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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. Just goes to prove that excessive drug use really does addle the brain......
  2. lfcrule1972

    Thanks lfc

    No freedom of speech there is there ? Every thread that doesn't tow the line is closed down - they can FUCK RIGHT OFF !!!
  3. lfcrule1972

    Thanks lfc

    No worries fella - in my opinion that site is so far up its own arse you can hardly see their feet !!
  4. Perhaps its been cleared up then by the games producers ? One report I read said they were trying to stop it spreading....
  5. No mate I know you didn't you gave me some !!! I need to give some out before I can credit you again tho.....
  6. Where is snazz ?
  7. I live 10 mins away from a Novatech - thats where I got my NEC 2510 from. I could pop in and collect your shopping list for you boss Sorry the rest of this is !!
  8. lfcrule1972


    I tell you what the forum is missing - Shamus' famous humping mouse pic !!!
  9. lfcrule1972


    Nice - get your head down, that should help you too !!
  10. What a dork he is !!!! Thanks for the rep points blu - seemed to have lost a few in the last week or so !!!
  11. I just hope you washed your own shorts - poor Amber....
  12. Cynic !
  13. If there was any kind of justice you would be banned instantly kirk - yours gets my vote for the worst fucking signature ever !
  14. Nice ava Mr Fixer !!!
  15. Bloody Student !
  16. Welcome to our world kev - thats still cheaper than it is here !!
  17. Well done blu......Nicely sums it up and I think explains the reactions....
  18. lfcrule1972


    Have a - that should send you off to sleep nicely afterwards !!!! For us married folk we can have a shag of course....
  19. I think kirk changes sides according to the latest match results !!! @jack - You had to point that out didn't you !!!
  20. Its lovely thanks kev - if I were you I would try and fix the oil leak on that Honda of yours........
  21. Is volvo typing with broken fingers again ??? !!!
  22. Me either on either of my HDD's ! They both contain video files of one sort or another.....
  23. Spread around like the contents of your shorts ?? Instant tan all over your ass !!
  24. Perhaps you could have proved your maturity over the rest of us and not replied to these (in your words) "rants" ?? You seemed to have a real problem with Shamus which was a shame over at DigDigest as it soured the site for a lot of refugees from the old forum. I hope I am wrong but I think you may have shown up here to see what would happen...... Perhaps I can suggest that it would be a good idea to not advertise programs that rip DVD's here at ImgBurn. The old DVD Decrypter site was publicly closed down for this and the support given....... ImgBurn should not attract the same attention.....
  25. It would be better if blu laid off the vintage wine I think !!!
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