset factory defaults" on the efficient router
  11. Since we were a Internet service provider that was our only responsibility, make sure they could send/receive e-mail and connect to the internet via IE from one PC only. If they were networking or behind a router, we could not help unless they connected directly to the westell modem and had the client software installed On my last week after handing in my resignation, I had a customer tell me he was going to confrence the president of Ameritech in on the call because I could not get him connected due to a DSLAM being down. I told him he could confrence god in on the call it wouldn't do him anygood. He called back and got the other call center who then reported me to the opts man. My boss got the paperwork from the operations manager to have me fired, only by the time he got around to it I was gone
  12. family get together Guess its a good thing I don't have no ken in kentucky ahhhh, now I see where that word "Ken folk" came from kentucky folk
  13. Trust me lfc, you were not alone.
  14. Yep, I know the feelin' Pain_Man Now, here's the rotten truth to the whole CSR that some may already be aware of. When you call dell you are not really talking to a CSR working for dell, you are talking to someone working for the outsourced company dell uses; for example convergys. www.convergys.com I know, I used to work for convergys till they closed the call center and moved the operation to india I worked for convergys but did tech support for ameritech DSL and we were not allowed to tell the end user where we were located nor were we allowed to tell them we were outsouced, we were employees of dell if asked.
  15. Check it out...... http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/music/clipserve...7461813-2652620 What do you open this with shamus? All I got it unknown file type
  16. This is probably 30 or more years old and originally wriiten by an Australian by the name of Chad Morgan. Handsome, ain't he? Tell me your joking? 30 years, LMAO!!! A 72 year old born and bread hillbilly sent it to me
  17. I can't believe this is so funny that I've watch it enough to have the song stuck in my head now so a warning to that before you watch it http://home.insightbb.com/~kirk1701/I'...om_Kentucky.wmv For those that can't keep up with how it happens you might have to watch more then once but then you run the risk of getting the song stuck in your head Shamus send me that dam program I think I need to write them o's to my brain now please
  18. I'm going to send the invoice back with a copy of the chatt I posted above. Lot cheaper at .39 cents but I might add a invoice of my own for the cost of the stamp to mail it to them
  19. Maybe I posted too soon, I just got this bill in mail yesterday for $12.00 for the keyboard WHY you ask? Because I did not return the keyboard using the label inside the box yea, that same label which I used the chatt feature for because it was not in the box and was told I did not need to return it Heres just a little bit of the letter second page: Why am I receiving this invoice? You recently ordered a warranty replacement part or system If you ordered a warranty replacement part: Check the bottom of your packing slip to determine if the defective part(s) need to be returned. If your packing slip indicates no return is required, then no action is needed, and this invoice will be cleared from your record. Disregard the invooice.
  20. Yea, mine came with all that trial version shit on it also, taking up 10 gig of hard drive space plus the hidden partition with the restore for the OS and uhhh all the trial software First thing I did was Delete the partitions and format the entire drive and reinstall the OS with *COUGH* my software!
  21. Yep, it was pretty neat. I browsed ImgBurn while waiting for him and between replies
  22. Dropped my lappie and broke keyboard. Guess I should concider myself lucky as it could have been way worse dropping a laptop So, this was last Friday and right away I call and this was about 5PM on a weekend holiday.. New Keyboard arrives Monday morning after Easter However, E-Mail says to return broken part and expected that. but no "Way Bill" in the box with the keyboard. I called number in E-Mail and it was a recording to leave a message NO, no one called back in 24 hours so decided to waste some time and try the chat feature in the e-mail. WOW! 10 minutes and it was taken care of. Just to find out I didn't need to send it back
  23. Typical Californian
  24. Out of all the places I lived, right here in Kentucky I've seen the best light shows. When it goes from 85 Degrees to 30 in one day you can just imagine. Guess thats why its called tornado alley
  25. LOL polo, but can you say you took that in your front yard also?
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