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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. No worries - I have never owned a laptop but seemed to be under the impression that the drives were still expensive when compared to PC drives
  2. Aren't laptop drives a bit expensive still Loco ?
  3. Obviously not being a woman I realise my opinion is not as valid but I would stick with the square frame without the additional board, in this case less is more
  4. Danken Sie mir nicht, danken dem altavista on-line-
  5. In my experience the fw update is more scary in thought than in deed ! Once you have done a couple of them you don't give them a thought, there is a guide to fw updates written by Shamus McFartfinger, have a read through of it here: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtop...entry6175 If you have already d/l the fw update above all you need to do is double click it and run it, you need to make sure that your laptop is connected to the mains power and not switched off until the update is complete.
  6. Well I assumed that is what they were, big tattoed fella's all in orange with Sheriffs watching over them holding shotguns..... They were picking up litter and tending the grass between the carriageways etc
  7. They are talking about doing more of the Generic stuff here to save some money, I would happily take it if required as to me it's the same drugs as they have to pass the same medical certification. But that's my choice
  8. Nah they have ac in the cells blu, you can always set it to heat ! Ah shame cathater, I have seen plenty of them whilst travelling in FL and assumed it was a policy all across the USA ?
  9. Deffo ditch the Datawrite (CMC MAG) Dual layers tho, nothing like as good as Verbatim DL's
  10. I guess BenQ are not updating their firmware for that drive anymore, I have a later model the DW1655 and that hasn't seen any fw updates in a quite a while either.....
  11. Fair enough cathater/spinner I don't pretend to know enough about you crimes involving guns but I do have one huge piece of respect for you penal system and that is the work gangs ! Here our prisoners do f'all to improve the society they have damaged and instead get 3 meals a day, heated accomodation and better facilities than a lot of people who actually work for a living. Apparently we would infringe the crims civil rights if we dressed them in orange to maintain roads or collect litter etc. For fucks sake it really is a messed up world....
  12. Hi spinner, I like you cos you are always a reasoned and intelligent debater I take on board your points and research as well, that said I still think that the laws around gun ownership don't reduce the amount of danger or crimes in the US. What they appear to do is maybe allow citizens to dispatch immediate (and fatal) force to someone they perceive as being in the wrong. I am not going to debate about whether that is a good thing or not, here in England for example our jails are overcrowded and criminals are let off from serving sentences cos we don't have the space to house them. Perhaps if we killed more of our criminals (and the odd member of Joe Public) we wouldn't have this concern ? Regards
  13. Oh you know, it's about as effective as allowing citizens to bear arms to keep the number of violent deaths down....
  14. Whoa $1500 ? Is that generic or named meds mate ? I know in the US you get more choice on what you want to pay for, when I was last in Florida I had to have a tooth out and was pre-scribed anti-biotics and pain killers. The pharmacist at the store asked if I wanted the named drugs or the generic, not having encountered this before I asked him the difference and it's mainly the price it was 5x more expensive to have named so I got the generic stuff that was loads cheaper ! Apart from the side effects of three eyes and 6 toes on each foot I have never regretted it !!
  15. Good luck kirk hopefully the insurance will cover you for this, I guess it will depend on whether they think it's cheaper for them in the long run.....
  16. You may also be able to copy the desktop version of Shrink over to your laptop
  17. I understand the basic constitutional right to bear arms, (altho our leftist History teacher at School claimed it was not meant to mean individuals bearing firearms) but from my point of view I can't see the USA being invaded by any army that would be repelled by citizens with their personal weapons.... I guess when the Constitution was drawn up it was much more likely and obviously the times they lived in were more lawless.
  18. Well don't ram your point home donta that would be
  19. Course you don't fella It's only sold by that fella in the hoodie with a blue Clio, goes by the name of "Lighting UK!" Bwahahahahahahaha
  20. Also those disc you are using are not very good quality and we would never recommend anyone to use them, Here we recoomend quality media like Verbatim or Taiyo Yudens.....
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